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How do I Unarchive a freelancer

I'm trying to unarchive a freelancer in order to re-make a job offer that was recinded. (User error - we are new to this!)  How do I do this?  There is no "unarchive" button, and it seems to have cut off messaging as well.

Community Member

I asked this in another forum, but am cross-posting here because of urgency.  I inadvertently archived the freelancer we want to make an offer to.  We made and withdrew an offer with the thought that we could correct an error.  This threw our freelancer into the archive, and now we can't even send him messages.  We had agreed he would start right away, and this is hampering our ability to move forward.  Can you help us fix this quickly?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Lisa,


Could you please click on my name above this post and send me a private message with more information about the freelancer you're referring to? Thank you!


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