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Can't make payment

My PayPal payment to a freelancer was rejected because my credit card, which is my primary payment method for PayPal, blocked the payment as suspicious. I have now marked the transaction as not suspicious, but I can't re-try paying in Upwork, because Upwork won't let me re-attempt through PayPal. Apparently you only get one chance? The only reason I'm paying through PayPal is because you won't accept my Revolut Business Mastercard, simply because it's a prepaid card? So I am stuck and would like to pay this freelancer, because she's doing great work and I value the relationship. Very frustrating, and after an hour of trying to make sense of your customer support system, I'm ready to pull my hair out. Please assist me in running my payment through PayPal a second time now that the payment is no longer marked as suspicious. Thank you.

Bradford Goodwin

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Bradford,


We'll have one of our agents reach out to you via a support ticket to assist you with this concern. 


Thank you for reaching out to us. 

~ Bojan
Community Member

Same thing is happening to me now!

Hi Quieesha,


I shared your report with our team and one of our agents already reached out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your ticket on this page.


~ Nikola
Community Member


I have been struggling to make upwork payment to freelancer since 3 hrs now. Tried paypal, tried visa cards, deleted and re-added the payment methods. Nothing works at all. 
It is very important for me to make this payment and get work started on thier side. It is really frustrating. 
Kindly help me. I will really appreciate it. 




Hi Simran,


I've escalated your concern to the team. One of our agents will reach out and assist you directly via a support ticket.


~ Joanne
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