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So, today this happens.


not so funny.jpg

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Screen Shot 2020-03-06 at 15.16.58.png

Red dots: Virus
Blue dot: Me


Think I'm good.

Petra, if you get too bored, travel south and come and visit. Bring some cats. 🙂

Freelancing is a gamble - To win you need skill, luck and a strategy

I spoke too soon. The virus is now in Malta. Not on my little island, but guess it's just a matter of time. It had to happen at some point, so perhaps it's just as well to get it over with sooner rather than later. 

Freelancing is a gamble - To win you need skill, luck and a strategy

Eve L wrote:

I spoke too soon. The virus is now in Malta. 



Interesting thing one of my Facebook friends wrote today:


"People aren't surprised when I tell them there are 13,000 Covid-19 cases outside China, or when I tell them this number doubles every 3 days. But when I tell them that if growth continues at this rate, we'll have 1.7 million cases in 3 weeks, they're astonished."



Petra R wrote:

Eve L wrote:

I spoke too soon. The virus is now in Malta. 



Interesting thing one of my Facebook friends wrote today:


"People aren't surprised when I tell them there are 13,000 Covid-19 cases outside China, or when I tell them this number doubles every 3 days. But when I tell them that if growth continues at this rate, we'll have 1.7 million cases in 3 weeks, they're astonished."





I found this article incredibly interesting from a "disease management" and "reporting" standpoint - particulary with how we consider data/numbers. 

Miriam H wrote:



I found this article incredibly interesting from a "disease management" and "reporting" standpoint - particulary with how we consider data/numbers. 

Indeed, it's an excellent article. However, it doesn't tackle the point that seems the strangest to me: why are people desperately trying to stock toilet paper. Just heard on the French radio about people fighting over supplies of toilet paper in a supermarket, somewhere in the States. To me, food would be more important for survival, I've never heard of people eating toilet paper.

Community Member

There are 8 presumptive cases in my county. Had an eye appointment today and thought about canceling. Wanted to ask if any of his staff had been skiing, which is what one guy who definitely has it was doing ... he had contact with a lot of people.


Like Petra, I don't usually freak out - but I have medical stuff coming up that will involve poking and prodding and hospital stays. So yeah, I'm a bit freaked. Ordering things online is helpful, but then I start to think about where most product is coming from. Going to make an effort to "buy local".


Scary stuff. Even scarier is how our idiot president is handling this thing.

Virginia F wrote:

There are 8 presumptive cases in my county. Had an eye appointment today and thought about canceling. Wanted to ask if any of his staff had been skiing, which is what one guy who definitely has it was doing ... he had contact with a lot of people.


Like Petra, I don't usually freak out - but I have medical stuff coming up that will involve poking and prodding and hospital stays. So yeah, I'm a bit freaked. Ordering things online is helpful, but then I start to think about where most product is coming from. Going to make an effort to "buy local".


Scary stuff. Even scarier is how our idiot president is handling this thing.

I don't belive the virus could travel with packages, but whenever possible, buying local is a good policy.

Community Member

Unfortunately I am in the same situation.

10 km is the closet known case to my location.


It is toilet paper panic central here. Supermarket shelves are empty and people are lining up in queues in the morning when the loo paper shipments arrive.

Even just writing this sounds comical.


It's hard to believe that a fight has broke out here over toilet paper.


My biggest concern with the Coronavirus is for the elderly and people with predisposed conditions.


What I am not understanding is how it got to Iran and now Italy?
First it was presumed to have originated at the Wuhan live animal market, so was it transmitted via international travel between China and Iran etc?




16 million under quarantine in Italy now.  😞  Lead story from the BBC. According to a friend in Milan the markets, pharmacies, etc. are fully stocked; getting TP, etc.is not a problem.  The real concerns are the economy ... small businesses and the poor and near-poor will be hit hard.


Thank God there is a social / govt. system in place that gives full health and social system help (in varying degrees) for a long way into the future.

Wendy C wrote:

16 million under quarantine in Italy now. 

And mass panic....


Now all those northern people are flooding down here, bringing the virus with them

Only the Italian ogvernment would be incompetent enough to leak what they plan to do the evening before they intend to do it.


“What happened with the news leak has caused many people to try to escape, causing the opposite effect of what the decree is trying to achieve,” said Roberto Burioni, a professor of microbiology and virology at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University in Milan. “Unfortunately some of those who fled will be infected with the disease.”


Idiots. Just selfish short-sighted idiots. 

Wendy C wrote:

Idiots. Just selfish short-sighted idiots. 



1,492 new cases in Italy in the last 24 hours. 133 died in the last 24 hours. Almost 5 times as many in all of China.


Sigh 😞


Wendy C wrote:

Idiots. Just selfish short-sighted idiots. 

Average human beings.

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Hello everybody,


A few posts have been removed from this thread. I'd like to ask the participants to refrain from posting disruptive comments, political content and personal attacks.


Stay safe and healthy, everybody.

~ Valeria

here's a glimpse of how insane public paranoia is getting. and how stupid people have a stranglehold on truth.

there is a young (early 20s) asian guy who works at the same company that my wife does. he lives with a few members of his extended family. he mentioned in conversation that his uncle just got back from vietnam. a coworker overheard and immediately ran to HR. now that poor kid (who's a bit of a trainee. and needs more or less constant supervision) has to "work from home" for two weeks.

vietnam is over 2000 miles from china, and has no current recorded cases of coronavirus.

Wayne G wrote:

here's a glimpse of how insane public paranoia is getting. and how stupid people have a stranglehold on truth.

there is a young (early 20s) asian guy who works at the same company that my wife does. he lives with a few members of his extended family. he mentioned in conversation that his uncle just got back from vietnam. a coworker overheard and immediately ran to HR. now that poor kid (who's a bit of a trainee. and needs more or less constant supervision) has to "work from home" for two weeks.

vietnam is over 2000 miles from china, and has no current recorded cases of coronavirus.


I'm sorry for the young man from Vietnam, but there have been cases there. https://www.vietnam-briefing.com/news/vietnam-business-operations-and-the-coronavirus-updates.html/ and




Wayne G wrote:


vietnam is over 2000 miles from china, and has no current recorded cases of coronavirus.



There are actually 30 confirmed cases in Vietnam -- as you can see on the left hand side. This is reliable data monitored by John Hopkins and constantly updated:  https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6      


Stay safe, everyone!  



Community Member

Wayne G wrote:

vietnam is over 2000 miles from china, and has no current recorded cases of coronavirus.

I've never been good with miles and those measurements, and English isn't my native language, so if 2000 miles from China means the same as sharing a 1281 km border, then okay. If not, you're wrong. 

Freelancing is a gamble - To win you need skill, luck and a strategy

Eve L wrote:

Wayne G wrote:

vietnam is over 2000 miles from china, and has no current recorded cases of coronavirus.

I've never been good with miles and those measurements, and English isn't my native language, so if 2000 miles from China means the same as sharing a 1281 km border, then okay. If not, you're wrong. 

Moreover, it's under 1000 miles from Wuhan (the centre of the epidemic) to Hanoi.

Eve L wrote:

Wayne G wrote:

vietnam is over 2000 miles from china, and has no current recorded cases of coronavirus.

I've never been good with miles and those measurements, and English isn't my native language, so if 2000 miles from China means the same as sharing a 1281 km border, then okay. If not, you're wrong. 

haha was about to say just that...

Community Member

Wayne G wrote:

vietnam is over 2000 miles from china, 

Funny coincidence, Canada is also exactly 2,000 miles from the US.






"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless

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Don't rely on forums, social media and other less reliable sources.


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Dear All,
3 coronavirus patients detected in Bangladesh. Pray For us! I'm living in Dhaka moreover.

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The first case in my isolated Canadian town. The patient went to a mining conference attended by 25,000 people from all over the world. This is a mining town so you know he wasn't the only one. Our university has moved to online classes.


Be safe out there!

It's now officially been declared a pandemic.

So far the Thai authorities are refusing to ban Songkran celebrations, which are due to begin in around 4 weeks. For those that don't know, Songkran is the Thai new year and is celebrated by everybody getting drunk, becoming an idiot, and joining in with an enormous water fight up that takes place throughout the country. 

What could possibly go wrong? You'd think it would be called off, but T.I.T. (This is Thailand). 

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