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freelancer do not want to send me the source code


we are working with a freelancer and he promised us to have the project in 45 days, and now about 6 months, we paid them about 80%, and they did not provide the qaulity they promised.


we would like to stop with them, and to go with another developer, what should we do to secure our code and project?



Community Member

re: "we would like to stop with them, and to go with another developer, what should we do to secure our code and project?"


You should have been obtaining source code from the beginning.


What you need to do now is ask for the source code. Don't tell them yet that you are firing them.


If everything is on a server that you control already, or in a code repository that you control, then change the access credentials so they can't access it.


When I am hired as a programmer on any project by an Upwork client, I immediately set up a central development server and I do ALL of my work there.


So the client has continuous access to ALL work, while it is being done.


The client never needs to "ask" for source code.

The freelancer never needs to "send" any source code to the client.


If you had set things up this way, then you would not be asking your question.


In the future, you should only work with freelancers who provide you with source code at all times.


Why are you paying a freelancer if they don't provide with what you are paying for?

Community Member

A professional freelancer will always provide source codes. The first thing i do when i start a new project is to get the customer to create their own github and cloud hosting accounts. So that they own it from the begining.


So if your freelancer didn't do this, you can ask for it now.  


Hi Gader,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you using a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here .


Thank you,


Community Member

thanks for your reply, finally they agree to send but they are sending with errors, we will try to fix the issue.


Community Member

It seems you do not have the control of development environment. I believe the best approach will be to recall what was last build you tested. I will suggest that you demand from developer to freeze the code and build the same. On the same label, you must execute the test which you recalled as last time time tested.. 

I think in this manner you must be able to get the known and most relaible version of the source code.

Community Member

Thanks gents for your reply, we want to close the contract with them as they are delaying us and not providing us the work we ask them for.

my question is, how i can close the contract and keep the money in escrow to be used with another freelancer to complete the project?

Appreciate you reply.

I believe you can't make that decision one way. Please contact upwork support.

Community Member

Community Member

what is this?

Hi Gader,


If you choose to close the contract without releasing the money in escrow, we’ll email your freelancer/agency and request an escrow refund on your behalf. You may check this help article for more information.

~ AJ

re: "my question is, how i can close the contract and keep the money in escrow to be used with another freelancer to complete the project?"


Short answer is that you can't.


When a client uses a fixed-price contract, the money they fund is in an ESCROW account.

That means the money is SUPPOSED TO GO TO THE FREELANCER.


There is no BUTTON the client can click to get the money back unilaterally.


The client must CHOOSE between:

a) releasing all escrow money to the freelancer


b) ASKING the freelancer to refund the money


What if the freelancer didn't do the work?

Or what if the client doesn't like the freelancer's work?

That doesn't matter. That doesn't change the nature of which buttons are available.


If the freelancer did not do the work, then the client must STILL choose between releasing the money to the freelancer and asking the freelancer to refund the money.


Normally this is not a problem. Normally, if the freelancer is HONORABLE, the freelancer will IMMEDIATELY agree to refund the money to the client, if the freelancer didn't do the work. But what happens if the freelancer is not honorable?

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