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Is upwork down?

There was an error saving the job: error [73d3bcc74be717a9-SEA, 73d3bcc74be717a9-SEA]. Contact Upwork Support for more information

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,


I'm glad to confirm that the issue causing these errors has been resolved! We'll be closing this thread from further replies.



View solution in original post

Community Member


when i try to edit a project this page appears

you guys didnt reply to my post last time so please do now  

Community Member

when ever i put adress it show that you cant update your number then how can i put adress?

Community Member


I am trying to submit the proposals but it is not working... Giving some errors. Even if I click on report showing the same message





I'm experiencing the same thing. I guess there's a problem right now 

I see. Yes maybe

Hi Upwork,

I am having this problem also. Can you look into the matter. I have tried in Incognito Mode also. Having same problem. Thank youproblem.jpg

Hello, I keep receiving this message whenever I attempt to access my project dashboard. What is the problem?




I am not able to post my job. Says contact support. Help page doesnt load, says you currently dont have access to this page 

I just got this  :

There was an error saving the job: error [73d3acf7acc019aa-SEA, 73d3acf7acc019aa-SEA]. Contact Upwork Support for more information.

I'm also experiencing the same thing here

Let's hope it will be resolve soon


Its been a while iam trying to get into my project dashboard but whenever i clicked that blue button, a window pop up showing me error and says you can't access this page. What should i do? Is there something wrong with the website? 

Help! I cannot access my project dashboard. 😞 What should I do?




I got my first job interview invitation and can't answer it in any way. I tried cleaning cookies and cache, I tried different browsers and still nothig. Support chat also doesn't help so I am a bit disappointed now to see how the website works. 

Hey Annie.

I keep receiving this message too ("Your access to Upwork has been restricted") whenever I attempt to access my project dashboard. What is the problem?

Hi I am getting this error "error [73d3bcfe289734f5-DUB, 73d3bcfe289734f5-DUB]" when trying to post out a job posting, can someone help with this please.

Whether i apply for a job,its happend and bother me a lot.  I  send the screenshot of just few. There have a lot of mail to prove it.
Thanks in advance for help me out.

Hi all,


We apologize for the interruption. The technical team is investigating the issue and we'll be back up as soon as possible. Please visit our Status page for the latest status. 


Community Member

Google account l...3@gmail.com is not recognized for Google Sign-In on Upwork. Please make sure you are using the same account that you have previously linked.
I closed my account but I need to open it or create an account by using the same address !!
Can you help me ??

I am getting the following error when trying to post a job,

There was an error saving the job: error [73d3b7c7f92b2e2f-SEA, 73d3b7c7f92b2e2f-SEA]. Contact Upwork Support for more information.

Similary, when I try to ho to the support page, it says," You don't currently have access to this page". I have been able to access the support page as well as post jobs till now so I don't think account not having access privileges is the case here.

Hey team!


Trying to activate & fund the milestone, got a error message saying "Can't load this page, ********-VNO, Contact Upwork Support". Thought I could add another payment method but it goes the same again and again. 😞

Community Member

Is my account suspended?

Community Member

Not even the help center is working, my client needed the finished work for today max, now she probably cant even see the message, pls fix this quickly!

Community Member

I'm getting the same messages and errors and the support bot is no help whatsoever. 

Community Member

Hi Sir, I am also having same issue. Kindly look into the matter. I am using in Incognito Mode Also


Community Member

iam also have the same issue , i made a project yesterday and it was under upwork approval but today iam trying to access the catalog project and got this message "Your access to Upwork has been restricted"

Please support

Community Member

Hello! I am facing the same issue with my Upwork profile. Whenever I try to take certain action, Upwork sends me the following errors. 


1. Gateway Timedout: Error 500 

2. We can't complete your request now: Error 500 (FG) 


I don't know why this happens as I am already an established freelancer on Upwork. Can anybody help me out? 


Thank you. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi all,


I'm glad to confirm that the issue causing these errors has been resolved! We'll be closing this thread from further replies.


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