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Reverse charge vs. VAT not validated

Is it possible to delete VAT number and get VAT applied to fee again? FOr some reason I had got my vat number "not valid" for a long time and more easy to manage. Motnhs ago i have tried again and got validation. I would like to get back and pay italian VAT on the upwork fee immediatly without reverse charge. Is it possible to do it avoiding troubles?


Hi Romano,


Your Tax Information has no relation to your profile reputation. The change to your experience would come in the form of being charged VAT.



View solution in original post


Hi Romano,


Thank you for your message. I see that the VAT details are already added and approved on your Upwork account. Could you please tell us where you see the 'not valid' error message?


Thank you,



read it again. you did not get it. I d like to get back to not validated and want upwork to VAT from fee total amount again avoiding the reverse charge system

Hi Romano,


You can go to Settings > Tax Information > VAT and click on the trash can button there.



Thank you Andrea. the question is: does it make any change to my account? DOes it affect my JSS or similar? 

Hi Romano,


Your Tax Information has no relation to your profile reputation. The change to your experience would come in the form of being charged VAT.



SOrry for bothering: I read " A VAT number is requested from all persons located in a country where Upwork supports VAT."

Because I'm actually in a flat rate scheme, I shouldn' t apply VAT on my billings, so I am not managing VAT at all. Applying a validated VAT number on upwork profile setting, I get forced to integrate tax evey months. THat's the reason why I prefer Upwork to charge VAT on fee. SO the question is: Can I get back and remove my approved status of VAT number without any consegueces? By my side, my tax advisor says that paying FEE VAT immediately allows me to save time. WHat I m not understanding is if it will affect upwork billing in some way.

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