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Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects

Two new Marketplace updates: 

  1. Introduced a fourth slot in Boosted Proposals, increasing your chances of being noticed, while continuing to let clients see who is most interested in their job post.
  2. Adjusted the range for the cost of Connects per job to better match the demand for jobs in the Marketplace.


Check out the product release for Marketplace Updates: Boosted Proposals and Connects and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

611 REPLIES 611




Actually, you might be right regarding decreasing the competition against unqualified bids and making it more profitable for us in the long term. We need to wait and see.


But there are many other things that Upwork should be fixing before that are more urgent, like returning the connects when the client does not hire or spam. 


If at least all jobs were legit and quality jobs, I would agree. But so far I feel that many of my connects are being wasted. 



As with any company, business processes need to be improved to continue to get better and better.


It's always best to adapt to what we can change and respectfully suggest what we would like to be modified.

Vitor is spot on. Connects should be returned promptly. This is low hanging fruit that should have been addressed a long time ago.

Notice your response has 0 upvotes? Read the room.


I believe that the system will not continue to increase to the range of 12 to 18 (and you are aware of this), but I assume that you wrote that so we will say to ourselves 'it can be even worse', and accept this '8 connects change' easier.

Community Member

We should go back to the oDesk, again!

Community Member

I think the latest price increase is absolutely disgusting, and dressing it up as 'for our benefit' (because aparently they're doing it to detract poor quality bids... BS), is a complete insult to our intelligence.


It's pure greed!


Upwork have been chipping away at this for some time now... like last year when they introduced the 'pay what you like' trial scheme, but that obviously backfired and failed to get people to pay more on their own volition, so as it only benefitted us, it quickly disappeared!


Then jobs requiring only 1, 2, and 4 connects seemed to 'dry up' as I didn't see as many as I used to.


Next was the auction, like it matters if you're in the top 3 anyway. I hire as well but I would NEVER only consider the first 3 applicants... but it obviously worked and there are plenty of idiots wasting unnecessary connects, so it became a permanent fixture.


Now we have a massive increase in the cost of applying for jobs... 100% increase on jobs requiring 1 connect (as they're now 2) ... 50% on jobs needing 4 (since that costs 6) ... and 33% increase on jobs that used to cost 6 connects since they're now 8!


It's ridiculous, and when you consider the amount they take from your earnings... it adds up to extortion.


I have 'Top Rated Plus' status but I've decided once I've spent my current connects balance, I'm quitting because I'm pretty sure it will work out cheaper to run my own marketing campaigns (with advertising included) to find new clients, than it is to find clients on Upwork... not to mention I can continuously email them for free and work with them without paying commission... so not only will it work out cheaper from the outset, the longer I do that, the cheaper still it becomes.


I've noticed a big deteriation in overally quality this past year and I haven't enjoyed the experience all that much, but this latest 'money grab' has left a sour taste, so I'm out of here!

I agree. A shoddy attempt to disguise a price increase as a benefit to the users. Upwork is already taking a chunk of the money made on here anyway. Why not try to bring more jobs onto the board so that they will make more money? We are already paying through the nose for the leads anyway. This, coupled with high incidence of scammers, will probably send me on my way.

I agree 100%. I have ran my own campaigns and the response rate I get is much higher.


The recent updates have only received bad feedback from freelancers and nevertheless Upwork keeps making it worse yet every update. It's pure greed in a desperate attempt to become profitable. It's just ridiculous.


I quitting investing on Upwork. Not a penny spent on buying new connects anymore (and I used to buy hundreds every week).

I don't blame you!

Agree, seems like they want to SCAM us not to help and share a fair percentage of our profits, they want all of your profits.!!

Can't get deals for 3 months as I paid more than 30% of my profits on buying connect and trying to get jobs. "Despite the fact that I didn't make a lot of profits here.

+20% cut off your profits already after finishing each job.

And percentage of withdrawing money.


They think that we find this money on the streets not spending days and nights gathering it. This is not a fair system and BRUTAL platform against their freelances "the main element of making profits here'

Community Member

Hello everyone,

I used to spend around 2 connects for $50 job usually. but now all of the sudden it asks for 6 connects. What is the matter?

Hi Ahmed, 

We’ve increased the amount of Connects needed to apply to certain jobs to better match the value of a job with the cost to submit a proposal. You may read more about it here. 

~ Avery
Community Member

We’ve increased the amount of Connects needed to apply to certain jobs to better match the value of a job with the cost to submit a proposal.

It reads: "we've increased the cost to apply to better match the value of a job with the cost to apply"
Not sure whether that's a logically consistent statement, but the bigger issue is the following:

the value of a job is determined solely by the TWO trading parties - freelancer & client. If they reach an agreement, THAT is the value of the job, it's how pricing for any products/services works in a free market.


What Upwork is doing here, is applying an arbitrary "value" expressed in connects. It says that a $50 job is "worth" (i.e. it should cost) more than 2 connects to apply, because that's what Upwork thinks it should charge the freelancer.

That's fine by me, their platform, their prices, but it's presented as if there's an objective measure by which one can determine the "value" of a job, when in fact, the value is just what two aforementioned parties are willing to trade on.


So a proper phrasing would be:
"we incresed the price for jobs to make more money, because we need to be profitable" (explanation for why, is not necessary).

It's simple, honest and dare I say, uncontroversial.

Community Member

I humbly request Upwork to remove this feature and revert back to old one as it seems to be doing no good for applying as even a $10 or $20 job is asking 4 to 6 connects which is too high. And as you can see there have been a lot of jobs which seems to be fake as they were removed after a proposal was submitted. Please do the needful as it will be easier for freelancer to earn.

Community Member

Recently I saw some jobs are showing 8 connects to apply. If I am not wrong there was 2 , 4 or 6 connects to apply.

Funny thing is some jobs I see has 8 connects to apply and fixed price for job is 50$ or not very high paying. 

Most of times, I see jobs have 20 to 50 proposals and even after 4 weeks that job shows no hires and sometime stats does not show any interview as well. This is all waste of time and money for all freelancers who are applying for job. Upworks should be refunding for such cases.




There was a temporary error with the connects with the system earlier today and my understanding is that it's been fixed. Have a great day!

No, its still 4 & 8 connects, not fixed yet.

There was no "temporary error." That response is totally untrue. This is a deliberate action taken by Upwork. See the link Rahul provided. 

I noticed that as well and did not apply to several jobs because the connects required seemed too high to me. I do hope it's been fixed...

There has been update regarding the connects required which now range from 2 to 8.



Thank you, Rahul!

As i can see that next time it will be fixed for 10, or 100 🙂

It is done by Upwork deliberately so nothing need to be fixed.


Community Member

-Availability Badge

-Boosted Proposal

-Increased Jobs Connects Price


All non sense updates, and all heavily disapproved by freelancers. Worse yet is the excuse that they use to advertise those features as if it had anything to do with improving our life.


The updates don't even have to be logic anymore, they just need to take out some connects anyway.


It just makes Upwork look desperate and out of ideas of how to become profitable.

Community Member

Deduction of 8 connects on submitting proposals are not good for freelancers. They are giving 20% fees and now connects have been increased to 8. 1 and 2 are invisible now. We only can see 4,, 6, and 8. Pls explain how these are benefitted to freelancers. Even we dont get connects back on invitations sometimes. 

Community Member

hey  is there any way to withdraw this updated features because it is not be affordable to send proposal at 8 connects .. in the name of competiton this is not a satisfying solution or way to update because it cann't be affordable for me and other freelancer .. or can we unite the voice against the features ..?  that totally upset 

Community Member

Dear Upwork Team,


As everyone knows, Upwork has changed its policy regarding connect bidding. Currently, we are facing issues with connect usage. The previous connect policy was excellent, as it allowed the use of 2 connects minimum for a up to $40 jobs ad. However, with the implementation of the new SOP, freelancers have to spend 4 connects minimum to apply for a verified job ad even 5$ job ad.


My request is that you please look into this matter. Freelancers cannot spend 0.65$ dollars connect on a $5 job ad, and Upwork also charges 20% commission from freelancers.


This new policy will primarily affect new freelancers and those in 3rd world countries, including students who cannot afford to buy connects.


This new policy is also not good for upwork as well.This is my request of the new policy, and I would be very thankful for your support.



Muhammad Waheed

Community Member

I have a personal feeling that in addition to thinking about shrinking proposal numbers per job to facilitate clients and professional freelancers, Upwork should also consider the following about the job posts -


1. Job posts from UNVERIFIED ACCOUNTS that require a higher number of connects like 8 or 6 or even 4 should be monitored. Or this could be restricted to 2 connects.

2. Job posts from Clients whose hiring rate is below 50% or 60% but require a higher number of connects could also be restricted to a reasonable limit.

Community Member

So Upwork overnight decides to increase the number of connects for applying for jobs. This is not fair to freelancers. So freelancers literally have to spend $1.50 before they can apply for gigs. Upwork is making the platform more and more difficult for freelancers. Increasing the amounts of connects and not reducing the percentage they take from contracts. 

Omo (**edited for Community Guidelines**) this is not fair. You people really don't have freelancers at heart. Imagine increasing connects from 6 to 8, so I just need to spend $1.50 to apply for a single gig. You ain't even considering the competition in the platform plus limited clients.

Where are we heading to Upwork?

Well, consider that now we have four spots in the bidding list 🤣

It's annoying 

David and others,

I understand that spending Connects for a chance at being hired is an investment, but you have the opportunity to grow with every new engagement. Freelancing is your business, and like any business owner, you have to make investments to sell your products or services. 
I'd also like to note that we last changed the number of Connects needed to submit a proposal in 2019, and we need to make this update now to keep the value of job opportunities and the value of submitting a proposal similar.

~ Valeria



Many businesses are reducing the cost of their products or services. I can give you numerous examples but that isn't the discussion here. In the post-pandemic economy, many businesses are striving for survival, and increasing the cost of service means bringing down those businesses. 



Dont think that Upwork administration UNDERSTAND anything about their freelancers, looks like they dont even CARE about their interests .
All what it matters now the profits of the site.

Of course they don't have freelancers at heart. Like every other business, they have profits at heart. In fact, as a publicly traded company, they have a legal obligation to prioritize profits for their shareholders. 

While profitability is an important goal for any business, I think it should not come at the expense of the freelancers who contribute their skills and time to the platform. Instead, Upwork could explore other ways to increase its revenue, such as expanding its user base or improving its services and features...

Community Member

Ok, now we as freelancers have to raise the price of our services by 2 times. Because many customers leave the application and do not come here anymore, I have 16 inactive applications out of 17 saved and the customer has been gone for 2 months, or even more. It is better to punish such customers, and not to create competition among freelancers 


This is how I can return my connections for such customers? Make sure that connections are automatically returned if the customer does not respond for 30 days.

Most of the high-rated freelancers are pressuring Upwork to implement this new policy because they have already earned a lot of money and have established personal relationships with their clients. They can easily get jobs. I have been working with Upwork since September 2022, and I have completed almost 33 projects with a 100% job success rate. This new policy will negatively affect new freelancers, and they may not be able to survive on Upwork. Upwork is a very supportive platform, and they should consider the impact of this new policy on the new comers.

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