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When do I qualify for JSS and a badge?

My profile was transferred from Elance and I became active on Upwork this July. I’ve 100% profile completed and have had my identity verified. I also have a long term contract since July and have gone on to complete at least two other short contract jobs on Upwork but I’m yet to receive a JSS and a badge. I would like to know if I’m doing anything wrong because I feel I have done enough to earn a JSS and a badge.
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Community Manager

Hi Martin,


In order to get a Job Success Score, freelancers need to complete:

  • Projects with 2 (or more) different clients who left feedback
  • 4 (or more) different contracts within 24 months

More than 90% of freelancers have a score after 5 projects, and nearly all freelancers have scores after completing eight projects.


To get the Top Rated badge, you'll need to fulfill all of the requirements mentioned in this help article.


Thank you!

~ Bojan

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Hi Upwork community,

I have compelted 16 jobs so far and worked 40+ hours with earning over $1k+. I did not get any rising talent or JSS or any badge to my profile.


But I have seen many profile with 3/ 4 jobs less than $1k earning got rising talent and even JSS. Can anyone help me about these issues? I have on upwork since last 72 days.



Community Member

Fahim N wrote:

I have compelted 16 jobs so far 

No, you haven't. You completed two. All the others are still open.


Fahim N wrote:

I did not get any rising talent or JSS or any badge to my profile.ks.

You need 4 to 8 (depending on size) completed (!) contracts from at least 2 different clients to get a JSS. You dont qualify for rising Talent because of the first contract not going quite perfectly.


At the moment you seem to have a number of contracts open with the same client. It's great that the client is liking your work and giving you more, but you are basically putting your profile at risk. Get the client to end all the contracts where the work is done. That will not only help you get feedback for completed contracts, it will also prevent a disaster if you and the client fall out (it happens) and the client gets the chance to leave 9 x 1 star feedbacks across the board for you. That would be the end of your profile....

" It's great that the client is liking your work and giving you more, but you are basically putting your profile at risk." 

Petra can you please explain this line ? I want to know this line means because i have a client who give me regular project same job. Please explain this line.

Sandip M wrote:

" It's great that the client is liking your work and giving you more, but you are basically putting your profile at risk." 

Petra can you please explain this line ? I want to know this line means because i have a client who give me regular project same job. Please explain this line.

I explained it in detail... The freelancer in question has 9 **OPEN** separate contracts with the same client. If the freelancer and the client fall out with each other for some stupid reason (which happens rarely, but it DOES happen) then the client has the chance to leave 9 x 1 star feedback. The freelancer's JSS would be horrendously badly affected, likely be around 10%) and the 9 x poor feedback would not look good, would they, especially when he only has 2 feedback so far.

Thank you so much Petra.

I am wondering that I have done 4 jobs for a client with 1k+ earning and got 5 stars all of them. Why I don't get the uprising talent badge and JJS?


Please can anyone help?





Hi Muhammad,


In order to get a Job Success Score, freelancers need to complete:

  • Projects with 2 (or more) different clients who left feedback
  • 4 (or more) different contracts within 24 months

More than 90% of freelancers have a score after 5 projects, and nearly all freelancers have scores after completing eight projects.


To get the Top Rated badge, you'll need to fulfill all of the requirements mentioned in this help article.


Thank you!

~ Bojan

My job success score is not showing up. Have completed 6 jobs, 5 different clients, earned an excess of 9K, and have received 5 star feedback on each of the completed jobs. Am I doing something wrong or omitting something?

Steve W wrote:

Have completed 6 jobs, 5 different clients, earned an excess of 9K, and have received 5 star feedback on each of the completed jobs. 

You haven't received 5 stars from all the completed jobs. You had nothing at all from half of them. You only have feedback from 3 of them, 1 per calculation window, so there simply isn't enough data to calculate a meaningful JSS from.

Hmmm, my freelance page shows 5 stars on 6 completed contracts, and 1 ongoing contract. But, I see what you see from the client side.

Steve W wrote:

Hmmm, my freelance page shows 5 stars on 6 completed contracts, and 1 ongoing contract. But, I see what you see from the client side.

I believe you are looking at the feedback you left for the client, not vice versa. 

Thanks, now I feel silly. Wish clients would provide feedback.

Steve W wrote:

Thanks, now I feel silly. Wish clients would provide feedback.

They will if you let them close the contract, rather than doing so yourself.

I have been here for more than two months and have completed projects and earned above $1000 so far, yet my account does not have success score and feedback is not displayed on my profile.
Can someone please check if there is any issue with my account and help me fix it?

Thank you.

Hi Gabriel,


I checked and all of your feedback is actually showing under your Work History. Note that in order for you to have a JSS, you'll need to complete 4 or more different contracts with 2 or more different clients within 24 months. You can check this help article to learn more.


Thank you.

~ Luiggi

Hello everyone.
I'm currently dealing with 3 issues here and would appreciate some help.

1st issue:
I had acquired the Rising Talent badge and all of the sudden it is missing from my profile. When i look at the related article on the support site, I fulfil all the requirements, but still, it went missing form my profile. I would like to know why? And how can I get it back?

2nd issue:
All of my work done here is rated with 5 stars, but after the big update on the site, my JSS has drastically dropped to a mere 62% !! WHY?

3rd issue:
Can somebody give me a real solution on how to open a support ticket? I only find people referring to the forum. No. I would like to open a support ticket, but that feature seems to be very well hidden.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Oliver B.


Hi Oliver,


Your Rising Talent badge was removed because you have received your Job Success Score. Freelancers can't have both on their profiles at the same time.


We have various support options available 24/7 not only during U.S. hours. A user can access support options available to them by clicking Get Help button on this page and providing some information about their account and issue. If you have any issue you need assistance with, let us know and we'll be happy to look into it or connect you with the team that can assist further. Thank you.

~ Goran

Oliver B wrote:

1st issue:
I had acquired the Rising Talent badge and all of the sudden it is missing from my profile.

2nd issue:
All of my work done here is rated with 5 stars, but after the big update on the site, my JSS has drastically dropped to a mere 62% !! WHY?

3rd issue:
Can somebody give me a real solution on how to open a support ticket?

1. Your Rising Talent Badge has gone because you have a JSS. The two are mutually exclusive

2. The public feedback (stars) is meaningless. What counts is the private feedback left by clients. If that is poor, your JSS is poor.

3. If you want to create a ticket for the above issues, don't bother.

Otherwise, go to the support page, click on the small help icon in the bottom right corner


When prompted, choose Freelancer, 

When you get a chance to enter text, type "Contact support"

contact support.png

Thanks for your swift reply.



my JSS still hasn't been updated and I completed 7 contracts since March. When will my JSS finally be updated?


Thank you 

My JSS disappeared after it was 100%. I had contracts going on. and no negative fedback that I know of.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Akshay,


You’ll need to have a certain amount of feedback within a 24-month period to receive a Job Success Score. To learn more about your Job Success Score, check out this Help Article.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member

Thanks for prompt reply.


Hope there is some mechanism if I continue to work with same client for more than 6 months or a year and I don't need to change client so frequently.

Hi, I have completed 6 jobs in Upwork & all of them are fixed-price jobs. When will I get my Job Success Rate score? 

Do I need to have all three types of Jobs (Hourly, Long term & Fixed Price)?

Hi Kazi Sabbir,


Not all projects and clients are equal! You’ll need to have a certain amount of feedback to receiveJob Success Score:

  • Projects with 2 (or more) different clients who left feedback
  • 4 (or more) different contracts within 24 months

More than 90% of freelancers have a score after 5 projects, and nearly all freelancers have scores after completing eight projects.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
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