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Percentage of Sucess not increasing

Hello Upwork Team,

My success percentage is not moving, I have completed 4 successful projects in the last week all with a 5-star rating and one with a bonus from the client too. but my percentage is not moving up. it is 96% since then.

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Vikram S wrote:

my job success score is not increasing since 6 or 7 weeks I have got some good feedback also

You only completed one single contract since the last update and as far as today is concerned, it hasn't been updated yet. It never reliably updates until Sunday evening UTC at the earliest, despite it saying it's updated much earlier, usually around lunchtime UTC. 1 good feedback may not have much of or any impact, especially if a good outcome falls out of the calculation window at the same time.

Community Member

Hi Dear Team,


Hope you all are doing good.


My Upwork JSS is stuck at 74% and not moving up, it's really disappointed me. Even when I'm getting good feedback and doing good work on upwork.

Please help!!


Thank You

Community Member

Vipin S wrote:

My Upwork JSS is stuck at 74% and not moving up, it's really disappointed me.

It hasn't been updated yet. It never reliably updates until Sunday evening UTC, despite it saying it's updated much earlier. 1 good feedback may not have much of or any impact, especially if a good outcome falls out of the calculation window at the same time.

Community Member

Today my stats have been updated but my JSS is not updated, its 87% from the last update but after that, I completed a job, but that not reflected in my JSS, so any Upwork Team Member, kindly help me out.



M Khalid

Mohammad Khalid S wrote:

Today my stats have been updated but my JSS is not updated, its 87% from the last update but after that, I completed a job, but that not reflected in my JSS, 



If the contract is closed, it will be included in your JSS. But it hasn't updated yet and won't be reliable for probably another2  hours, likely longer. Don't look until tomorrow morning.
It happens every time. After about 1pm it starts saying that it was updated. It NEVER has at that point. Around 4pm to 6pm UTC some peoples' are starting to update. But you can't trust it until the evening UTC, and sometimes not even then.
Community Member

Hi, I just got Jss for the first time, as I was a new user. But it's only 75%. I don't know why, as only one of my contracts got canceled so far and I managed to finish all others perfectly. Also, some clients forgot to give a rating but comtra ts ended perfectly. Can I know the reason? It must be around 80 -90%.

Hello Dewmimi,


Job Success Scores reflect a wide range of factors such as public and private feedback, long-term contracts, and repeat ones. You can monitor your Job Success Score on your My Stats page. Please see this link for more info about what affects your score.


Thank you

Pradeep H.


Dewmini W wrote:
Hi, I just got Jss for the first time, as I was a new user. But it's only 75%. I don't know why, as only one of my contracts got canceled so far and I managed to finish all others perfectly. Also, some clients forgot to give a rating but comtra ts ended perfectly. Can I know the reason? It must be around 80 -90%.

You may have received bad private feedback on your cancelled contract, and/or one of your other clients might have left less than a perfect score in their private feedback (your JSS is mainly based on this, not the star ratings). You only have three feedback reviews in total, so each one is weighing very heavily on your score. Start asking your clients to close projects themselves, then they'll have to leave you a review. It should be easy enough to improve your score after a few more contracts.

Community Member

Hello Upwork community!


I've been freelancing in content and editing for about 9 months now. My JSS was at 100% for quite a while, and it dropped down to 80% after a client gave me a negative review (I was hospitalized and couldn't get in touch with him.) This happened on the morning my 13 weeks were about to be completed on 100%, so I didn't get my Top Rated badge back then. 


He changed his public review after I cleared it out with him, but the damage was done. To salvage the situation, I took up some quick projects that left me 5 star reviews, but my JSS only went up to 85-86% before the three weeks (13 out of 16) were over. It was somewhere around 88% the last time I checked. 


This morning, I woke up and saw that my JSS had increased to 94%. Nobody has ended a contract or left me a positive public review in the last two weeks. Does anyone have an idea how this works or what might have happened? I'm not complaining (or course) but I'd really like to understand how this works so that I can get and keep a Top Rated badge on my profile. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance!




Community Member


My stats have been updated on 4th April, and reviews are showing on my profile but my JSS is not updated yet. It's still the same as it was two weeks ago. I just want to ask when it will update?



Hi Muhammad Shahzaib,


If the recently added reviews are not included in the recent calculation, it will most likely going to be included on the next one. 

~ Joanne
Community Member



I have just worked on a web scraping project. I worked only for 30 minutes and soon realized the work is lengthy and I told client it will take more hours than expected. The client asked she cannot afford this much so she said please dont work on this. Now, total billed amount is 16 USD, I want to refund as her work was not done. Should I refund, will this affect my JSS? If so what is the proper way to handle this situation, please guide me. I am top rated and I worked really hard to save my badge and raised my profile from 91 to 97%. 

When can I refund her? Looking forward for guidance

Hi Qasim,


Refunding part of the earnings you have earned from the contract doesn't affect your JSS; however, if your refund results in no earnings for this contract, it may affect your JSS. This help article gives a detailed overview of how JSS is calculated and what may cause changes in the score when it updates.

I also encourage you to check this announcement

~ Joanne
Community Member

Joanne Marie P wrote:

however, if your refund results in no earnings for this contract, it may affect your JSS. 

No, it won't anymore. That stopped last year. 

That contract will only hurt the JSS if it ends with poor private feedback from the client.

Community Member

I Have 88% job success score is it affect my profile I am not getting a response from the clients.

Community Member

Why is my JSS stuck at 86% for so long its been 8 weeks and I have done a lot of 5-star Jobs so as to boost it, can any one tell what should I focus so as to reach 90%, I am new to Upwork so may not know much about it.

Vedant J wrote:

Why is my JSS stuck at 86% for so long its been 8 weeks and I have done a lot of 5-star Jobs so as to boost it, can any one tell what should I focus so as to reach 90%, I am new to Upwork so may not know much about it.

Six of your clients have marked you down in the past six months, and you have one very dissatisfied recent client - that's enough to put you at 86%. And you have to remember that private feedback is what counts most towards your JSS, not the star rating.


I also noticed that you post complaints in response to any feedback that's less than 5 stars, e.g. "Client is new doesn’t actually know when the job is completed with full satisfaction it is rated a 5 stars, this why my JSS is still below 90, btw nice client" (this was in response to someone who gave you at 4.6!) - you should stop doing this, since it looks highly unprofessional. If you continue to complain like that, don't be surprised if clients give you 5 stars publicly, but mark you down in their private feedback.


It looks like your biggest mistake was accepting a job from a client without having any preliminary discussion with them first. Since you're trying to raise your JSS, you should avoid clients like that; make sure that you have a detailed brief and ask lots of questions before you agree to work with anyone. 

There is also a thing where the JSS is renewed in 6 months, would that help me? what do you think

Community Member

Yesterday I completed a work for a client ( A popup form ) . The client reviewed the work , approved , made the payment of $20 and ended the contract. Today he contacted me and said that the form is not working. I asked him if you made any change to the form and he told that he made a change to the form by his own. Now he is asking for a refund for the work already done. How I can become responsible for the change he has made without my knowledge. Can you please assist me with this.

Will this affect my JSS.

Bharadhan V wrote:

Now he is asking for a refund for the work already done. How I can become responsible for the change he has made without my knowledge. Will this affect my JSS.

You are not responsible, and whether you refund or not won't affect your JSS, as the client has already left feedback. The effect of the contract on your JSS has happened already, when the contract was closed. 


Vedant J wrote:

There is also a thing where the JSS is renewed in 6 months, would that help me? what do you think

It doesn't "get refreshed every 6 months" as such. There is a 6 month window, and if that is your best window, it becomes your JSS. So if nothing else goes wrong and all ne feedback, public and private, is flawless, your JSS would become 100% 6 months plus 1 day after your last poor outcome.

Community Member

There is also a thing I have read that the higher-paying jobs compensate the lower-paying job like I got a 1 star for a 225$ job and 5 stars for 350$+350$+$350+$1350 (I am pretty sure I am 9-10 on internal too), so don't you think it should probably go up rather than being stuck at 86%, let me know thanks

Community Member

How can I improve my JSS?

I don't know that why my JSS is 79%
As I known all of my clients was satisfied from my work.

Faisal K wrote:
I don't know that why my JSS is 79%

Private feedback. 


3 out of your 7 clients to date deducted stars for different aspects.


Faisal K wrote:
How can I improve my JSS?

Make sure to only accept contracts you know you can do perfectly, and then under-promise and over-deliver.


The good news is that with so few contracts to date, it will be pretty easy to improve your JSS significantly and quickly, but you have to make sure your next few contracts are 100% successful.

Community Member

My job success rate was %82 I'm working for 2 clients right now and I've got 5 stars from both of them. But my rate is still the same. Why it's happening?

Community Member

Baha Tan O wrote:

 I'm working for 2 clients right now and I've got 5 stars from both of them. But my rate is still the same. Why it's happening?

Mid contract feedback (on ongoing contracts) does not have any effect on the JSS at all. Only feedback from ended contracts does.

Community Member


I have a question about agency rating. 
One of my client made a 4.65 feedback and my Job success score went down to 72%.
After that, my client changed her feedback to 5 stars, 2 weeks passed and nothing happened with the rating.
For now agency has all 5 stars feedback and 72% job success rate, how to fix it?
If I have two contracts without feedback could that affect my rating?

Petr R wrote:

One of my client made a 4.65 feedback and my Job success score went down to 72%.
After that, my client changed her feedback to 5 stars, 2 weeks passed and nothing happened with the rating.

The stars are pretty much irrelevant, what affected your agency JSS is the private feedback, and that can't be changed.


The system is like this because of unprofessional freelancers asking clients to change feedback and most clients simply leaving 5 stars by defaul, because they simply don't want to deal with such behaviour. The average public feedback on the site overall is 4.9. 


Petr R wrote:

If I have two contracts without feedback could that affect my rating?

No, that has no affect at all.


Petr R wrote:

For now agency has all 5 stars feedback and 72% job success rate, how to fix it?

Forget the stars. Your stars are fake (because you made one out of the 4 clients who left feedback change their feedback) Make sure your team go the extra mile with the next few contracts. Clients must be 100% happy.


Because your agency has so few contracts, every one counts very heavily. For better and for worse.

Community Member

Hello, I completed 3 jobs with a 5-star feedback, but my JSS is still the same. Please advise.

Community Member

My job success score is not updating. I have made very good relations with my clients. why is the score so low. it demotivates me. please help me

Community Member

Last month I had 86% in my job success scores and I recently completed four jobs yet why didn't my score grow


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

My Jss score has been decreased even I Got not single bad feedback. Moreover, Not a single client have closed my work, However, even I got 4-5 new clients. Than why my jss score has been decreased. Also If I see my profile than my jss has been decreased and If I see in my stat report than its same as before.

Harpreet S wrote:

Also If I see my profile than my jss has been decreased and If I see in my stat report than its same as before.

It updates at different times. It will all synch by tomorrow



But why it has been decreased. Even I didn't get any negative feedback, Not a single client have not closed my work even I got 5 new clients than why my jss has decreased. Can I know the reason


Harpreet S wrote:

But why it has been decreased. Even I didn't get any negative feedback, Not a single client have not closed my work

When good outcomes fall out of your calculation window, the weight of the (several) not so great outcomes increases. You need to keep completing contracts.


Harpreet S wrote:

even I got 5 new clients than why my jss has decreased.

New clients are irrelevant to the JSS until the contracts are closed or they have had regular payments on them for at least 3 months.

Do holded contracts affect on JSS score?


Hi Harpreet,


In general, if the client does not leave feedback on a contract it should not affect your JSS. You can check this help article to learn more. 


Thank you.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hello there! I'm relatively new to Upwork. I've recently reached enough jobs to have my JSS and most of my stats calculated, and my question is: why would a client leave good public feedback and bad private feedback? I've had (to my knowledge) all my contracts closed successfully and no client ever told me they were dissatisfied with my work. I got all nice public reviews, but my stats don't really reflect that. Any tips?

Community Member

Lila C wrote:

Hello there! I'm relatively new to Upwork. I've recently reached enough jobs to have my JSS and most of my stats calculated, and my question is: why would a client leave good public feedback and bad private feedback? I've had (to my knowledge) all my contracts closed successfully and no client ever told me they were dissatisfied with my work. I got all nice public reviews, but my stats don't really reflect that. Any tips?

The public "stars" feedback asks clients to select the level of performance across specific criteria (quality, communication, etc.). The private feedback is modeled after the Net Promoter Score system. For this feedback the client is asked how likely they are to recommend you to someone else and allowed to select a number between 1 and 10. A client may think, "Oh, the quality, etc. was fine for the price" or "I don't want to publicly criticize this freelancer" while at the same time know that they would not recommed you to someone else. 

In other words, privacy is believed to prompt a more honest assessment of the freelancer. Also, during a brief period after it goes public, your star feedback can be changed by mutual consent. (The freelancer can lobby the client to make the change and enable them to do so.) This process has been abused in the past. So now, we have private feedback that cannot be changed--no matter how "mistaken" the freelancer or client claim to have been when it was left. 

In your situation, I am surprised that your private and public don't match up since your clients took the time to leave positive written comments. The mismatch of numbers may be because the "would recommend" score does not sync with your feedback in real time. There is an intentional lag between when you receive a private score and when it is reflected in your stats to obfuscate the identify of the reviewing clients. 

Community Member

Thank you so much! This was very helpful

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