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Design System Upgrade

We recently launched a new Design System Upgrade. We are upgrading our design system, so clients and freelancers will notice new color themes. The layout and functionality of the Upwork platform have not changed.


Check out the announcement for Design System Upgrade and let us know your thoughts about this update in the comments below.

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I seriously thought I was missing some codex and that something was wrong with my PC graphics. It's bleak and non-engaging. The whiteness and then black buttons are a killer for the mood. Realizing I need to spend hours staring at the white/black screen made my mood drop to zero with little to no motivation to work. I truly hope you will reverse this hideousness. 

Community Member

1. Picture. Why the elements are so far each other? I see no sense here and it is just not convinient.

2. Picture. This is how looks my "proposals" page.

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Hey Upwork, are you between designers? Because it seems to me that the new "theme" is no more than a pure HTML code, with just borders and blue links. It is a pain in the eyes just looking at it. Please at least give us an option to make it black (or green was beautiful) instead of killing white screen.



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I love Upwork old theme. it's better than the new theme. Please keep the old theme.

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Well, the new design isn't quite to my taste. I don't care about that though, as long as the site works. What I do care about is having almost my entire work history disappear - as detailed by many users here. The problem persists across browsers, and even in the app.


I know Upwork is aware of this issue, but it would be good to get an update or at least reassurance that the problem can be solved at some point.

Please add dark mode to the new website design, this new design is not good at all, the previous one was better

Community Member

You guys keep on messing with the UI colors. The dominant green made me identify with Upwork better than the midnight blue and the more white interface now. The black CTA buttons are the worst in my time here. The only positive thing is the UX. Ooh! please take me back to the green days

Community Member

Thank you, Christopher. The old design was much better and more user-friendly. This new design is a mess. Is it possible to revert to the previous design, please?

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OMG. I just got 100% done with completing my profile as well as adding an Agency account.  It's all gone and I'm again on the free plan after paying just a week ago for the paid plan.  Why did my profile disappear like that?

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