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To all freelancers looking for help

I have always had freelancers come to me for help. In the last year, the river has swelled into an enormous ocean.


You don't need me; Upwork provides an enormous amount of information that few ever use. If, after you have gone through all the information I provide, you still have questions, that is when you ask additional questions in the forum.


If you think you will make big bucks right away, you are mistaken. The majority of freelancers never land a job because they have no skills and aren't interested in educating themselves. Others believe online freelancing is a path to full-time employment. It can be, but highly unlikely on this platform.


Freelancing is not for everyone. It means you are self-employed and must adhere to all regulations and laws governing responsibilities, such as paying taxes. Freelancing means you are on your own. No one has your back, including Upwork. If you don't follow the rules, no one will or can help you.


If you are willing to work hard, follow the rules and prepared to spend a lot of connects and proposals, you can be successful, as many are on Upwork. While so many fail, it is almost always due to lack of skills and treating freelancing like employment  where the employer will make sure you do the job correctly.


If you want to succeed, start with the Terms of Service, then read this from Wes. 


Then go here. Then here.  Next, check this site regularly for events such as webinars and other learning opportunities.

After that, go here for safety information, and then here. If you still need help, after you have gone through all the previous steps, you can find additional help here. This thread is dedicated to new freelancers. And here are announcements from Upwork that can help keep you up to date.


It will take some time to go through all the information. I'm not suggesting people should not post in the forum, I am suggesting before you ask questions and want help, you need to help yourself first.



From Prashant P: "And have relevant profile picture of your face.  Not some desks, or Mickey mouse, or full face covering." 

From Susan S: "And patience! Have patience! It takes a while to get started, even after going through all the information available."

From Martina P:  "Only one thing you forgot, namely telling people to use all 15 skills, if you have all 15 skills"

And with advice from Maria T, I will say, 

Refrain from personal messages, please read all the links I have added.



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This is my profile and I haven't worked from more than 1 year and now I am run out of connects. Does using others dollar card suspend my account. I don't have any cards to buy connect. How can I get more connects except monthly 10. Now I want to restart my journey on upwork again. Please suggest me someone 

You can improve your profile. Use the post at the top of the page to go through the Upwork resources.

The first line of your profile is all the clients see in a search. Currently, you are wasting that space. Saying you can assist, if they need it, is not going to win many clients. Having one very unhappy client may be hindering you. Once you find more jobs, it won't be as noticeable. I'm not sure how you arrived at 100%JSS with a one star and only four jobs. With more jobs and feedback, it will be less of an issue. Make sure you understand what went wrong, and if you had a part, understand how you can avoid issues in the fiture.

Community Member

Hi, I have read the courses, created the profile & bidding regularly. But not getting profile or proposal views. Am I missing something, Can you please suggest by taking a look.
Here's my profile link. Faraz Rohaila

Faraz, your profile is quite good. You have put in the time and effort to create a professional profile. It's rare to see someone who has done the work. Great job.


You will hear a lot of advice from a range of people and sources. Ultimately, your profile is what you want it to be. There is no perfect way. There are freelancers with terrible profiles, barely anything there, and yet they have earned money. Considering the platform changes, it's no longer OK to just throw something up because you need every potential advantage.


It's not easy or quick to find jobs here, especially at first. No matter what is going on at Upwork, or in the world, it takes time and proposals. Upwork removed all limits on numbers of freelancers and all skills and platform tests. Once that happened, the platform became flooded, so you have a lot of competition.


However, there are certainly people who are still making money here.


Since the first line is all the clients see in a search, I would change it to tell the client why you can do the job better than anyone else. For example, "I will create the quickest, most accurate widget program, while reducing costs." For proposals, the clients see only the first two lines. Don't use greetings or names. It may seem polite, but it's a waste of that space. Only apply for jobs that fit your skills, and learn all you can about vetting the client and the job.


The search algorithm is a secret, but no one has been able to explain how freelancers are listed. It seems to be a random thing, unless you pay for the privilege. Even then, there doesn't seem to be much logic to the order.


Many freelancers are struggling. There is no magic formula. Don't look to one source, be creative and find other ways to earn. In freelancing, you don't control a platform.

Community Member

Hi Freelancers, 

Hope you're having a good day.

Has anyone else received this mail regarding a survey from Qualitrics on behalf of Upwork? 

The screenshot is attached please also let me know if it's legit.


Upwork Survey.PNG

Community Member

Is it normal for potential clients to ask for your address and banking information for procurement? Anyone?


Yes, it is - normal for scammers.

You have to learn to protect yourself, because no one will do it for you, including Upwork, Use the post at the top, and learn the Red Flags on Scams from Wes, and how to use the platform safely. Scammers look at your profile and can tell you haven't read or aren't following the rules.

Community Member

How do I charge for services after I included certifications such as Google Ads - Measurement in my Upwork profile with the profile hourly rate set to $150/hr?

Considering you haven't bothered to do anything with your profile except set your fee at $150.00, you are way ahead of yourself.


"I enjoy making money to earn a living while communicating with many other people as I can to learn who they are and how I can better assist in any way possible."
Why do you think anyone will pay you anything for this, much less $150.00 an hour?
Forget the hourly rate, which is far too high for you. You have no profile, no experience, no job history, and zero experience in the field. There are many, many people with your skills. You can't just sign up and expect to have clients paying you high dollar figures.
If you want to freelance, go back to the top pinned post, read it and follow every link. All you will find with your current profile is scams, because the scammers can tell, easily, you haven't read or aren't following the rules.
Worrying about raising your rates, is the last thing you should be concerned about now.

But what is this top pinned post I need to look for to read and follow every link? Is it from https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~01593c5628c009ccff or from https://www.upwork.com/nx/find-work/ ? I need your help, especially in knowing how I can charge for services based on what I watched on social media.

the start of this post thread.

Yes, in your situation, you do need to use the top post. I wrote it - I have no idea why you are linking it to yourself. Yes, I looked at your profile, and gave you an honest assessment of your ability to use the platform correctly. You will not find a single legitimate job and will be scammed unless you change and act like a freelancer.


A skilled freelancer should not be looking at social media for advice. Sure, lots of people do, but who are the ones giving you advice, and what is their motivation?


You have nothing at all in your profile. Yes, you need to learn how to safely, and correctly use the site, because you are not doing it now. It's your choice. You can learn, create a professional profile, adjust your rate, which is far too high, to something fitting, and have success. Why would anyone give you $150.00 an hour, when you have no profile? No skills, absolutely nothing? You can complain about advice suggesting you do a very quick read and learn the rules and Red Flags on Scams.


I don't know if you have any marketable skills, but from your profile, it looks as if you are a scammer or a bot. No legitimate client will go near you. It's all up to you.

Community Member

hi im looking for help maam,im asking if how can i find job as a freelancer

If you want to freelance, start by reading the post at the top of the page, and follow every link. Your profile is completely empty. You appear to be a bot.

Community Member

Hello Jeanne-

Quick question. I'm going through my feed and almost half of the job postings are like this. They display that there has been a hire, but the job is still accepting proposals. Are these jobs still open, or is Upwork trying to get me to spend connects on jobs that are already closed?

The job remains open unless the client closes the position or Upwork removes it for Terms violations. Personally, I never apply if there are people being interviewed, unless I want the job and I know I can do it better than anyone else.


Usually, the client doesn't know they should close the job, or they just don't care. Some jobs will say they are hiring multiple freelancers, but if it doesn't, then I would not apply.


I will let you decide why Upwork employs this strategy.


By the way, just curious, why are you looking for Upwork jobs on messaging?

I'm not. Why would think that? These screen shots are from my "Find Work" feed.

OK, thanks for the clarification.

Community Member

Hi mam 

I looking for community support about my profile on Upwork


Can you explain what you are looking for? Your profile shows you have put in work to make it professional. It till could be improved. Don't use greetings, names, or skills in the introduction. The first line is all the clients see in a search. Don't waste it. Tell the client why you can do the work better than anyone else. Instead of using lists, form the text into paragraphs.


If you need assistance, post again.

Community Member

Dear Jeanee H:

Your comments are very helpfull, can you please review my profile as well.

First, you need a photo of your face, with a neutral background and no sunglasses, hats, AI, flashing GIF, etc.


You need to go back to the top and use the links to profile examples. Currently, you will only find scams, because it is far too long. The first line is all the clients see in a search, so don't waste it. Use the first line to tell the client why you can do the job better than the rest. Remove all the graphics and emojis. It is not professional. Form the text into paragraphs.


In addition, you need to show clients your work. Add samples to your portfolio. Make sure you have permission to use the work, or it is yours.


The more professional your profile, the more clients you will attract and fewer scammers.

Community Member

Perfectly stated, thank you for the post!

Community Member

hello I am Vazha and  i am new in freelanicng can you help me?


If you want to freelance, you need to learn how to use the platform. Go back to the top pinned post and read it, and then follow every link.


You can start with a photo.


If you try to freelance now, you will be scammed and never find work. Freelancing means you are responsible for everything - marketable skills, money to run the business, patience, motivation, and again, those marketable skills.

how maam im interested as freelancer

I have responded to you before in another thread. I don't know if you are a bot or a freelancer. Your profile is empty, you have made no effort to read or follow the rules, or do anything you need to do. You need to decide what you want to do, and if you have the skills to do them. With no skills, no profile, and no effort, you are going to fail.


Read the top pinned post, and follow every link. You are in no way prepared to freelance, and will only find scams. Employment may be your best option. Even with someone else paying the bills, and making sure you do the work correctly, you still have to put in effort.

Hello maam,
I've worked in other freelance platform and i've completed 50+ projects so now I have come to upwork i've seen that the project on upwork are great to work for now i'm spending my connects to get projects and almost spend 250+ connects to get my first project but i failed and let me mention that I have send customize proposal to attrack clients. so Do you have any suggestion for me?

Md.Samsul Ehasan

First, I would change the photo background to a neutral color. Then, go back to the top pinned post, read it and follow all the links. The Upwork resources and Red Flags on Scams from Wes are critical to being safe and understanding how to use the platform.


You have the first line to tell the clients why you are the best in the field, and you need the hard skills to back up your claims. Remove the lists and graphics/emojis in the profile. Form the information into paragraphs.


When you start working here, it is like starting over. Most freelancers never find a job. However, most of those freelancers, don't have the marketable skills to freelance. Freelancers often report having to apply to 60–100 jobs before being hired. The variables are many, and include marketable skills. The platform is flooded with unskilled and under-skilled people who apply for the same jobs.


In proposals, the first two lines are all the client sees before making a decision. Use those lines to explain why you are the best choice for the project.


You have good information, and with a few adjustments, it can be great.

Community Member

Thank you for this Jeanne!


I am praying for everyone to land the job they deserve including myself.


Keep learning, keep hustling! 💎

Community Member

I agree that there has been more help available from the platform to new freelancers than it was when I started 6/7 yrs ago. There were skills verification tests that were removed and now added back in a different format. Putting these aside, please note that times are changing everywhere and for everyone.
In addition to what Jeanne has mentioned, even if you're already skilled and experienced, always remember that there're also competitions. One of the main thing that will help is to be willing to improve your repertoire of skills that can find you jobs. I may be a niche freelancer but I am still learning new things so that I can combine my old skills with new ones to cater for changing times. If you have time while looking for a job, use the time to learn things that might complement your skills. You can always look at posted jobs to see what might be useful. 

Community Member

Hi Jeanne H

Hope you all are doing well. Muhammad Urfan here. 

I am just adding my Journey on upwork. I have submitted 65 plus proposals on upwork, purchased membership, buyed connects, improved my profile, made reserch on submitting good proposals etc but all efforts remain silent for me. Sometimes i get disppointed and stop submitting proposals.

Patience, consistency, and Hope are 3 words motivating me to use this forum. I believe on improvement, hard work and performance. My purpose of writing here is to get some guidance, suggestions from successful freelancers to enable me to find some work.

wish you all best of luck for your Journey.



Muhammad Urfan

Account and Finance Professional 

I suggest you go back to the top pinned post, read it, and use all the resource links. Your profile is mostly empty, and you are wasting the top line, which is all clients see in a search. Profiles need to be professional to attract clients and deter scammers. You need to tell the client in the first sentence why you are better than everyone else - if you can back up your claims.


Until you complete your profile and learn the rules, do not apply for or even look at jobs. You are not prepared to freelance and scammers will target you. Your incomplete profile is another reason no one is looking at your proposals. Chances are, you can improve those, too.


There are 20 millions freelancers on Upwork, but we don't know how many are active. We do know, every category is flooded, and some are turning into a new ocean. The competition is fierce, and you need to be at the top of your game. Anything you can do to stand out in your field is an advantage that you will need.





Community Member

"I'm passionate about social media marketing and blogging, and I believe freelancing provides the perfect platform for me to leverage my expertise. I enjoy the flexibility it offers, allowing me to take on diverse projects and collaborate with clients from different industries. My goal is to [mention a specific goal or outcome you aim to achieve], and I believe freelancing not only aligns with my career aspirations but also allows me to continuously learn and grow in a dynamic environment. I've already started building my portfolio, and I'm excited about the prospect of contributing my skills to various projects and making a meaningful impact for clients. I understand the challenges that come with freelancing, and I'm committed to delivering high-quality work, managing my time effectively, and building long-lasting relationships with clients."

I'm not sure what this is, but it's not the way you find work on Upwork. If this is intended as advice, it is poor.


You need to go back to the top pinned post, read it and follow every link. Your current profile will only get you scammed. You are wasting the first line of your profile, because you have top tell the client why you are better than the rest, and back it up with proven, marketable skills.


You need to decide what you want to do on the platform, You have multiple skills listed, but no sample, portfolio or anything to back up your claims. It's up to you if you are successful or scammed.

Community Member


If I want to promote my project, how do I do it? I already boosted my project but no feedback.

Kamrul Hasan Noor

Just because you boost something, doesn't mean there are any guarantees that you will have positive results. I would focus on improving your profile (too many lists, graphics/emojis) and use the Academy to make a few changes.


Projects seem to fall into two categories - people who love them and people who hate them. I don't know if there are any Upwork stats on project success.

Community Member

Hello, this is Robian. I am a new freelancer here and this is my first time working with a client. I have accepted the contract stating that I must complete 12 tasks. I am wondering where I can find the tasks assigned to me. Is there a link that I need to follow to access them? I appreciate any help you can provide.

The contract should state the job and all details. Do not accept until it says everything you want it to say. This goes for clients as well. It is the only document that shows what the agreement is between client and freelancer. It should contain information on revisions, changes, alterations, time to complete the job, exact description, and all details.


You should never accept a job when you don't know what the job is. How do you know you can do it? I understand wanting to get your first job, but this is not the way to do it. You have to start at the beginning, before you lose everything. Go back to the top pinned post, read it, and follow every link. If you continue, you will only be scammed.


Don't do any work. Contact the client and tell them you need to see the tasks. For all you know, you could be obligated to work for the next ten years. If you do not hear from the client, or if the tasks are outrageous, you may need to close the contract.


The Upwork resources will help you develop a professional profile, which is one of the best ways to deter scammers and attracts clients.



The contract should state the job and all details. Do not accept until it says everything you want it to say. This goes for clients as well. It is the only document that shows what the agreement is between client and freelancer. It should contain information on revisions, changes, alterations, time to complete the job, exact description, and all details.


You should never accept a job when you don't know what the job is. How do you know you can do it? I understand wanting to get your first job, but this is not the way to do it. You have to start at the beginning, before you lose everything. Go back to the top pinned post, read it, and follow every link. If you continue, you will only be scammed.


Don't do any work. Contact the client and tell them you need to see the tasks. For all you know, you could be obligated to work for the next ten years. If you do not hear from the client, or if the tasks are outrageous, you may need to close the contract.



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