» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Custom certification option not available
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Custom Certification

Dear concern,


Recently, I've completed an Online Course and I want to add the certificate on Upwork. 


But, no matter what, I can't find a way to add it.


Is is possible to get a help regarding the matter?


Thanks in advance.

Community Member

Hello everybody,


I'd like to provide an update that this issue has been resolved and you should be able to add Custom Certifications to your profile now. As such, we'll be closing this thread from further replies. 


We appreciate your patience as we were getting this fixed.

~ Valeria

View solution in original post

Community Member

-Go to your profile.

-At the bottom part, you can see certifications 

-Click the plus sign(+) to add your certificate

Then enter the details. 

there is no option to add a custom certification, just the certifications added by Upwork?

There is a customized for certification..Please check it. I did it.


I do not find the custom certificate add option.


how you can help me? 

Hi Lipi and Qazi,


I'm sorry to hear you both are experiencing the same problem. Someone from our team will be reaching out to you via a support ticket to assist you further.  

~ Luiggi

Hi Zakaria,


I would like to let you know that only certifications listed in this help article can be added and validated. You can suggest a certification that's not on the list and the team reviews suggestions and updates the list based on the demand from time to time. However, we won't be able to provide information for when your suggestion will be added.


Edited to add information: 


If you try to enter a certification not on the list, you’ll have the opportunity to Add a custom certification. You can add up to two custom certifications. 


~ Nikola

I just checked it now I think they have changed it. However, you can put it in your portfolio. That is what I did now.


Community Member

Hi Nikola:


I don't have the option to add a custom certification as you mention below. (Don't have the option to suggest one either, but that's not my major concern.) Would you please take a look at this or let me know what I'm doing wrong?


BTW, I tried to upload a screen shot as a .png, .jpg, and .pdf and got an error message saying the file type was not supported in all three cases. I am new here and things are not getting off to a great start.




Hi Michelle,


I will look into this further and will get back to you once I have more information.


Edited to add: 


I shared your report with our team and one of our agents already reached out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your ticket on this page.


Thank you for your patience,

~ Nikola

Hi there,

I have recently completed a certification from LinkedIn learning "CSS Essential Training" and I would like to upload it on my profile but there is no option for it neither for suggesting a certificate.

Can You let me know how can I upload it?

Thanks in advance!

Community Member

Hello, Hugo!
Today I tried to add a certificate from the course in the way you described. But when I entered 'coursera in the dialogs, I didn't see the "Suggest this certification" link. Will the ability to add certificates to a freelancer profile from Coursera come back anytime soon?48 PM.jpg

Hi Andrei, 


I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble with this. There's currently a known issue with adding custom certifications that our engineering team is currently working on, which is why you don't see the option. In addition, I'd like to note that you can add up to two custom certifications at a time, which I see you already have. So if you're planning on adding another one, you will need to remove one from those you already have. You can check out this help article for more info. 


Thank you,

~ Luiggi

I want to add my certification but i cannot find it in options. but i also there is no option for 'add custom certificaion". How can i?

Hi Omer,


If you're trying to add a certificate that's not on the list, you'll be prompted with a link to add a custom one. Here's a screenshot for your reference.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

I am unable to see that option you can see

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Omer,


Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to check if you’re still experiencing the same issue?


Let us know if the issue persists.


Thank you.

~ Bojan
Community Member

Hi Bojan,


I am experiencing the same issue and i logged into new browser but i am not getting any option as told.


Thanks and Regards,

Hayaat Omair

Hi Hayaat,


You should be able to see the custom certification option. Could you please try again by following the steps shared here? If it doesn't work, please share a screenshot from your end so we can take a look.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hello Bojan, I am facing the same issue, and I already tried clearing the cache and using another browser. There is no option to add custom certification.




Hi Ashima,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and will assist you further with your certification. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Upwork Community! I hope you all will be fine. I am facing the same issue I am trying to add custom certificate but I cant see any option, Can you please resolve my issue. 

Hi Ali,


Please try to clear your cache and cookies or log in via another browser to upload your certification. To learn more about this, check out this Help Article. Thank you.

~ Goran

I can do the same things that you can tell but still facing the same issue


Hi Ali,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and will assist you further with your certifications. Thank you.

~ Goran

Thank you

I'm also unable to add custom certification kindly help.


Hi All, 


I would like to let you know that our technical team is aware of the issue and working on fixing this as soon as possible. 


Thank you for understanding,

~ Nikola
Community Member

This is no longer an option, how do I add a suggestion for a certification?


Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 9.45.25 AM.png

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Amy, 

I was able to replicate your experience on my end. Let me look into this and me or a member of our team will come back here once we have more information.

~ Avery
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Amy, 

I merged your post to our master thread as this is a known issue, and our engineers are looking into it further. A Customer Support Team member will reach out to you through an email support ticket to assist you further. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Hello everybody,


I'd like to provide an update that this issue has been resolved and you should be able to add Custom Certifications to your profile now. As such, we'll be closing this thread from further replies. 


We appreciate your patience as we were getting this fixed.

~ Valeria
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