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Is there anyone here scheduled to withdraw their hourly contract today? Payment is not available yet on my end.


Same here - not available yet.... 

Community Member

Getting Paid is still "Operational" in Upwork status, so they haven't seen the issue yet.

Last time (in July), the Upwork status didn't change from operational to an "active incident" until just before midnight Pacific time ... there had been a worldwide uproar for hours before that. 

Yes, that's why it will depend on how long the devs can spot the issue. As of now, no moderator have read the post. Upwork help is of no help on these circumstances, they just reply with canned message.

A top-rated FL just tweeted Upwork Help about 20 minutes ago. Twitter seems to get more immediate attention.

Hmmmm, again.  Last time I contacted support and they minimized the problem. But it was global as it is again. After the last time this really shouldn't be happening again.

A proactive approach would be much appreciated... it's not just the money, it's the uncertainty and the stress.

Yes. Here too, payments still in review. I hope they can resolve this issue soon 😞 

same here, still in grey, hope they will resolve this today

You can go to directly get paid URL: https://www.upwork.com/ab/payments/{someID}/disburse => you should check in your browser histories. Then you can get paid

AND Upwork shuld be proactive about this and send an email to everyone who receives early payouts....

There's now an "Active Incident" status, Upwork techs have noticed and are resolving the issue a lot faster than July incident. I'm supposed to work right now but couldn't because of stress and anxiety that I might miss all my bill payments and suffer consequences by paying additional interests. I just think this issue should not happen anymore after July.

Community Member

So stressful 😞

devs/tech support please wake up! this is sooooooooooooo stressful!

Community Member

Top Rated Plus here.. Usually received from In review to Available hours ago but not come through yet. I'm relying on this.


From searching previous posts it seems like last time it happened in a big way was July and it was a technical issue that Upwork needed to resolve.


Can the moderators/admins please look into this quickly?

Community Member

They usually just give a canned response that it'll be available "5am utc" but it's already past that so idk what they're up to. Hope they give more attention to this issue as it's been happening every week now.


Hi Everyone,


I understand that you are concerned about your funds that are still not showing as available. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. We will check with the relevant teams and provide an update here as soon as we have more information. 

~ Joanne
Community Member

Thanks, Joanne.

Hope this gets sorted out soon.
Community Member

Much appreciated, Joanne. Thank you. Please quickly send the engineers some hot coffee!
Fingers crossed.

Looking forward here Joanne. Thanks.

Hope this will be resolved soon. 

Well guys at least then Status page is updated with the error, 

Community Member



I've been at this awhile. Approximately once a year this happens. Upwork doesn't pay people and the community gets understandably frustrated because they can't eat/pay rent/bills etc.


Usually this gets worked out within 3 hours or so.

The Upwork support techs are as useful as **bleep** on a bull so don't bother asking them. You just have to be patient.


Your money will come. I can't promise it will be soon, but in my experience(I freaked out the last time this happened) it gets fixed within 3 hours.

I hope it works out early. Really stressed out here!

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