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War in Ukraine

Ukraine never wanted a war with Putin. It is very important for the world to understand that every word of his and the words of Russian propaganda is a lie. We don't have fascists, and we don't have radical nationalists. Our nationalism is love for one's homeland, for one's country, and one's land.

Please, support Ukraine! Block Upwork work in Russia and countries that support it. Block funds in your accounts, do not make payments. Russian propaganda works very well, ordinary people do not believe in war. We must use all methods to show the truth to the people of Russia.


For all sane citizens of Russia, I want to say that it is unpleasant for me to ask the site for this, and create inconvenience for you, but my people are dying! You can stop this!!!

Для всех здравомыслящих граждан россии хочу сказать, что мне неприятно просить сайт о таком, и создавать вам неудобства, но мой народ умирает! Вы можете остановить это!!!


Please help to save my beautiful country

Community Member

Hi All,
I'll be closing this thread from further commenting and encourage you to check this page for most recent update and questions.
We'll continue providing updates and resources for Upwork users affected by the events and trying to navigate this situation and encourage other members to offer support and information if they'd like to. That said, please refrain from discussing politics on these boards and be mindful of the Community Guidelines.

~ Valeria

View solution in original post

Community Member

I cannot believe the platform's complete indifference to the situation in Ukraine. When the entire civilized world imposes sanctions, Upwork continues to give jobs to Russian freelancers. You have to stop this and block all freelancers from Russia on upwork! Please support us!

Hey Roman,


Hope you're doing well.


re: "When the entire civilized world imposes sanctions, Upwork continues to give jobs to Russian freelancers."


Upwork is not giving Jobs to Russian freelancers, just like it isn't giving jobs to Ukrainian freelancers or freelancers from any other country. Upwork is a global business that provides us, freelancers, with an opportunity to provide clients with our services independently. On their part, the best they can do is to *temporarily* suspend them (Russians), both freelancers and clients, to work on Upwork until things get better. They might take this decision soon, though that, of course, depends on how things turn on. Just stay hopeful and safe, as that's more important right now.




Community Member

Hi Iryna, Roman and others,

At this time, Upwork is focused on monitoring and complying with any sanctions issued as part of the Executive Order. As this situation rapidly evolves, we expect that there may be more sanctions imposed, so we will keep this page updated on any new developments. We are committed to supporting and keeping the community updated on these changes.

~ Valeria

I have worked with numerous Russian freelancers and have always been impressed by their work. However, their is no room for Russians on a Global Collaboration Platform under the current circumstances.


Governments get their power from the people. The people of Russia must be held accountable for their governments actions. If they (the majority of Russians) do not agree with their government, then make changes.


Until then, Russians should be banned. When Russia can play nicely with the rest of the world, we can welcome them back with open arms!

Hi Valeria,


I understand your actions, but this is not enough, unfortunately. It is now difficult for us to adequately evaluate the actions of others, the only thing we see is an endless stream of fear. We urge the world to do everything possible to stop this war.
I've lost count of how many times we've been hiding in the basement from air raids these days. Planes and missiles fly from the territory of Belarus!!! I am in the Zhytomyr region, it is far from the Donbass and Crimea, and my region does not have a border with Russia. The whole world, and first of all Europe, must understand that today my country is protecting the whole world from a madman with Hitler's ambitions. Today he is bombing us, and tomorrow it could be you, your children and loved ones.
Believe me, it's scary. I still can't believe this is happening to me and my country, it's like a bad dream and I can't wake up!

Community Member



Hope you're doing well.


I completely understand your frustration and the circumstances you're living, but, blocking the money earned by Russian freelancers will not help anyone in any regard. Again, just stay hopeful and safe, as that's more important right now.





Iryna B wrote:

Ukraine never wanted a war with Putin.




In regards to your comment:


I completely understand your frustration and the circumstances you're living, but, blocking the money earned by Russian freelancers will not help anyone in any regard. Again, just stay hopeful and safe, as that's more important right now.

I strongly disagree. The only way this conflict will end peacefully is for the Russian people to stand up against the Putin regime. Putin will not stop until Ukraine is obliterated... and then may continue on (as he is currently hinting).


Russians need to understand we (citizens of the free world) will hold all Russians accountable for their governments' actions. Russians need to stand up to the current regime and let their governement know what is happening is not acceptable.


It is completely appaling that Upwork continues to allow Russians to use this platform, a Global Collaboration Platform, while their government is destroying a sovereign nation.


The governments of the West are handcuffed (and can only do so much) at the moment to prevent nuclear war. We (private industry) can fill the gaps and make an put additional "sanctions" that the Russian people will feel and hopfully motivate them to make changes.


Hi All,

While our Community can be a place to share feedback and an invaluable resource for Upwork users affected by the events and are trying to navigate this situation, I would like to discourage members from discussing politics on these boards. This is not the purpose of this Community.
We are continuing to monitor the situation and take note of the suggestions shared.

As I mentioned in my earlier post on this thread we will be updating 
this page on any new developments.

~ Valeria


I really didn't mean to start talking about politics, sorry. I am new to the platform, I love it here, I have found good clients from different countries who are really nice to work with. For 7 days I have not had a job, no office work, no freelancing. I gave most of my savings as donations to the Ukrainian army in order to save my country. Now I'm not talking about politics, but about the lives of ordinary people. Our lives will never be the same again. For some Ukrainians, there is no tomorrow. I'm talking about LIFE.
If we don't have our lives, there will be nothing, no politics, no freelancers, no customers.



A few comments have been removed from this thread. Please, refer to my comment above for more information.

~ Valeria
Community Member

Russia started a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on the 24th of February 2022. They are killing civilians. Bombarding residential areas, kindergartens, and hospitals as you read these lines. As a Ukrainian, I ask you to join other tech companies and block Russia and Belarussia from using the platform and funding the war against my people.

Anna, please take care of yourself and your loved ones

Community Member

This is the worst possible thing that could have happened to Ukraine, but I can assure anyone posting here, that no-one except a handful of crazy extremists (you know where) believe any of Putin's lies or extraordinary assumptions. This is not much help to you poor people in Ukraine. I wish I  could physically do more than simply contribute to the many Ukrainian funds that have been set up in the west.  I wish that our leaders would take a much stronger stand than they have, but I am still hoping. 


I hope with all my heart you escape unhurt from this terrible conflict that absolutely no one wanted.  


Community Member

What is Upwork's position on allowing Russians, Belarusians and Chechens to use the platform at this time?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Jimmy, 

At this time, Upwork is prohibited from working with anyone in either of the regions specified in the Executive Order and with other specified individuals and entities. This is an evolving situation and as additional financial or geographic sanctions are applied, or additional individuals or entities are added to the sanctions list, we will ensure our compliance with the imposed sanctions. We are committed to keeping the community updated on these changes.  

~ Avery
Community Member

Dear Upwork,
I hope peace in Europe is more important to you than the Russian part of the business. Help us in this fight. We are in big trouble.

Community Member

Hi there.

My name is Alexey. I'm a freelancer from Russia.
I want to tell all of you what is really going on in Russia.


I'm totally in utter shock, I feel anger, helplessness, disgust, and deepest sorrow. In my worst nightmares I could not imagine that the country I live in would invade its friendly neighboring country.
It's for sure is nothing compared with what Ukrainian people are going through right now. I protest against the war and will continue to do that.


About 80% of people living in Russia support Putin and the war. These people are addicted to political propaganda. They watch TV and read Russian newspapers, but we don't have independent and honest media. Propaganda reports that Russian troops are liberating Ukraine from the Nazis and this is complete crap. 80% of people actually believe in lies. We try to prove the truth to them, but they reject it, they are like zombies.


About 20% of people living in Russia sincerely want to overthrow Putin and his government. I am among these people. There's not a single person among people I know who supports this war and Putin personally. We understand that we are being lied to from TV, and we monitor independent media on the Internet. It's getting harder every day because the government is blocking them. Putin and his government have banned us from using the words "war" and "invasion". They also do not allow any support (financial or informational) to Ukraine funds and indicates that as high treason. For the last few days there were about 7600 people arrested for anti-war protests in Russia. The more people protest, the more they get arrested. Unfortunately, we cannot stop this.


Some well-known Russian influencers are calling on other governments to stop Putin. These people then either leave Russia or are arrested. Putin killed the opposition in Russia.


I am grateful to UpWork for the fact that he is still working in Russia. UpWork allows us to earn money and leave Russia. That's all we can do. Otherwise, we are powerless.


No war.
I apologize for what my country is doing right now.

Community Member

I totally agree with every word you wrote. I'm against this terrible war too. I'm from Russia, Lipetsk city.


People from countries with freedoms think let's punish ordinary Russian people for what Putin is doing, they can always overthrow the government if they won't like it. Tell it to Belarus people, or North Korea people, we can't. Period. It can work like that only in free countries like yours, not in our dictatorship country.


Every political scientist in Russia knows that Putin doesn't do anything under (public) pressure. In last 10 years, there have been a LOT of rallies and protests in Russia. But they become less and less common. And the reason is simple, those protests never bring any fruits. Government never listens, people got to jail for many years, and tortered there. People loose their jobs, their studentship, and freedom. But we can't do anything, every attempt was futile.


At this moment the gornment preparing a new law to sentence people to 15 years in prison for sharing/distributing news or information about situation in Ukrain, which our gornment may label as fake, and if you don't know at this moment all the information they don't like they label as fakes. 

Even now, before this law one can be be sent to prison for any post or repost. But now things get even worse. 


Don't blame ordinary Russian people for what Putin is doing.

You will not stop this war by depriving Russian freelancers of work. Putin doesn't care about Russian people (as Kim Jong Un doesn't care about North Korea people), he cares only about his friends and their families.

Hi guys
I am truly sorry that we are all in this situation. This is not the first time I hear what you are saying. I don't know what to do, I'm desperate. We have information that it is possible that Russian troops are deploying artillery and preparing to sabotage by shelling the territory of your country. This is sheer madness

Alex, Oleg,

What I'm going to say is not personal against you - it's more of a painful explanation of what needs to be done in your country to join the free world one day. And it's just my view, of course.


My country suffered from actions taken by Russia since 1939. I will leave Stalin's period out here, as this is one f..... bloodbath we got from your troops and politicians and the Poles who collaborated with the regime. People from other former Soviet block countries can easily relate to this. But let me show you how you fight for freedom - below are just the deaths which happened during massive protests, strikes and fights, I leave alone single people arrested, tortured and eventually killed between these eruptions of the nation's anger and all who spent years in prisons:

1956 (Poznan): 57 dead

1970 (Gdansk): 41 dead

1981-82 (marshall law in the whole Poland): over 100 dead

1989 - end of communism, first free elections since 1939. 

I was a kid in the 70s and a teenager in the 80s., listening to the Radio Free Europe and the Voice of America, under the blanket so the neighbors can't hear that. My father did that in the 50s. and 60s. And no, I'm not an anti-communist hero, I took part in protests but had never got arrested for that. But 80-90% of Poles did exactly the same as I did - we all listened to the forbidden radio stations, distributed illegally printed books and articles on the history of Poland and soviet crimes, and talked, talked, talked. WE WANTED TO KNOW THE TRUTH AND WANTED THIS WHOLE SYSTEM TO COLLAPSE. We, the People. We, the great majority of Poles. And we did it, and that's how the world has changed, Berlin wall collapsed because we fought for it to collapse. 


Guys, your problem is clearly stated by Alex - 80% of your society does not want the truth but would not mind at all to rule half of Europe again, just like in a "good ol' soviet days". You will never get to join the free world unless the proportions change and 80% of Russians start to learn, think and despise the regime. The information today is so easily available that it is just ridiculous to say "I didn't know". The correct statement for most Russians is "I didn't WANT to know".  


I understand you might (and I hope you do) feel bad, ashamed, and furious for what your government is doing in UA. Unfortunately, there is no shortcut here. EU and US will help you - just show us that 80% of you want the change, not the other way around. 


Good luck - you will need it. 



Community Member

I pray peace already, dialogue remains the best,I don't like war.stay safe.


Community Member

In this war, innocent children die, women give birth in basements, explosions are constantly heard in the streets and it is scary to walk.
People in Kharkiv, who came out of the basement to get water, died. In Chernihiv, a residential area was bombed. The city of Akhtyrka in the Sumy region was almost razed to the ground.
Kyiv, Odessa, Zhitomyr and other big cityes
suffer from war.
Children remain orphans. There is a humanitarian disaster in my hometown. No one can bring bread and milk because there are Russian troops. My parents are there now.
I left the epicenter of the explosions, but I do not understand if I can return home.