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No chat support - I need help - Payment Issues



How can I talk to someone from the team? There's no option for live chat support anymore. I need help asap. This is about a payment issue. I think I am being overpaid but I need to be sure and I need help from someone to ensure that I am indeed being overpaid and need to know how to resolve the issue going forward.



Hi Antonio,


I'm afraid you're right and your client may have set up an option on your contract that they did not intend. The "salary" transactions you're referring to are Weekly Payments that must have been set up by your client as part of the offer process. Setting a Weekly Payment in the Advanced Options section means the client is paying you an additional amount each week. This payment is on top of standard hourly billing based on your Work Diaries.


I would suggest you and your client end this contract and start a new one that does not include a Weekly Payment. You can refund any payments your client has made to you on top of what was agreed.



View solution in original post


Hi Antonio,


Thank you for your message. I am sorry you're experiencing issues contacting support. A quick way to contact support is by clicking the "Get Support" button that shows at the bottom right corner of this page. You may be asked what type of account you need help with, please select the best option for your situation. If you don't receive the information you're looking for, you can click "Get Support" for more options, including contacting our support team.


I see that you have already initiated a support ticket with your concern. One of our team members will reach out to you as soon as possible and assist you further.


Thank you



Great, thanks Pradeep. I'm looking forward to their response. I hope to hear from them ASAP as my predicament is starting to get stressful.

I think I need to issue a refund to my client and unfortunately have used the funds already so I need to come up with a solution here but first, I need to make sure how much I need to refund him and need to know what exactly happened, what went wrong, etc., because my client is fairly new to the platform and doesn't seem to have full grasp knowledge of how to use Upwork and might have set up the contract incorrectly which is partly my mistake because I didn't bother to check the invoices weekly. What a bummer! I think I owe him around $700 and I'm freaking out right now.

Please help asap. I wish we could bring back the live chat option again like the way it used to be before.

Hi Antonio,


Thank you for your message. If you are referring to the active Hourly contract, I see that you have logged 6 hours for the week of 03/07 to 03/13 and the earnings are currently under pending status as seen on your Report page. Also, I see that you have logged 6 hours for the week of 03/14 to 3/20 and the earnings are currently under 'In review' status as seen on your Report page. Please note that all logged hours on Hourly contracts are processed as per the Upwork weekly billing cycle. Hope that answers your questions.


Thank you






Yes that is true. I am actually referring to all payments since Dec 9th
(contract start date). Our agreement is for me to log in an hour per day
for 6 days per week (manual time in), $8/hour for some admin/CS tasks.

I just noticed today however, that aside from the manual time I am
submitting, he's also being charged for a separate invoice for the same
amount, tagged as "Salary" under the transactions page and this is the
first time I've heard of this, first time I encountered it. So it seems
he's being charged double every week. Instead of him paying me just for
$48, I am receiving $96 (excluding service fees).

Can you help me understand this, please?

Hi Antonio,


I'm afraid you're right and your client may have set up an option on your contract that they did not intend. The "salary" transactions you're referring to are Weekly Payments that must have been set up by your client as part of the offer process. Setting a Weekly Payment in the Advanced Options section means the client is paying you an additional amount each week. This payment is on top of standard hourly billing based on your Work Diaries.


I would suggest you and your client end this contract and start a new one that does not include a Weekly Payment. You can refund any payments your client has made to you on top of what was agreed.


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