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So, today this happens.


not so funny.jpg

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Congratulations on escaping by a hair's breadth.

For now, at least.

Abinadab A wrote:


For now, at least.

Way to go to cheer me up 😉


I have been very blase about it so far. It was something that happened far away. Self isolating now.


Fun... not.

Petra R wrote:

Abinadab A wrote:


For now, at least.

Way to go to cheer me up 😉


I have been very blase about it so far. It was something that happened far away. Self isolating now.


Fun... not.

Do you have a boat?

Petra R wrote:

Abinadab A wrote:


For now, at least.

Way to go to cheer me up 😉


I have been very blase about it so far. It was something that happened far away. Self isolating now.


Fun... not.

As long as you're not over 60 and in reasonably good heath, you'll survive it, don't you worry.

Community Member

COVID-19 Vaccine Shipped, and Drug Trials Start.


So I think it will help a lot. That is some achievement with DNA technology.


Bro, the thing has been shipped, and is being tested.
There is no proof it works.

When you finally have good news on this matter, feel free to kindly also share with the community.

Yeah, I have a vaguely medical background and a vaccine that's licenced and available to the population is a long time away. By the time it is approved, we're all dead the thing will have blown over....


Well, **bleep**, Petra.  I was going to PM you to ask how far away it was and then I saw your post.  Isolate, wash your hands.  Hopefully your menagerie and a good selection of wine will see you through.  It appears to be exponentially worse for the elderly (like me) and the immuno compromised.  Enjoy a couple weeks of peace and quiet.  God bless.

Mary W wrote:

Well, **bleep**, Petra.  I was going to PM you to ask how far away it was and then I saw your post.  Isolate, wash your hands.  Hopefully your menagerie and a good selection of wine will see you NOthrough.  It appears to be exponentially worse for the elderly (like me) and the immuno compromised.  Enjoy a couple weeks of peace and quiet.  God bless.

Mary, there's a revolution going on in France. We, the French citizens, have been told to stop the "bisous" traditional kisses when we meet each other! And we've also been told not to shake hands. This is really something!

Community Member

Petra R wrote:

So, today this happens.


not so funny.jpg

We have it town as well and are waiting to be told to stay home. DH is working at one of the largest companies in town, hundreds of people were travelling last week because of a holiday, and there are 100+ kids in daycare...

It's about 40km from my area, so it is only a matter of time. Italy has been badly hit. Stay safe Petra, wear a mask and wash your hands after (and during if possible) you've been among people or have to go shopping, and try not to  touch your face or rub your eyes (which I do all the time).unless your hands are washed.  


I don't know if this is appropriate here or not, but a certain president has just said and I quote: 

"I haven't touched my face in weeks. I miss it." 

Nichola L wrote:

It's about 40km from my area, so it is only a matter of time. Italy has been badly hit. Stay safe Petra, wear a mask and wash your hands after (and during if possible) you've been among people or have to go shopping, and try not to  touch your face or rub your eyes (which I do all the time).unless your hands are washed.  


I don't know if this is appropriate here or not, but a certain president has just said and I quote: 

"I haven't touched my face in weeks. I miss it." 

This is one of the best times to read one of those novels on how someone invented a virus to destroy an entire city, and some more.


I love those stories with so much passion.


I saw one really good one I'll soon cop the other day on Feedbooks.

Thanks all 🙂


I am staying home and have ordered basics to be delivered, so I can avoid human contact as far as possible. (Essentially restrict it to the delivery driver...)


freezer is full at the moment as well so I can self-isolate in comfort.


Community Member

Petra R wrote:

Thanks all 🙂


I am staying home and have ordered basics to be delivered, so I can avoid human contact as far as possible. (Essentially restrict it to the delivery driver...)


freezer is full at the moment as well so I can self-isolate in comfort.


Stay safe!

Petra R wrote:

so I can avoid human contact as far as possible.


Every cloud...

Petra R wrote:

Thanks all 🙂


I am staying home and have ordered basics to be delivered, so I can avoid human contact as far as possible. (Essentially restrict it to the delivery driver...)


freezer is full at the moment as well so I can self-isolate in comfort.


Be careful with the delivery guy! I've seen movies about pizza deliveries you wouldn't believe! ---------- ah, nevermind.

actually, delivery guy just rung doorbell, chucked everyone's parcels over the gate (the complex is gated) and drove off lol. I have unpacked, folded up the box (rather than leaving it out for the cats to play in as usual, washed hands and returned to computer witout any human contact. There will be 2 more delveries (tomorrow and Monday) - then I can theoretically completely self isolate.

Community Member

Stay safe everyone. There might be a lot of 'shared stress' globally at the moment, but preparation beats panic time and again. This too shall pass. 


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They tested a cruise ship crew member in nearby Hilo, HI after they became ill and fortunately the result was negative but I wouldn’t want to be on a cruise ship right now.
"No good deed goes unpunished." -- Clare Boothe Luce
Community Member

John K wrote:
They tested a cruise ship crew member in nearby Hilo, HI after they became ill and fortunately the result was negative but I wouldn’t want to be on a cruise ship right now.

Nor me, but frankly I have never understood why anyone would ever possibly want to be trapped on some glorified ferry with thousands of random people.


I love the sea and used to sail, but even without any virus the whole concept of a cruise makes me shudder.

My idea of bliss on the water is a chartered sailing yacht and a small group of good friends.


My friend's daughter works on a cruise ship. She got a message the other day nobody wanted to allow the passengers to disembark at the port. Nobody on the ship is infected, apparently, but the relevant authorities say they don't want to take chances. Not sure if it has been resolved yet.

Petra wrote:

Nor me, but frankly I have never understood why anyone would ever possibly want to be trapped on some glorified ferry with thousands of random people.

Why not? I've been considering living on a cruise ship for a while, think it sounds perfect for us freelancers. You can work comfortably, and whenever you want to go out for a bit you're in a new city if you match your days off so that's when the ship is in a new place. Sounds perfect to me. Just a shame it's so expensive. I wish they had discounts for full-time passengers.



Freelancing is a gamble - To win you need skill, luck and a strategy

Eve wrote:

Petra wrote:

Nor me, but frankly I have never understood why anyone would ever possibly want to be trapped on some glorified ferry with thousands of random people.

Why not? 


Because I am allegic to too many people crammed into a contained space. It's my idea of hell. I love people, provided I can choose who I spend time with, who surrounds me and, most importantly, have a way to get the hell away from them when I want to.


Eve wrote:

Petra, if you get too bored, travel south and come and visit. Bring some cats

Ah, but I'd have to bring Murphy (the dog) too 😄


Petra, thinking about it, it's probabaly best if you don't come and visit anyway. Not that I mind dogs at all, but just in case you've gotten the virus. I wouldn't want to be responsible for bringing Malta's patient zero here.

Freelancing is a gamble - To win you need skill, luck and a strategy

Eve L wrote:

. I wouldn't want to be responsible for bringing Malta's patient zero here.


It's getting a bit scary...


5 times as many new cases in little Italy than in China with its 1.4 billion people...





After two years we decided was about time to go back and visit family and friends, we literally just bought our tickets to go back to Italy and Germany two days before this disaster happened...hopefully something good will happen in the next two months or I'm afraid we will have to cancel the trip.

Here in New Zealand the situation is not that bad but new cases are arising every day, the worst thing is hunting for toilet paper.

Valerio S wrote:

After two years we decided was about time to go back and visit family and friends, we literally just bought our tickets to go back to Italy and Germany two days before this disaster happened...hopefully something good will happen in the next two months or I'm afraid we will have to cancel the trip.

I am so sorry your travel plans were screwed by this! Hopefully by then things will have calmed down and you can enjoy your travels as planned!

Community Member

I am basically at the epicenter of this disease here in the US. The majority of deaths in the US are coming from an assisted living facility not very far away. The first reported case here in the US was also not very far away. Our school district is closed and my two high school aged kids are now in "remote learning" from home although my wife, who works in the school district, still needs to go in. Sports activities continue because sports is of course more important than school. On the positive side, my kids can get a taste of what the freelancer lifestyle is like now that they are doing "work" away from the traditional building. Had major travel plans for the summer that are now likely not happening. That's a bit of a first world kind of problem though. We freelancers are ahead of the curve when compared with all of the office workers. Business as usual for us! 

Scott B wrote:

I am basically at the epicenter of this disease here in the US. The majority of deaths in the US are coming from an assisted living facility not very far away. The first reported case here in the US was also not very far away. Our school district is closed and my two high school aged kids are now in "remote learning" from home although my wife, who works in the school district, still needs to go in. Sports activities continue because sports is of course more important than school. On the positive side, my kids can get a taste of what the freelancer lifestyle is like now that they are doing "work" away from the traditional building. Had major travel plans for the summer that are now likely not happening. That's a bit of a first world kind of problem though. We freelancers are ahead of the curve when compared with all of the office workers. Business as usual for us! 

Sorry to aggravate the panic, but I'm all for being matter-of-factly and not sugarcoating things.


Please note that stock markets have nosedived because of this virus.


Many IRL businesses - industries in fact, have closed their doors till further notice - workers have been told to go home.

These are the businesses freelancers are serving.


Rest assured that if the virus continues to escalate at the present rate, you'll soon see the jitters in your job feed (if you haven't already).


Nobody is thinking about how to post jobs and do things and things on Upwork during a deadly global pandemic.

Community Member

Scott B wrote:

I am basically at the epicenter of this disease here in the US. The majority of deaths in the US are coming from an assisted living facility not very far away. The first reported case here in the US was also not very far away. Our school district is closed and my two high school aged kids are now in "remote learning" from home although my wife, who works in the school district, still needs to go in. Sports activities continue because sports is of course more important than school. On the positive side, my kids can get a taste of what the freelancer lifestyle is like now that they are doing "work" away from the traditional building. Had major travel plans for the summer that are now likely not happening. That's a bit of a first world kind of problem though. We freelancers are ahead of the curve when compared with all of the office workers. Business as usual for us! 

If it's a concern for your kids, it should be a concern for your wife, too! If it were me ... I'd be taking sick and vacation days whether I had any or not.

Community Member

Just went online to  my supermarket's site ... and saw this banner at the top of the page.


Screen shot 2020-03-07 at 6.09.06 PM.png

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Virginia F wrote:

Just went online to  my supermarket's site ... and saw this banner at the top of the page.


Screen shot 2020-03-07 at 6.09.06 PM.png

Scammers are also cashing in on the whole thing, selling face marks and hand sanitizers at ridiculous prices....

No. Edit, in my case money was  a stop, beforehand, to simple decide to purchase tickets. and I wouldn't want to mind if my travel was to be from NZ to italy, that are in oppsosite sides of the Earth. Now I have more money, for example via accepting more hourly contracts (and having them, thanks God) and not many low price but time consuming contracts. but in this condition, is not to simply go and purchase tickets as you said, not only by the virus. **bleep** it. My wedding was about to be in June, and could not be. rescheduled to March,. but now, even if you pay a million, you are not sure that the party can be (well, with a million could be, paying corinavirus tests to all). And if Russians force the virus to mutate by force pushing a bad vaccine, worst. I  don't want to mind the hate I would have in my mind for Russia if they provoke that.

Petra- assuming, of course, that the Chinese government is telling the truth about new cases.  But it may be a case of the virus burning itself out fairly quickly.  And maybe warmer weather will slow it down.

Community Member

Ugh, now even this thread is being infected by unwelcome organisms... (Edited to thank the friendly mod who removed the virus! Much appreciated)


Today's news:


The World Health Organisation informs us that taking hot baths does not prevent the virus




Actually, overall, this myth busting page is pretty useful considering all the fake news that is circulating on social media!


I am waiting for the updated numbers to see if yesterday's lower than trending number of new infections (977) in Italy was a blip or if the trend continues.


cases per day.png


Eve L wrote:

Petra wrote:

Nor me, but frankly I have never understood why anyone would ever possibly want to be trapped on some glorified ferry with thousands of random people.

Why not? I've been considering living on a cruise ship for a while, think it sounds perfect for us freelancers. You can work comfortably, and whenever you want to go out for a bit you're in a new city if you match your days off so that's when the ship is in a new place. Sounds perfect to me. Just a shame it's so expensive. I wish they had discounts for full-time passengers.



It gets old after a while and it's mostly old people on cruises. It seems like a cool thing to do and it's not a bad experience if you go on one of the 3 day cruises, but you will feel like a rat in a cage after a while. Limited space, limited room unless you go for the expensive top-level rooms. You want the upper level for the deck and the view, because the low level feels like you're a poor on the Titanic and you know you gonna die if something happens.


I haven't been on one since I was like 18 (in Florida all you have to do is drive to the port, so everyone has been on a cruise), but I remember the food being Vegas levels of good and soo soooo much of it. You probably would get fat on a cruise because there is always so much food.


eta: $3k for the poor seats to fly to Rome. $13k for first class. My immune system is a gigachad. I ain't even worried.

Community Member

Jennifer M wrote:

. My immune system is a gigachad. I ain't even worried.

My immune system is brilliant and I hardly ever get as much as a common cold (I just saw some moron describe the coronavirus as a cold, when it's not even the same kind of virus but that's another discussion altogether...). I have had antibiotics a grand total of 3 times in my life, of which twice was likely needless and under protest.


I have never been in hospital in my entire life except for stitches or x-rays- The last time I had x-rays I hopped to the tame equine vet next door because I could not face going to hospital and he x-rayed the foot for me, and let me interpret the images myslf as it would have been illegal for him to give medical advice.


I still self isolate, not just because I don't want to get it, I dont want to play a part iin spreading it either.

Community Member

Petra, I live near Rome and I can understand your feelings. I'm scared for what is happening and I can't neither count on my lessons of dance to relieve the stress, because all sport activity are closed. Let's hope all that can help to defeat this coronavirus.

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