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Feedback removal - Please Help



A client I was working with recently ended the contact abruptly and gave my bad feedback. I am working very hard to build a good reputation JSS and profile, and I would really appreciate it if I could remove this feedback.


I was supposed to create 3D models of trailer vans, but the client was extremely unclear with what he wanted. He just sent a couple of plans, but no reference images (I requested some references and he did not send any), he was very unresponsive, he changed the contract conditions three times, and then he ended the contract abruptly without notice and without knowing what I did wrong. I reached out to him about it, but I got no response. I honestly did my best with the information I was given, and I really think I don't deserve this negative feedback.


I suggested him to meet via videocall or regular call (once the contract was active, of course) so that we could understand each other better, but he didn't respond. I can provide evidence of my Upwork chat with him, showing his non-responsiveness and little clarity.


The contract ID is: 35783167


Thank you very much in advance,


Community Member

Sorry, but Upwork dont care about. This feedback your forever. Accept it and move forward.

Toprated able to remove feedback with some restrictions. You can do it after receive that badge.


Hi Juan Manuel,


Thank you for reaching out to us and I'm sorry to learn about this experience. I believe Mykola's trying to explain that only a  Top Rated or Top Rated Plus freelancer has earned the benefit of more control over their profile. This means that they can occasionally request the removal of client feedback.


It's best if you visit this help article to learn more about how it works.


~ Arjay
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