» Forums » Clients » Re: I cannot contact support
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I cannot contact support

I was told that my account was put on hold for some reason and to contact support, but there is nowhere to contact support. And the chatbot just forever says, "I'm checking for available support options for you. This shouldn't take too long."

I've seen lots of other people posting this same issue in the forum, and the response is always, "We'll contact you personally." That would be nice. And maybe for other people with the same issue in the future, you should actually solve this issue.

Community Member

- click the question mark icon that shows at the bottom right corner of this page: https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us

- you may be asked what type of account you need help you

- go ahead and select the best option.

- if you don't receive the information you're looking for, you can click "Get Support" for more options, including contacting the support team.

Thanks for the response, Preston.


There is no question mark. Screenshot attached.

Click on this button in the lower right hand corner of this very Community Forum page:


Screen Shot 2021-08-20 at 10.19.03 AM.png

Hi again. Yes, that doesn't get me anywhere. The bot reaches a dead end when it tries to connect me with a human, which never happens. It is always stops here, no matter how many times I refresh or how long I wait.

Hi Nicholas,


Sorry about the trouble you had getting in touch with the support team. I've shared your concern with them and one of our agents will reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further.

~ Luiggi

As a side note, it seems you're referring to the use of the chatbot? Doing that, these messages show forever, and nothing changes, no matter how often I refresh or leave the page open.

Nicholas, if it's any consolation... many people have difficulty with this. It's not in any way your fault. You're not doing anything incorrectly. There's nothing wrong with your computer.

Contacting Customer Support on Upwork can be very easy, very helpful, resulting in a very satisfactory experience. It can also be otherwise.

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