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client testimonial request doesn't work - linkedin profile field buggy

screenshot: https://jmp.sh/z6INymj

137 REPLIES 137
Community Member

I also cannot get this section to work. I have tried multiple different clients. All fail on the linkedIn Field.

Community Member

Hey Avery
Get client testimonial is showing on my profile i want to avail this too but when i add my clients linkedin profile link it shows invalid profile.
I tested it on other profiles too but I am getting same error, can you help ?

Community Member

Hi, I am facing the same problem. Can you help me please.

Community Member


I've been trying to get my testimonials done by my clients, however, everytime i enter any of my clients linkedin profile link it shows as invalid. kindly help me out what should i do.


Community Member

Hi Bojan,

This link is not working for me either for allowing me to add Client Testimonials from LinkedIn. This seems like a wide-spread issue. Can you assist? URL I attempted to use was in format: https://www.linkedin.com/in/personname. It was as requested and did not work.

Community Member

I am trying to send a testimonial request, but the LinkedIn profile field will not accept the link. Please advise.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi All,


We apologize for the inconvenience this caused you. This is a known issue and our engineers are looking into it. Our team will reach out to you regarding this issue directly via support tickets and keep you updated.


We appreciate your patience while our team is working on fixing this issue.

~ Bojan

Hi Bojan, 


thanks for the update but is there a workaround solution for now? are you guys able to manually whitelist / verify the linkedin urls? this is blocking me from creating testimonial requests which i need urgently to ensure my profile is well positioned before i send out my proposals 




Community Member

Having that same issue when adding my client's testimonials!

Community Member

I also have this same issue. I cannot add my client's linkedin profile, it's saying invalid linkedin profile whereas I provided a valid profile link. Kindly address this issue. 

Community Member

Hi all, 


I'm trying to invite a past client to give me a testimonial. She has a working linkedin profile but the text box on Upwork is showing invalid link. What am I doing wrong?


Here is the link: **Edited for community guidelines**

I am having the same problem. I can't ask for a quote because it keeps getting stuck at the Linkedin profile

Community Member

HI All,

when i will share client's linkedIN profile that time it shows validation Error. I have tested many linkedIN url but same problem is there.

Can anybody suggest me from where i will cpoy the link and paste it. I have copied it from url section.

I am unable to showcase my testimonials here. any positive and working response is appreciated.

Whenever i try to add testimonials from outside it keeps showing error


invalid linkedin profile 

i have tried all the possible combination 


pls try to solve this issue Asap thanks

Community Member

Any suggestions what to do if my client doesn't HAVE a LinkedIn profile?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Sarah,


At this time, this feature is only available for users who have a LinkedIn account.

~ Bojan
Community Member

are you saying we can't request Testamonials, unless the person has a LinkedIN account?  This is far from ideal if it is the case.  So many people and clients don't have LinkedIN accounts.

Looking forward to a prompt reply.

Kind regards,


Community Member

Kerry S wrote:

are you saying we can't request Testamonials, unless the person has a LinkedIN account?

This is correct. You can only request a testimonial from clients who have an established LinkedIn profile

Community Member



 I faced same 'Invlaid linkedin Profile' error. It was fixed by typing in url, manually instead of pasting it in field. In fact the validation error vanishes when I type first part of url.

I hope it will help.


I'm having the same issue here. I realized that when the linkedin link is from a user it works, but when it's from a company it doesn't. Please help.

Hi Andre,


Please try entering the link in one of the supported formats:


Let us know if the issue persists?

~ Bojan
Community Member

The same thing happens to me.


Hi Urvisha,


Could you please follow the instructions in the previous post from Bojan and let me know if you`re still experiencing any problems? Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

I am also having this issue. Can somone please contact me?




Hi Laura,


Could you please confirm if the link you're trying to enter suits one of these formats:


Please reach back to us with more information and we'll be happy to assist you accordingly.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member



I have created a new profile and been trying to add testimonial from my local clients but it says invalid linked profile. I don't know what's the issue. Please help me.


Hi Ahmad,


Have you checked if the link you're trying to add is in one of the formats that Bojan described here? If it is and you are still getting an error message, please send me a private message with the link you're trying to add along with the screenshot of the error so that I can take a look.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hi Shahab,

Are you receiving any errors on your end? If yes, please share the text of the error you`re seeing on your end. Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

I am also getting same issue Invalid Linkedin Profile. I am sure that I am copying correct linkedin profile url and I did check through chrome. Can you please help me in resolving this issue?

Hi Roman,


Could you please send me a private message with the LinkedIn profile you are trying to add there so that I can check and assist you further?


~ Nikola
Community Member

I'm also having this issue. Been trying for a while but nothing works.

Hi Ali,


Have you checked if the link you're trying to add is in one of the formats that Bojan described here? If it is and you are still unable to request it, please let me know so I can assist you further.

~ Luiggi

Hey! Yes it matches one of the mentioned format.

Client's Profile link matches this format: http://www.linkedin.com/in/CLIENTNAME

Please help me with this.




Hi Ali,


One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and assist you further with your testimonial request. Thank you.

~ Goran

I am also getting the same issue Invalid Linkedin Profile. I am sure that I am copying the correct LinkedIn profile URL and I did check that. Can you please help me in resolving this issue?

I am attaching both screenshots. Kindly resolve.



**Edited for Community Guidelines**

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Prashant,


I am sorry for the late response. I checked with our team and they could not replicate the issue you are experiencing. Could you please try to create the request again and if the problem occurs try to clear your cache and cookies or use a different browser. Let us know if the issue persists. 


~ Nikola

Hi Nikola,


Thanks for your help. 
I tried again, and now it worked.
Thanks for your support.



Community Member

I have the same problem. When entering the link to the Linkedin profile an error is shown. I've checked in different browsers and the result is the same. Clearing cache and cookies doesn't help either. Please contact me to help.

Hi Ruslan,

Could you please check if you're entering the link in the one of the supported formats listed below?


If you do and still experience the error, could you please send me a PM with the link you're trying to add so we can further troubleshoot?

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