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Aren't freelancers suppsed to able to set up milestones now? It's not working for me.

Community Member

If you have an existing, open contract (fixed price) you should be able to go into the contract section and propose a new milestone.


The client has to approve and fund it.

Here's what I'm seeing. Clicking on Save does nothing.milestone.JPG

ack! I have reached the end of my effectiveness.

I'll flag this post for a Mod..

Hi Clark, 

When you try basic troubleshooting steps such as clearing your cookies, or using a different browser, does the issue persist?

~ Avery

Clearing the cache and cookies didn't help. Using a different browser did. I requested a new milestone, but my client claims she hasn't gotten any notice of that. She claims she can't figure out how to set up a new milestone. She wants to just close the job and assumes Upwork will just give me the rest of the money in escrow. I told her not to do that because without a milestone Upwork will want to refund the balance to her.

Thank you for following up on this thread, Clark. Could you also please share the Contract ID you have with this client so that I can go ahead and ask a member of the Customer Support Team to reach out to them and assist them with this issue? 


ETA: Clark, I found the client and will forward their account information to the team to be assisted further.

~ Avery

Thanks very much for your help.

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