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Extremely frustrated here

I've submitted a dozen proposals and have SIGNIFICANT marcom experience but only have received one invitation from a potential job that now has ghosted me after I responded. I put a lot of effort into one proposal yesterday, and 11 OTHER PEOPLE have been invited to interview - but not me. That was my straw... 


Is it this hard to get started? I do not have this much trouble landing clients in the real world, so if this platform is going to waste my time like this - it doesn't seem worth it to me.


Has anyone else been this frustrated at the beginning of trying to find work on this platform? 

Community Member

It is extremely difficult, you are competiting with millions of freelancers. Regarding your profile - I'm sure your rate is not too high for your experience, but you only have two portfolio items? You need more. Also, are you quoting yourself, as in having an interview with yourself? I would take that out, it's better to stay in first-person perspective. 

This might help you to get from extremely frustrated to just frustrated 😉

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