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bidding low

Some freelancers take jobs for very little money and this affects other experienced freelancers. Thus, their attachment is lost but their desire to work is reduced. Upwork should set some rules when negotiating for jobs.. ie if a client posts a job for $100, Upwork should set a minimum price to bid., Upwork should set conditions that no lower price can be negotiated so that everyone has an equal chance of getting the job. 


Hi Nitin,


Thanks for reaching out to the Community. Please know that when a client posts a job, Upwork cannot interfere with the job scope let alone the potential contract value. Also, keep in mind that regardless of the bid or Connects spent, it is still up to the client who to hire based on their own hiring process.


You can also check this article for more information:




I hope this helps!

~ Kristina
Community Member

Clients are free to choose who they hire, however, when a job is taken for $5 when the budget is $50, it eliminates fair competition in the bidding process. While it's understandable that clients seek profit, there should be rules in place to ensure fairness for all applicants. Unfortunately, the new connect system can be expensive for new or emerging freelancers.

Hi Nitin, 


Our policy on Minimum rate is: Customers cannot offer or seek services that will be paid at a rate below $3 per hour for Hourly Contracts or $5 for Fixed-Price Contracts, including the Upwork service fee. Freelancers are free to decide whether or not they'll apply for a job that does not meet their payment rates.


 We know clients at times do not provide accurate information, for a variety of reasons. As a freelancer, we recommend carefully reading the entire job post and using your own experience to determine whether you have enough information, whether you trust that information, and whether it’s worth using your Connects to submit a proposal. We also suggest you look at other important details, such as any client history. On our end, we provide clients with tips to create complete, accurate job posts and will continue to look at ways to make sure freelancers have the information they need to vet a client.


Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any other questions.

~ Samuel
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