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Client Didnt Pay Me Even I Have Done This Project


This is Syed Sajjad shah


today I have sent a proposal for a project 

and the client comes to me asking to do the project with me

so he sends me a Contract I accept after that I done his project 

but still, he didn't pay me 


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Community Member

The screenshot you shared seems something fishy. Are you talking to your client about Bitcoin payment. Did you make some payment on his behalf and now asking for reimbursement + your payment?

Was there a contract between you and client and did you submitted your work?

View solution in original post

Community Member

The screenshot you shared seems something fishy. Are you talking to your client about Bitcoin payment. Did you make some payment on his behalf and now asking for reimbursement + your payment?

Was there a contract between you and client and did you submitted your work?

Navid Z wrote:

Was there a contract between you and client and did you submitted your work?

In this case, it does not matter whether there was a contract or not, even if the contract is active and milestone funded, it was most likely done using compromised cards/accounts. The moment it comes to notice of Upwork, they will reverse any payment released to the freelancer.


Such transactions, it seems like, are prohibited on Upwork.

Yes Sir he Sends Me Contract 

His Requirements Was to I Will Send 450 Doller Of BTC and He will pay me 800 Doller In Upwork


So I Ask Him Make a Deal In Milestone

I will firstly send you 10 Doller of BTC then you pay me 


then I will do the next transaction 


so I sent 10 dollars of BTC but he didn't pay me


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Community Member

Oh Wow! Another victim of the same scam!


The Money/BTC or whatever you transferred is now lost, he will probably release the 1st payment to gain your trust and will ask to transfer higher value now. And when you do that he will disappear.


Or he may even release that milestone, but the payment will soon be reversed in all probabilities because he is using compromised card details to make the transfer.


Cut your losses and do not transfer anything more, I have read at least 3 such cases on the forum since morning. There may be more who have not reported it on the community forum.


You should inform customer support about it and forget about received the funds you transferred.


And when the client asks you if you do not trust him, there is nothing wrong in acknowledging that you do not trust him.


Be safe and do not forget to report the job post!

Sure Sir I You Are Right 


But Now Sir Tell Me How Can I Received My Money Which I sent to him


re: "But Now Sir Tell Me How Can I Received My Money Which I sent to him"


Go here:

Upwork -> My Jobs -> My Jobs


Is the contract listed there?


Go here:

Upwork -> My Jobs -> My Contracts


Is the contract listed there?


Yes Sir Listed Here at Upwork job
Community Member

Syed Sajjad S wrote:

 How Can I Received My Money Which I sent to him

You can't. You fell for a very obvious scam and violated Upwork's terms in the process and the money is gone forever.

Community Member

re: "today I have sent a proposal for a project and the client comes to me asking to do the project with me so he sends me a Contract I accept after that I done his project but still, he didn't pay me"


This means you used the Upwork tool incorrectly.


In the future, do not do any work on the project until after you have a contract in place.


I strongly advise you to never again try to contact this particular client, and never again try to get paid for this particular project.


Make sure that you understand what you did wrong.

If you do not know what you did wrong, then ask questions here in the Forum until you understand, so that you can avoid making the same mistake again in the future.

Sir I He Send me Contract then I accept 

after that I send him 10$ of BTC but he didn't pay me 

re: "Sir I He Send me Contract then I accept. After that I send him 10$ of BTC but he didn't pay me"


You accepted a contract and the "job" was to send somebody $10 of Bitcoin?


Why would somebody need to hire you to send him Bitcoin?

Based on what I have read in the Forum, this is simply a scam.


Was this an hourly or fixed-price contract?


re: "His Requirements Was to I Will Send 450 Doller Of BTC and He will pay me 800 Doller In Upwork"

We have talked about this scam in other recent threads here in the Forum.

This person (or multiple persons using the same scam script) does not actually pay freelancers what he promises. He is just stealing money from the freelancers. He makes it look like there is a payment, but the payment is made fraudulently, and gets reversed.


Anyway, this is a violation of Upwork ToS.

You can get your Upwork account suspended or otherwise penalized for participating in this.



re: "So I Ask Him Make a Deal In Milestone. I will firstly send you 10 Doller of BTC then you pay me, then I will do the next transaction. So I sent 10 dollars of BTC but he didn't pay me."


That means that today is your lucky day!

Because he ASKED you to send him $450, and you only sent him $10.

OTHER freelancers who fell for this scam sent $800 or $1000 or more.

They never got their money back, and you won't get your money back.

But you only lost a SMALL amount of money compared to others.

Yes Sir He Asked For Send Me 450 Doller of Btc Then He will Pay 800

Then I Made First transaction Of Just 10 Dollar For Demo Test
But He Didn't Pay Me
Community Member

Syed Sajjad S wrote:
Yes Sir He Asked For Send Me 450 Doller of Btc Then He will Pay 800

Think about it for a minute..... **WHY** would any real client do that?

ow could that possibly have been anything other than a scam?

Syed Sajjad S wrote:
Yes Sir He Asked For Send Me 450 Doller of Btc Then He will Pay 800

Then I Made First transaction Of Just 10 Dollar For Demo Test
But He Didn't Pay Me

You can write this a dozen times, but you still don't seem to understand that the client is a scammer who never intended to pay you, and that you violated ToS by doing this. Buying bitcoin for somebody else is not a service allowed on upwork, it is strictly forbidden. 

Syed Sajjad S wrote:

Sir I He Send me Contract then I accept 

after that I send him 10$ of BTC but he didn't pay me 

I think you played it a lot better than others here who fell for the same type of Scam.


You just transferred 10$ which was smart of you, now forget about those 10$ you are never going to get it back. No use in wasting time asking again and again how you can get it, you are not going to get it back!


Other freelancers I've read about ended up transferring 400-800, which they are never going to get back.


Please go and look for real jobs, there are plenty of them on Upwork, that require you to do real work

in order to earn money.


Easy money is just a myth, atleast for majority of the folks! Don't fall for easy money scams!


Best of Luck!


Hi Syed,


As others have noted on this thread already conducting payments outside of Upwork is not only a violation of the Terms of Service but also increases the chances of fraud and makes securing payment more difficult. For more information please see this help article. You can also check this page for more tips on staying safe on Upwork


I checked and it looks like one of our agents already reached out to you via a support ticket with additional information. You can access your ticket on this page. Please consider following up on the ticket so that our team can assist you further.


~ Nikola
Community Member

I Upwork i sent a proposal to client,he accepted my proposal and i have done his work day and night ,he scammed me.please my payments from escrow now i need it now

re: "I Upwork i sent a proposal to client,he accepted my proposal and i have done his work day and night ,he scammed me.please my payments from escrow now i need it now"


You desire money.



First: obtain knowledge.


Before you can earn money, we must figure out what you did wrong.


Did you click the "Submit Work for Payment" button?

I am new here but i have done my job now you are responsible to pay me i
have sent whole my proofs,and clients paused the contract he is a big

re: "I am new here but i have done my job now you are responsible to pay me i have sent whole my proofs,and clients paused the contract he is a big scammer"



No proofs.

Proofs don't count.

Knowledge counts.

Knowledge before money.

You can not succeed here until you know what you did wrong.


This is the Community Forum.

This is where you can gain knowledge.

Forum participants are not "responsible to send you money." But we can help you gain knowledge. You should ask questions until you understand the situation.

Farhad A wrote:
I am new here but i have done my job now you are responsible to pay me i
have sent whole my proofs,and clients paused the contract he is a big

If your job was buying crypto, then not only is the client a scammer (he never intended to pay you), but you yourself violated upwork's terms of service, since this is strictly forbidden. 

Hi Farhad,


I checked your account and it looks like you had an hourly contract. For hourly contracts, you will need to log your hours while working using the Upwork Time Tracker App. All time logged in your Work Diary, whether tracked or added as manual time, is automatically invoiced to your client using the schedule below.

  • Week 1 – You log time using the Upwork Desktop App (Time Tracker)
  • Week 2 – Your time is invoiced to your client on Monday and they have until Friday to review your work
  • Week 3 – Earnings become available on the following Wednesday

You can check this help article for more information. If you have not logged your hours, you may politely request for your client to send you a bonus. 

~ Joanne
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