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Job feed based on my categories all messed up

Why in my job feed there are jobs that are not marked as my categories?
I have selected My categories mostly graphics, but in job feed I get jobs that are outside of my selection like: PHP Scripts, HTTP, Java, Market Research, C, C++, Sales Process, Sales Management, Sales Operations, Sales Strategy...

Thank you.

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Community Member

Dear Concern,


I am a freelancer as a specialist on Accounts and consulting.  recently I add my profile as one category specialist on data visualization and did job two or more perfectly,  after that I am facing a problem that on my job feeds are not being shown any job relating to Account & Consulting, so I can not apply to my main special area. 

Looking for advice from experts on how to show related jobs with my expert area on my news feed.


Thanks in advance!!!

Hi Tanay,


I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue with your job feed. Could you please try adjusting your feed by running searches, applying filters, using the advanced search option, and saving your search to your feed? Feel free to check out this help article for more information on how you can perform searches, save them to your feed and improve the results you see.


If the situation persists after this, please let us know and we will assist you further. 


~ Nikola

Hi Nikola,


Thanks for your prompt reply, it seems it is working. Thank you!


Community Member

I have contacted customer support severally with regards to this complaint, yet nothing has been done about it.

Each time I refresh my feed, all the jobs I see are jobs from 8 hours ago and above. How will I get a job if over 50 persons already applied before I saw the offer?



Did you clear your cache?


Maybe it will help? 

I have done that severally. Still nothing. Same old, same old.

I can't see any recent job postings. Only jobs from 8 hours and older.

Hi Ilodibe,


I shared your report with our team and one of our agents already reached out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your ticket on this page.


~ Nikola
Community Member

Hi please I am having this same issue. I usually get projects just by refreshing my most recent and it usually shows recent projects regarding my category which is video editing and animations but now it's all messed up, showing unwanted projects from everywhere. Please help.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Victor,


Could you please try saving some searches? This should help populate your feed with related job posts.


Community Member

I am Amazon Virtual assistant but in my recent search i get updates on jobs for Digital marketing or others which do not matck my skills . Every thing was going on smoothly but it happened sine one month that am unable to send any proposal to the job that matches my skill . i can only see jobs related to my  field at Best matches .  PLease solve my  issue . very upset 

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