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Wyatt's avatar
Wyatt L Community Member

Refund issued but never received

A refund was issued to my account on UpWork May 18 but was never received in my bank account. There is no customer service available on UpWork to handle this issue. 

Paul's avatar
Paul U Community Member

Hello there, Wyatt.

If you haven't received your refunds on Upwork qyet, there may be a few reasons for this. Here are some possible explanations:


Refunds can take several business days to process: Depending on the payment method used, refunds can take several business days to process. If you recently received a refund request, it may take a few days before the funds are returned to your account.


Your payment method may be outdated: If your payment method is no longer valid or has expired, your refunds may not be able to be processed. In this case, you'll need to update your payment information on Upwork to ensure that refunds can be processed.


There may be a technical issue: If you believe that you should have received a refund, but haven't, there may be a technical issue. In this case, you should contact Upwork customer support to investigate the issue.


To check the status of your refunds on Upwork, go to your "Transaction History" page and look for any refunds that may have been issued. If you don't see any refunds, you should contact Upwork customer support to investigate the issue further. They can provide you with more information about the status of your refunds and help you resolve any issues.

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Wyatt,


I am sorry to hear about your refund. I checked your account and I do not see the transaction you are referring to. Could you please confirm the contract ID for this refund transaction? 


- Pradeep

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