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Contract On Hold

I am new to Upwork. Just two hours after I got offered this contract it's being put on hold.
I wanted to knw whether client has paused the contract or it's because clients account is suspended. I can see suspended written in contract page. Not sure if that means suspended client or suspended contract.

Thanks and Regards


Hi Ronnie,


There are two reasons why your contract may be paused:


  • Your client has decided to pause your Hourly Contract: If no work needs to be done at the moment, clients can temporarily and immediately pause a contract. This prevents hours from being logged on the contract, without the need to end it, until you are ready to proceed with the next part of the project. 
  • There is a problem with your client’s Upwork account: In this case, your contracts with them will be paused automatically and you cannot continue to bill that client through Upwork until the issue is resolved. There are many possible reasons this could occur, although we can’t share the specifics regarding your client’s account due to privacy concerns.

You can check out this help article to learn some tips on what you can do if your contract is paused.





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Hi Alison,


Thank you for your message. I checked the job you are referring to and noticed that the Client's account was suspended due to issues with their payment method. That said, your payment will be released as soon as the Client resolves the issue.


Thank you,



So they just get to keep the edited document and not pay for it? That is so unfair. 

As long as the contract remains suspended by Upwork you will receive no payment for your work.


Suspension may last as long as it takes for the client to fix his payment method which may never happen.


Move on to other projects and give this client and his project no more thought unless Upwork tells you the project is unsuspended.

Very disappointing. Thank you Will.

Community Member

A contract was paused by upwork, due to a payment issue of the client.


But it's still showing in my job as a pending contract, so should I end the contract? will it affect my job score or can support help me with this thanks

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Azam,


If there is an issue with your client's account, your contracts with them will be paused automatically and you cannot continue to bill that client through Upwork until the issue is resolved. There are many possible reasons this could occur, although we can’t share the specifics regarding your client’s account due to privacy concerns. We recommend you communicate with the client directly to resolve the situation.


Community Member

This is not what I am asking, its been 2 or 3 months and the client never came online after the contract was paused.


I want to remove the contract from my job is that possible?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Azam, 


Yes, you're free to end any contract at any time. 


Community Member

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Kashmala Rehman,


Can you please share with us the Contract ID for the job you're referring to so that we can assist you accordingly? You can get the Contract ID by going to All Contracts> Select the contract in question> It should be under the Details page here. Looking forward to your response.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hey Arjay

Thank you so much for contacting me.

This is the contract ID



Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Kashmala,


Thank you for reaching out to us. It looks like your client's account had a problem and the contract is paused. Please know that if there is an issue with your client's account, your contracts with them will be paused automatically and you cannot continue to bill that client through Upwork until the issue is resolved. There are many possible reasons this could occur, although we can’t share the specifics regarding your client’s account due to privacy concerns. We recommend you communicate with the client directly to resolve the situation.

~ AJ
Community Member

HI everyone. I need your help . I have contract and I complete the job and submit the work and buyer also happy with it and approve my work and send me feedback but he's feedback its not showing on my profile and buyer account also suspend now what I do ? did I get my honest work feedback and payment ? or I end the contract to get them both feedback and payment ?


Thank you 🙂

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Mehmood Baig,


I'm afraid that we can't share the status of another user's account for privacy reasons. If the contract with your client is still paused it means there's still an issue with their account that they must resolve.


Your client should've also received a message from the relevant team indicating what steps they need to take to resolve their issue and they can follow up with the team as well in case they still need assistance with their account. Please, be sure to not resume working with the client until the hold is lifted from the contract.  You can check this help article to learn more.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hello everyone!


My profile has been inactive for a while now. Since last week I started refining my profiles with new description and portfolio. Yesterday, I submitted my first proposal after being inactive and got the reply which resulted in started a contract with them. Now, my contract with this new client is suspended and I can't start working on their project. 

Please, let me know the solution and reason for this.


Contract paused 

Hi Muhammad,


Thank you for reaching out. I checked your account and can confirm that there are no suspensions on your end. The contract was paused by Upwork as it looks like your client's account had a problem. Please know that if there is an issue with your client's account, your contracts with them will be paused automatically and you cannot continue to bill that client through Upwork until the issue is resolved. There are many possible reasons this could occur, although we can’t share the specifics regarding your client’s account due to privacy concerns. We recommend you communicate with the client directly to resolve the situation.

~ AJ

Thank you for your response AJ, 

Before the contract suspension, the client sent me the amount for buying their website's domain. While the amount was pending on Upwork, I have bought the domain from my own end and provided the client with the screenshot of the purchase. 

The contract got suspended the next day, and now for some reason the amount that was pending got automatically refunded to the client. Please, shed some light on this and provide a solution. 


M. Usman.

Hi Muhammad,


Thank you for your message. I can see that our team has already notified you about this action via a support ticket. You can access your support tickets here. Please don't hesitate to follow up with them on the same support ticket if you have additional questions regarding your concern. Note that support requests are responded to in the order they are received. Kindly allow 24-48 hours for the team to follow up with you and assist you further.


Thank you,


Community Member



I have an active contract with my client since September and just last Friday, October 28, it was paused by Upwork due to some client issue. I immediately contacted my client and after few hours, he informed me that it has been already resolved and should wait until system updates.


However, as of writing, it's been 5 days already and the contract is still paused. When can I expect it to resume when it has been resolved as per client.


Hope you can help.

There is no assurance the contract will ever be unpaused by Upwork. Don't start working again until Upwork, not the client, tells you that you can work again.

Community Member

So my client's contract is suspended and he says have been trying to contact support to no success. The work is done and pending payment.


He says he needs to have support so as to release the funds, when it gets here what do freelancer do. 


Can upwork please reach out to the client and get to help get paid for the project since the client is not declining paying but account problems.


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Duncan,


Thank you for reaching out to us. If there is a problem with your client’s Upwork account, your contracts with them will be paused and you cannot continue to bill that client through Upwork until the issue is resolved. There are many possible reasons this could occur, although we can’t share the specifics regarding your client’s account due to privacy concerns.


It's recommended that you stop working on the contract immediately and get in touch with your client to see when you can resume working, once they've resolved the issue with their account. Please note that any work completed up until the contract was paused is covered by Payment Protection


Feel free to update the ticket that's been set up with your concern if you have questions. Note that support requests are responded to in the order they are received. Kindly allow 24-48 hours for the team to follow up with you and assist you further.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hello there,


I would like to know when the problem that the contract is suspended between me and the client will be resolved He asked him for his passport a week ago and until now he has not opened his account

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Jannat,


Thank you for reaching out to us. If there is a problem with your client’s Upwork account, your contracts with them will be paused and you cannot continue to bill that client through Upwork until the issue is resolved. There are many possible reasons this could occur, although we can’t share the specifics regarding your client’s account due to privacy concerns.


It's recommended that you stop working on the contract immediately and get in touch with your client to see when you can resume working, once they've resolved the issue with their account. Feel free to check out this help article to learn more.


~ Arjay
Community Member

My client had temporarily frozen their card because of a random fraudulent transaction. This caused the Upwork billing to not go through for 1-2 weeks.


This was about a month ago, they have since cleared the balance and are trying to move forward with our contract. We have a live website that needs maintenance and updates ASAP but at odds with what to do. "Company is suspended" everytime I try to log time. What resources are there that I can point my client to? They said there was no support staff to get in touch with.

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