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error issue

Hello, i have been facing a problem for 2 days, my normal comunication was going on with my client and he assigned me the project of 200$ but suddenly i am unable to contect with my client in upwork chat room and the following error is showing:


serviceName: 'roomsDS', commandName: 'GetRoomStoriesSimplifiedHysCmd', error message: 'Room record not found by id: room_595af91e53919185e643ecc6933ddcdb'


what should i do???

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Saad,

Could you please try clearing your cache and cookies or logging in with a different browser to see if the issue persists?


Community Member

how to clean the cache orcookies, while i did not try to re lognin from different browser.


i don't know that whay this happend

thanks for reply

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Saad,

I can see our team is already assisting you with this via support ticket. Please refer to your ticket here and reply directly if you have any questions.

Community Member

actually i have send the reply to upwork support team of there email, but i did not find the solution yet,

i have given all required information abut my hand set OS and etc which they have asked from me..



Hi Saad,


Thank you for following up. I reached out to the team handling your case and one of our agents will follow up with you on your support ticket as soon as possible to assist you further. 


~ Nikola
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