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Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

Please help me in getting my right

I got this reply from Upwork support


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The only guarantee is from Upwork, there is no guarantee that client will pay me outside.

Once Upwork notified me by email to stop working on this contract then I immediately stopped because after getting notice payment was not guaranteed.

I suggested Upwork team to not refund his money because I have right on it therefore deposit it into my account and then close this contract.

Issue was on client's side, client got his money back and done his work. Me and my family are suffering.

Humanitarian rights are above all rules and regulations therefore I will avoid discussing rules and regulation of Upwork and
I humbly request CEO of Upwork to please play his part and reimburse me for the sake of children.


Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

That is not how this works.

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Rana Muhammad,


I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I checked and I see that our team has provided a detailed explanation in your existing ticket. Unfortunately, we won't be able to share more information about your specific case here in the Community.

~ Bojan
Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

Hi Bojan,


Thanks for your feeling of sorry. But you can understand that I need money to spend on children.


I know that there is some misunderstanding that I am fair and even suffering. I am not a lawyer that can discuss the terms and conditions more efficiently therefore what can I do is to appeal CEO of Upwork to reimburse me.


Thank you

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

Rana Muhammad:

Upwork has literally millions of users.

Upwork must follow rules and procedures. To do otherwise would lead to chaos, and the entire system would collapse.

For future reference:
It is not appropriate for you to come to the Forum and make a direct appeal to the CEO of Upwork. Doing so does not help you in any way.


It is not appropriate for you to state the you need money for your children.


I do not doubt that you would like to receive money that you feel you earned. But pointing out a reason WHY you want money is inappropriate and is not going to do anything to help you get the money.

Mary's avatar
Mary W Community Member

Additionally, it is not appropriate to PM individual freelancers for help.

Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

@Mary @, This was better to tell me in the reply of PM, anyhow thanks for advice. I will take care.

@Preston H

Everyone needs finance for children, I am just telling the fact which someone ignored.

For all of your questions and objections, I will need to talk about my case in detail, which I am avoiding here. If started discussing terms conditions etc than this will be very long and take time in getting relief.

Upwork team is my team, most of them are my respectable juniours, I must avoid to argue that if mistake or misunderstanding is on my side or Upwork team's side? We are all human and human are not free of errors. Therefore I am directly appealing to Upwork CEO. I respect CEO and finally look towards her.

I completely agree with your saying and which is also a solution "I do not doubt that you would like to receive money that you feel you earned."

Thank you

Renata's avatar
Renata S Community Member

Rana Muhammad H wrote:

@Mary @, This was better to tell me in the reply of PM, anyhow thanks for advice. I will take care.

@Preston H

Everyone needs finance for children, I am just telling the fact which someone ignored.

For all of your questions and objections, I will need to talk about my case in detail, which I am avoiding here. If started discussing terms conditions etc than this will be very long and take time in getting relief.

Upwork team is my team, most of them are my respectable juniours, I must avoid to argue that if mistake or misunderstanding is on my side or Upwork team's side? We are all human and human are not free of errors. Therefore I am directly appealing to Upwork CEO. I respect CEO and finally look towards her.

I completely agree with your saying and which is also a solution "I do not doubt that you would like to receive money that you feel you earned."

Thank you

Hi Rana, 

I'm sorry to hear about your situation. However, Mary's right about not PMing other freelancers on the forum. We're just freelancers like you, and we don't have any special pull with Upwork in matters like this. 

I do see on your profile that you've done a lot of good work on the site and that your JSS is 100. So I hope things work out in your favour. Bojan is checking into it. 

Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

Hi Renata, 


looks that my amount was little big, therefore why this is happening, I am looking towards them. The response which I got is not appropriate because that was giving message of don't trust Upwork payment system. As that freelancer described that upwork payment guarantee is a joke or what




I sent additional arguments in this issue and I am sure that I am fair in my request and will get relief, there can be delay but finally be sorted out, anyhow very painful.


Thank you

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Rana Muhammad,


Unfortunately, we won't be able to share any further details here about this reversal for privacy reasons. I followed up with the team handling this case and the agent will provide you with more information via this ticket.

~ Bojan
Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

I talked to many support agents and all are showing sympathy but still stuck. I am thankful to them from my heart.

I am a senior freelancer. We have made Upwork great therefore very important to take care of the freelancers who gained good name for Upwork and give them relief on urgent basis.


Same happened to me like this freelancer. Team has identified and told me that problem is on client side and he voilated. As this freelancer in thread told about client. Client's payment method was  verified initially. This freelancer and me followed and trusted on Upwork payment system.


Please read this thread




He faced same situation and frustration like me in the beginning and then finally got relief after about 10 days of struggle.


After reading this thread, will this take much more time to understand my situation and giving relief? me and my family will need to suffer more.


Thank you

Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

Trust and safety team is telling that "don't trust" Upwork because this is "not safe".


I have cleared all their reservations in the chat with the support agents but they are still stuck,

Even I presented the same case but they are telling that we provided relief to that freelancer but not to you. Because we take cases differently even "similar cases differently". Are they deciding cases on their personal like or dislike. Because 2+2 can not be 5 in other calculation. From first day, they are insisting that their decision is final, I asked some questions and discussed but they looked unclear and at the end stuck that decision is final. Only support agents talked to me and felt that I can be on right foot but they can not contest my case because "DECISION OF TRUST AND SAFETY TEAM IS FINAL"


The person decided this even did not come on chat once so that he could ask or clear my conerns and misunderstandings.. Just saying that we are also contacting client and alongside "PUNISHING" you.


The clause they are taking is


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where this is written in this clause that freelancer is not protected. Money can be returned to client to avoid any further problem from client's side. But needs to accomodate the freelancer on the other hand who trusted  Upwork payment guarantee. This is not according to even applicable law, humanitairan law and moral values to punish the fair person who trusted Upwork payment system.


When you say appropriate than means to give relief to the victim not punishing. If they say that this is appropriate for them than their whole decision collapses and not acceptable on any forum.


I am lossing hope from Trust and Safety team because they did not cooridante wth me completely and their decision is not according to the situation and giving relief to victim.


I have been worrying for about last 10 days.I request CEO Hayden Brown to please give me relief by specific decision,  I am loyal to Upwork and earned very good name for Upwork. Thank you

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Rana,


I'm certainly sorry to hear about the experience you went through. This was forwarded to the team and an agent will follow up with you via a support ticket for further assistance.


Thank you.

~ Luiggi
Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member



I got this message


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What was the benefit of letting me know about resolution if they don't want to understand and don't have valid reasons to justify resolution.
I countered the reolution line by line and also asked that if there is any other thought, question or misunderstanding than let me know. 

But their resolution has no reasons to stand and every time I counter their misunderstandings then nothing to say from there side, just that we will not change the decision.

Merely providing the resolution is not desirable state rather relief shall be ensured.

Aleksandar's avatar
Aleksandar D Community Manager

Hi Rana,


I already followed up with the team and you can expect an update on your support ticket very soon.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member


They marked the ticket as solved? Their behavior shows that the decision contains flaws. Anyhow I respect them, mistakes happen.


I am honest and fair, If they have any further misunderstandings, questions or objections then ask me otherwise revert the decision in my favor.

Thank you

Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

Once again ticket is market as solved. 

Please make this decision null and assign a fresh mind to solve it, Who could discuss with me and we could clear each others questions. Ready made mind can not do it.


Thank you

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Rana Muhammad H wrote:

They marked the ticket as solved? Their behavior shows that the decision contains flaws.

No, it shows that a decision is final.



Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

Hi Petra,


I work as an order fullfiller, client pays for the products to purchase  The hard part is that when the team made reversal to client than client got both his money and product. And the price of product fall on me. This directly hit me and my family because this was savings for us. The team unintentionally put the money from my pocket into client's pocket. The client became later inactie which was his wise act of cheating.


If the team could not protect me under payment guarantee than at least through any other informal decision they can compensate me. In such cases even bank reimburses.


With due respect, do this team don't have children and family?

Preston's avatar
Preston H Community Member

re: "I work as an order fullfiller, client pays for the products to purchase  The hard part is that when the team made reversal to client than client got both his money and product. And the price of product fall on me. This directly hit me and my family because this was savings for us. The team unintentionally put the money from my pocket into client's pocket. The client became later inactive which was his wise act of cheating."


You work in an inherently risky niche. It is your responsibility to understand the risks and work in a way that minimizes those risks.



re: "If the team could not protect me under payment guarantee than at least through any other informal decision they can compensate me. In such cases even bank reimburses."


Upwork has rules and procedures that it follows. Upwork employees and representatives do not want to be fired because they violate those rules and send you some cash.

Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

Believe me that Upwork payment system is a state of art system. And I was going to be paid on particular date automatically after deduction of upwork fees. I don't use other medium for receiving finance. As written on one of the main pages.
"Upwork Payment Protection adds a level of security to payment processing for hourly and fixed-price projects, allowing clients and freelancers to collaborate on projects with peace of mind."


The base line is that if a decision is facilitating a cheater and the victim is looking for relief than there is definitely something wrong in making decision. Upwork employees and representatives are after all not error free human and I can understand that mistakes can happen but must be corrected. This will increase trust of freelancers on Upwork payment system.


Thank you

Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

I don't know the names of the persons responsible for this wrong decision otherwise I will like to address those by name instead of calling them Team Upwork because Upwork teams consist of hundreds of members and all are not same.

They made wrong decision and when I asked for objections and cleared all their objections than they started telling that they will not revert their decision. Obviously because in reverting decision they will need to admit their mistake. Their typical behavior was to blaming the victim for hiding their mistake. because if they admit mistake then they will be effected. I invite those persons to discuss with me in this thread. I will happily contest. No other person from team Upwork but only those persons who made such wrong decision shall face me in this thread if they are right.


Here is my latest conversation with**Edited for community guidelines**support agent, 


**Edited for community guidelines**

Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

I get that you disagree with the decision, but that's the decision. They've said it's final. You need to stop wasting time on this and recover, apply for jobs again and start earning money instead of wasting time fighting a decision that won't change. 

Rana Muhammad's avatar
Rana Muhammad H Community Member

Amanda, I did not only disagree but contested successfully as you have read in the conversation. Nothing is final until the victim gets the relief and decision corrected. If they think that their decision is right then I have invited them to contest here in the thread. I am not wasting time but consuming time to make it correct. If something has gone wrong then we must correct it. Otherwise this can happen to anyone. I don't care that how much higher is the person making decision in hierarchy. If he/she has no valid points and no more objections then must revert the decision now. 

Amanda's avatar
Amanda L Community Member

Rana Muhammad H wrote:

Amanda, I did not only disagree but contested successfully as you have read in the conversation. Nothing is final until the victim gets the relief and decision corrected. If they think that their decision is right then I have invited them to contest here in the thread. I am not wasting time but consuming time to make it correct. If something has gone wrong then we must correct it. Otherwise this can happen to anyone. I don't care that how much higher is the person making decision in hierarchy. If he/she has no valid points and no more objections then must revert the decision now. 

How did you contest anything successfully? Your concern was noted, which usually means "I'll write it down but nothing will come of it." Did they revert the decision yet? Did you get your money yet? If so, then why are you posting here? You have continued to miss the point. That agent in the conversation told you numerous times why the decision was made and that it was final. When you objected, he made a note of it. That's nothing. That's not a reversal of the decision. You can keep arguing but if the client did not pay and you did not use the time tracker properly then you are out of luck. 

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