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upwork Returned to client in dispute just saying i violated their terms..

Hello everyone!
Whats wrong with upwork dispute investigators? they said me what i didn;t did..
let me tell you whole story.
Client came to me saying he need an ad account with global targeting so and he said what is his account got suspended i told him i'll replace his account as i written in my (project's FAQs)
so he started contract i gave him account i don't know i told him to use your own videos but he used copyrighted content and got suspended and i gave him another account and i told him complete procedure to avoid suspension he went offline and after 5 days he requested refund i told him why you did this and started blaming me ? that your accounts already were have suspension history he didn;t even listened mine and also account was strong he violated and got suspended and i sent him another but still so i opened dispute and told them complete and also i sent screenshot of accounts which i were sent him and the dispute investigator closed dispute saying.
This job posting violates Upwork’s policy regarding External Terms of Service Violation of another website. As a result,  this contract is not eligible for Dispute Assistance. Escrow has been returned to the client and this dispute is now closed.
but i never ever violated upwork terms and he didn;t even investigated i think just ended up with this ? 
client violated suspended account didn't even check the second account and also my job were to give him account and i didn't even guaranteed before giving account that this account will not suspend etc so why upwork is in favour with client? 
why they are doing unfair  to freelancers? upwork dispute should check and do justice.
i think we should leave upwork and start using fb insta tiktok to get clients and so we can get even payment if client use our services and  then blame us without even noticing his mistakes?
(Ad Account with global targeting are paid not free)

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