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Data Entry

Hi  ,
I am a Graphic Designer/Digital Marketer and new to Upwork. I have been struggling to get my first Preoject Catelog. I have submitted about many proposals to different leads base projects. How do I get my job?

I will try for few month but I will not success.
I really need help.

Thank you


Community Member

Freelancers cannot help you win jobs here on Upwork. We can provide suggestions and advice, but there is no definitive way to win a job for all proposals submitted. I have a few suggestions:


With six (6) years of graphic design experience, your hourly rate is too low. I know that rates vary depending on location, but the other Bangladeshi graphic designers I see with the same amount of experience are between $5/hour - $10/hour.


Also, be sure to select your Data Entry/Lead Generation profile when submitting proposals for lead generation work.


Finally, you should add more examples to your portfolio. Clients will expect to see more examples of a graphic designer's work.

View solution in original post

Community Member

Freelancers cannot help you win jobs here on Upwork. We can provide suggestions and advice, but there is no definitive way to win a job for all proposals submitted. I have a few suggestions:


With six (6) years of graphic design experience, your hourly rate is too low. I know that rates vary depending on location, but the other Bangladeshi graphic designers I see with the same amount of experience are between $5/hour - $10/hour.


Also, be sure to select your Data Entry/Lead Generation profile when submitting proposals for lead generation work.


Finally, you should add more examples to your portfolio. Clients will expect to see more examples of a graphic designer's work.

Community Member



Hi there,

Getting started on platforms like Upwork can be challenging, but here are a few tips to improve your chances:

1. **Complete Your Profile:** Ensure your profile is detailed and highlights your skills, experience, and relevant portfolio pieces.

2. **Craft Custom Proposals:** Tailor your proposals to each project, showcasing how your skills align with the client's needs.

3. **Start Small:** Consider taking on smaller projects to build your reputation and gain reviews.

4. **Network:** Engage in Upwork's community forums and connect with other freelancers to gain insights and advice.

5. **Be Patient:** Success may take time, so don't give up. Keep refining your approach based on feedback and results.

Remember, persistence pays off. Keep improving your profile, proposals, and skills, and you'll increase your chances of landing your first project. Good luck!

1. **Complete Your Profile:** Ensure your profile is detailed and highlights your skills, experience, and relevant portfolio pieces.


You need to take "your" advice.


How did you become so wise in how to use the platform without a single job and no profile? Why would others take your advice about Upwork, when clearly you have no experience?

What of someone with no experience yet(New here)

For anyone using this or any platform, not to mention freelancing in general, you must possess certain qualifications in order to succeed. The first, and most important, is marketable skills. "Speed typing/reading proficiency" are not skills. Your profile is almost nonexistent, and it's obvious you haven't read or aren't following the rules.


If you want to be a freelancer, you must bring skills to the marketplace. This is not the place to develop basic skills. Freelancing means you are responsible for everything you do. It's up to you if you are successful. Data entry is a flooded category, and you will find it difficult to find work with so much competition.


Read this post, and follow every link. It will take you to Upwork resources, and excellent advice on scams from Wes. All you will find with your current profile is scammers. You can start with a photo of your face to have a real profile.


I do not recommend people with no marketable skills try to freelance. Why? Because I have seen way too many lose it all. In my opinion, you need to develop skills before you try to freelance. I would suggest taking some basic course in freelancing and try to find something more to offer that won't relegate you to low paying jobs and scams.


I Am Here 


What the work markeating you want.






Community Member

I am interest to your work

Use the Academy link at the top of the page. You need to learn how to use the platform before you are scammed. You can start with an appropriate photo. No one will hire you with your current profile.

Community Member

I want a data entry job so i can't this job please help solution 

Use the link to the Academy at the top of the page and learn how to avoid scams and use the platform correctly.

Community Member

  • I need. Work for data entry 
Community Member

Dear Sir,


Your messege has been acknowladged with thanks

I am new Freelancers but 5% rate my fevar.





Md. Jakir Hosen

Community Member

Hi ,

I am a Graphic Designer/Digital Marketer and new to Upwork. How do I get my job? I want Data entry job or typing job 


I really need help.


Thank you

Community Member

exactly find the way best of luck


Community Member

Getting started on platforms like Upwork can be challengingGetting started on platforms like Upwork can be challenging. 

Community Member

You should improve your skill and create relevant work samples.

Community Member



Community Member

Hi there,

I'm sorry to hear that you are struggling to get your first project on Upwork. I know how frustrating and discouraging it can be to send many proposals and not get any response. However, don't give up hope. There are many things you can do to improve your chances of landing your first project on Upwork. Here are some tips based on my web search:

• Create a strong profile that showcases your skills, experience, and portfolio. Your profile is your online resume and portfolio. It is the first thing that potential clients see when they search for freelancers or receive your proposal.

Community Member

hello sir 

Community Member


You can update your catalog and full discription and SEO.

Mohsin Raza
Community Member

Data Entry

I am a Graphic Designer/Digital Marketer and new to Upwork. I have been struggling to get my first project Catalog. I have submitted many proposals for different lead-based projects. How do I get my job?

I will try for a few months but I will not succeed.
I need help.

Thank you



You are at high risk for being scammed, because you haven't read and are not following the rules. How do I know? I can tell, just like the scammers, from your barely there profile.


Before you are scammed, please read this post and follow every link. It will guide you through all of Upwork's rules and how to establish yourself. You must protect yourself, no one, including Upwork, will do it for you.


Pay special attention to the Terms of Service, and the Red Flags on Scams from Wes.


Data entry is a completely flooded category, so you have a tremendous amount of competition. If you want to freelance, you need to follow the steps I've outlined before you lose it all.

Hi am rasal. I am expat for data entry. I am solving your problem 

You need to worry about solving your problems on Upwork, before trying to get a job in the forum.


If you want to freelance here, you need to read this post, and follow every link. Your current profile and title of ''freelancer" is only going to get you scammed. Freelancing requires marketable skills and the ability to conduct yourself in self-employment. This includes paying for applying.


It's up to you if you are successful or scammed.

Community Member

data entry

Community Member

Hi, I'm a data entry clerk/ article writer and I'm new to Upwork. I've submitted quite a number of proposal now and still struggling with getting a job.

I really need help.

How do I secure a job?

Thank you 🙏🏼

You need to start at the beginning. Read this post and follow every single link before you even consider looking for a job. You are at high risk of being scammed. You must learn how to use Upwork, so you don't get scammed.


Your profile says you need income. That kind of profile is an open invitation to scammers, because they can tell, just as I can, that you haven't read the rules and are not following them. If you want to freelance, you have a lot of work to do. It's up to you if you are safe or if you are scammed. I hope you choose safety.

Hi, I'm a data entry clerk/ article writer and I'm new to Upwork. I've submitted quite a number of proposal now and still struggling with getting a job.

I really need help.

How do I secure a job?

Thank you 

Community Member



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Please some work 

Community Member

yes sir am

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