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Dedicated Thread: Upwork profile reviews and tips on getting hired

Welcome to the Designers & Creatives Upwork group!

As a new member, requesting tips on finding work or requesting a profile review is a good start, but as the group has grown rapidly (which is great news) these topics might get lost in the feed of similar topics by members. To ensure you get noticed or find the right advice without having to start a new topic, please use this dedicated topic thread to request an Upwork profile review or advice on getting hired. Group members are encouraged to offer advice or review profiles in this thread and do the same in return for other members.




  • External links are not allowed (for eg. personal websites, Behance, Dribbble…)
  • Linking to your Upwork profile is allowed
  • Please adhere to the Community Group Guidelines

Also, be sure to take advantage of existing resources



I trust that you’ll find this group welcoming and this thread helpful!

593 REPLIES 593

Thank you Maria,


I actually had it on Only Upwork Users, but changed it to Public now.

I don't know what the problem is, but it's still "not public" for me 😕



Hi Maria, I hope you can see my profile now.

Yes, Annie helped us 👌

I think it's fine, although I would change the beginning of the presentation somewhat. You talk about yourself, and little to the client.
Maybe I would start with "I would love to solve your design challenges" and move on to how you do it. And because you like doing it.
Your experience would be placed later.
For the rest, I like your work, so submit proposals and go for them!

Thank you Maria! Appreciate it.

Hi Irma,


I can confirm that your profile visibility is already set to public. It looks like you already opened a support ticket regarding this issue. Please allow our team 24-28 hours to respond to your request. Feel free to also update the ticket should you have further questions or concerns.

~ AJ

Thank you Annie!


Community Member

Please I want my profile reviewed 🙂

Little can be reviewed, because your profile is nothing now.
The title, remove "professional", that is taken for granted. Find more words to describe your skills.
Your presentation. I don't have much to say other than that you must redo it.
You are supposed to have experience, but you don't have a portfolio. How do you want clients to know that you know how to do what you say you know how to do?
And specialized profiles must have their own texts. That's what they are specialized for.
Read this, everything, links included. Also look for information on the forums and in HELP.
- https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/To-all-freelancers-looking-for-help/m-p/1230482#M734358

- https://community.upwork.com/t5/Community-Blog/Top-Red-Flags-for-Scams-From-Community-Member-Wes-C/b...


hey can u please review mine

It seems to me that yours doesn't need anything. You're doing it right. You have 100 JSS and jobs in progress.
If so, your profile is working.

thank you so much

Community Member

hey there, 

I am a beginner canva designer . can you please review my profile i am not getting jobs that i have applied to . 


many thanks

Community Member

Hi, can you review my profile, please? I am also not getting any responses for the jobs that I am applying for.

The title should describe your skills. The one you have now doesn't work.

The AI spiel is a wall of text that I, if I were a customer, wouldn't read. A lot of talk that doesn't say anything concrete.
Start with a couple of phrases, they are the only thing the client will see without opening your profile, which draws their attention to open it.
With three or four paragraphs you should be able to systematize everything.
And you write it, not a machine!

In your work history, be a little more explicit.


You have a lot of information in the profile review threads on the forum.
I also leave you these threads, read everything, links included.
- https://community.upwork.com/t5/Freelancers/To-all-freelancers-looking-for-help/m-p/1230482#M734358
- https://community.upwork.com/t5/Community-Blog/Top-Red-Flags-for-Scams-From-Community-Member-Wes-C/b...

Thank you, I will do what you suggested. My friend and I wrote everything together and I dont have a portfolio because I never worked something online before.

Community Member


Community Member

Hi Robin, 

I really appreciate that you have put these useful information for us and its really helpful.

Looking forward to get some more useful resource from you!

Thank You!

Kartik Kumar
Community Member

Thank you very much for this kick to start. I will learn attentively all recommendations you wrote.

I would improve your profile text to be grammatically correct and a bit more detailed about your experience. 


"I am a jewellery 3d modeller in collaboration with italian jewelry production. Experienced in design from draft: design/photo/sketch. Always attentive to the clien't vision in a process of modelling. I have an experience in design of lifestyle and decor pieces made of metal and plastic."


Make sure everything is a full sentence and fix the typo in "client" to remove apostrophe. 

Community Member

Thank you Robin



Please use two Skills in the Title, use four compelling paragraphs for the Summary, use all 15 Skills, and add a project catalog.

Community Member

Hello, I'm Agnes I'm a female pattern maker and seamstress, i have also started earning on upwork but I wish to upskill and improve in the design niche I will be glad to get recommendations on best and In demand design niche to start and resource that can help out

Also I will be glad to get a profile review too



Please use two Skills in the Title and use four compelling paragraphs for the Summary with focus on the first sentence because it appears in client search.

Community Member

Hello Robin, 


I am new on Upwork, but I have been trying to boost up my profile.

By now, I feel stuck. Please can you review my profile? Every opinion matters in this case.  

Moreover, is there any way to get in touch with professionals? I want to get in touch with someone, who can give me more clear instuctions and advice about Upwork. 

Thank you for your time in advance.


Have a nice day!


We can't see your profile because it is set to private.

Hi Maria, I have got my public profile back. 

Can you have a look at it? If you have some time please follow link: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01ceeab0857e668645 

Thank you in advance. Any feedback matters. 

Community Member

Hi Colleagues,

I need someone to review my profile if it is in the right form.




Hi Adeoye,


Please use two Skills in the Title and write four compelling paragraphs minus the emoticons for the Summary with a focus on the first sentence.

Hi William,

Thanks so much for your insight. I have made some adjustments based on my new skill sets.

I would appreciate it if you could check further to see if I did it right.


Thanks again!


Adeoye O.

Hi Adeoye,


Please reformat the Summary into four compelling paragraphs and remove the emoticons.

Community Member

I will highly appreciate for a profile review, any feed back will help me to grow more here in upwork. Thank you! 


We can't see your profile, it's private.

No its not private 

Yes, Angelo's account is not public, so I can't see it.
Why do you say this?
By the way, your profile, do you intend to create one or do you plan to leave it as is?

Community Member

Thanks for the tips. I am pretty new here and I look forward to learning a lot. 



Please use two Skills in the Title, write four compelling paragraphs minus the emoticons for the Summary with a focus on the first sentence, add your Portfolio, and add a Project Catalog.

Hello William. 


Thank you so much for the tips . I really appreciate. I'll effect the changes immediately.

hi william, My story is so sad i think, I have applied to many people but no one has been dealt with yet
Can you help me check my bio to see if anything is missing?
Thank you for your help
May you be given abundant health


Community Member

Hello Robin-

Thank you for the post. Could you please review my profile?