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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!


Note: A previous version of this post was closed as the number of responses made it difficult to read and navigate. If you had not received a response yet to a request you made, please post again in this thread.


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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!


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Community Member

Hi Upwork Community members,

Hope you are doing well all!


I am a professional interior/graphic designer with 4+ years experience in this field and recently started upgrading Upwork profile as a freelancer. For me it seems very difficult to get the first job. Also I earned the rising talent badge. 

If anyone can have a look on my profile, I am open and would appreciate any advice from anyone here.



Wish you all the best in your freelance journey.



I give your profile a D plus.


First, you use the two most tireseome words on a profile: Passionate and professional. Then you write these very  boring lists of software applications that you know. Then you stress how keeping in touch with your clients is important. On top of those blunders, there are sentences in your write up that are so convoluted they don't make any sense.

The trick to a good profile is to describe your services. Listing software applications just isn't that convincing that you know what you're doing. You have to discuss those applications with reference to your work and your choices and related to who you are. "I use ______ software to make sure your project is compatible with other programs." Say SOMETHING that tells us you know what you're doing. 

Use a narrative form. Tell your story. It's much more convincing than lists. 

Beyond that, everyone says they are passionate about their work. People who work are passionate about it. It's human nature to be passionate about your work. So what you are saying is useless. Second, when you get paid you are a professional. So everyone who works is a professional. So how is this something worth putting in your profile? Hey, I'm just like everybody you've ever met is not a great sales pitch.

Make this profile to be about YOU not about everybody who ever did a day's work.

And finally, freelancing means working independently. Yes, you stay in touch with your clients as you need to, but most of them don't want you in their hair. They just want you to get the job done without any fuss. So telling them you are someone who keeps in touch is like telling them you are a high-maintenence headache. They hire you so they can do other things, not so they have to babysit you. So tellilng them you will keep in touch every step of the way will frighten clients, not appease them.

Community Member

Hello Everyone,

I've been working on improving my Upwork profile and I'd greatly appreciate your constructive feedback.

Specifically, I'm looking for advice on the following:

  1. Does my profile picture present a professional image?
  2. Is my headline clear and enticing enough to potential clients?
  3. Does my profile summary adequately represent my skills and experience?
  4. Are the skills I have listed appropriate for the type of work I'm seeking?
  5. Does my work history and feedback present a positive impression?
  6. Do the samples in my portfolio showcase my abilities effectively?

I understand that creating a great profile is key to success on Upwork and any feedback you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and advice!
My Profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~016f8644c7f6cb0ccc





Thank you for pointing that out. I have already requested to make my profile public and am waiting for the process to be completed. I appreciate your patience and hope to receive your valuable feedback once it's viewable. Thanks again!


My Upwork profile is now public; I'd really appreciate it if you could take a moment to review it and share your feedback.


Hello Beka,


I reviewed your profile and here is what I see:


  1. Does my profile picture present a professional image?

    Yes, your profile picture is good.

  2. Is my headline clear and enticing enough to potential clients?

    Your headline is clear, but you should remove the word "Experienced." It is better to include descriptions in our summary since it does not provide value to your title.

    Also, you might want to consider using a specific skill area or occupation for your title. For example, Front-End Developer is a good title. And, you can include those specific tools to create a title like Front-End Developer | React.js | Gatsby | Redux | Next.js Gatsby, Redux, and Next.js

  3. Does my profile summary adequately represent my skills and experience?

    Yes, but your skills and experience are only part of it. You really want your summary to focus on a potential client's needs. Clients expect to read about your skills and qualifications, but they really want to know how your skills/qualifications will benefit them.

    Also, I do not suggest starting your summary with a list. Instead, use the material in your list to create a paragraph. Then, I would revise the "some of my past projects include:" to make it more client-focused. For example:

    Highly skilled Front-End Developer with over 3 years of experience specializing in writing clean, maintainable code using modern technologies. I building responsive websites for small businesses and create custom web applications for e-commerce stores. I can also integrate third-party APIs into existing web applications to improve functionality, and achieve accessibility and performance optimizations for large-scale web applications.


    I work closely with you to quickly understand your business goals and translate them into practical technical solutions. I thrive in collaborative projects and value open communication and transparency throughout the development process. This allows me to seamlessly integrate with your existing team to successfully complete your most aggressive projects.


    I am an expert in modern technologies such as HTML, CSS (Sass) BEM, JavaScript (ES6+), TypeScript, React, Redux, Material UI, Bootstrap, Ant Design, and more.


    I am committed to continuously improving my skills and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends to ensure that my clients receive the best possible results. If you're looking for a reliable, results-driven front-end developer, I'm here to help. Let's work together to bring your project to life!

  4. Are the skills I have listed appropriate for the type of work I'm seeking?

    Most of the skill categories are appropriate, but I think two or three could e replaced with better skill categories. For example, both HTML5 and CSS are required for any web development, and most clients will not search for "HTML5" and "CSS." Maybe you could replace those with more important skill categories like Front-End Development and API Development?

  5. Does my work history and feedback present a positive impression?

    Yes, but you should add a short job description for your software engineering position at Redberry.

  6. Do the samples in my portfolio showcase my abilities effectively?

    Yes. Your portfolio looks good and gives clients insight into your abilities and how you might be able to help them.


Your profile is in good shape.


After you make these updates,start applying to jobs by writing great cover letters. Always create a custom cover letter based on the client's specific job requirements. Focus on the client's needs and requirements; highlight your qualifications; and tell the client how you will meet their needs. Good luck!

Thank you so much for your detailed feedback and suggestions on improving my profile. I greatly appreciate the time and effort you put into reviewing my profile. I'll work on implementing these changes right away. Again, many thanks for your insights and advice!


Community Member

hello i am looking for help. can you review my upwork profile and give feedback?



Parts of your write-up don't make sense and you've got half-finished sentences and other errors. How, for example, do you deliver online services "completely organically." That just doesn't make any sense.

This may be a language issue. If you want to put up a profile in English you should find a writer or editor who can help you.

Community Member

Please help review my profile, Am new here. 


Hi, Welcome. This is Emmanuel Etuk with you, I am a professional Data Entry specialist , with  years of experience in Data management. My Core Competencies: Educated Seller - Bachelor Degree . Highly dedicated and very passionate to meet client's expectations . Extraordinary skills, Super Fast delivery (24 hours). Guaranteed 100% accuracy and quality of work,

Emmanuel Effiong Etuk
Community Member



There is a review of your profile a few posts above on this page.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:

Describe your services, not your personality.


Emmanuel Effiong Etuk
Community Member

Hi there... I am new to Upwork and I need advise from my experienced seniors here. Kindly review my profile. 

Community Member

Hi Annie,


I read through your profile and I have some thoughts about how you can improve it. First, I will tell you what I see wrong (and why) and offer suggestions for improvement.


Personal: Your summary includes a lot of personal attributes (i.e., passionate, dedicated, eagerness, etc.) These sound great, but clients rarely care about personal qualities, so I would not include them. Instead of saying: "I am a passionate and dedicated new article writer and freelancer eager to make my mark in the world of content creation." I would say: "I am a skilled article writer eager to help you create exciting and meaningful content."

Being New: You mention being a newcomer--something else clients rarely care about. Clients want results and if you have the qualifications, skills and abilities to meet their needs, they will be happy. Many clients will not care if you have 5 years of experience or 15 years of experience; they want quality results. With that, I would remove any comments about being a "new freelancer" or "new article writer."


Understanding: One of the most important things to do in your summary and your overall profile, is to tell clients what you do and how your services will get results. Clients need to understand what services you provide and what that means to them. You say you're a Nutritionist by profession and a writer by passion. Nothing wrong with that, but what does it mean for clients? Are you clients getting an article writer who happens to be a Nutritionist, or are they getting a Nutritionist who writes articles focused on health and nutrition?


If you are offering health and nutrition article/content writing services, you should specify that. You need to tell clients that you write informative nutritional articles, healthy menus and eating habits, or health-related food and nutrition content designed to promote good health and manage disease. Right now, there is no connection between your nutrition expertise and your article-writing. If you plan to write articles (no matter the subject) then mentioning your nutritionist background may not be too interesting to potential clients.


Portfolio: You should consider adding a portfolio to showcase sample writing. The portfolio is a chance to make a positive first impression on potential clients, and clients often like a visual representation of work. If you don’t have relevant examples to add to your portfolio, you can create items that demonstrate your writing skills.


I think that's it for now. Once you revise your summary, it will be shorter and more informative for clients.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:


Even if you do something many people do, try to find some aspect of what you do that sets you apart from everybody else. One way to do that is to specialize. Another way is to do something better than 99 percent of your rivals. 

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:


Don't describe yourself as passionate or professional. For one, these are very weak ways to describe yourself. These words also don't set you apart from anyone else. In fact, they both sound like you are very new to your profession. People don't want to hire people who are new to their skill. They want to hire people who are good at their skill.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101


Lists are boring. Nobody reads them. Furthermore, they don't give anyone a chance to get to know you. People hire people they think they can get along with, so a list just isn't that helpful. Lists also don't convince people you are good at something. Talking (writing) about what you've done with your skills is what convinces people you are good at something. 


Avoid lists wherever possible.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:

Never say you love learning. Clients want to hire freelancers who know what they are doing, not people who are going to be stumbling around, learning at their expense. 

Yes, everyone is learning as we go. But don't advertise that. 

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:


Don't use the photo that you show your friends. Use the photo that you show your parents.

The photo should be one of your head and shoulders, wearing professional-looking clothes and with a background and lighting that helps people see your face. 

If possible, the photo should also reflect your work. I've seen only one photo with a young man sitting next to an open laptop. What a brilliant idea! If you're an artist, why not show a photo with you holding a paint brush? If you're a writer, try posing with a book. Although don't do this if it detracts from a professional looking shot of your face or your head and shoulders.

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:


In general, freelancers are expected to be independent and know what they are doing. They are expected to be experts.


When clients hire you, they want you to get the job done with as little fuss as possible. In many jobs we do it's important to touch bases with the clients, but they still would rather you just do what you do and come back with the project finished. They do not love the idea that you will communicate with them again and again as you do the work. 

So be careful about saying "Commication is key. I will stay in touch with you."  Most of the time it's better to say, "I'm so good at this, I will hand in a perfect project with minimal help from you."

Community Member

Great Profiles 101:



Remember this sentence: "I am an expert _______________ with these credentials ____________, who can help you ______________.


Remember that sentence and use it.  This is the perfeft opening. One: It establishes you as an expert immediately. People come here to find experts at various skills. People will pay attention to what an expert says. So establish your expertise immediately. (Don't start with "Hi, my name is ______. Start with "I am an expert _________ ....)


Furthermore, the emphasis of a profile is how you can help others. So "I am an expert ___________ with these credentials _____________, who can help you ____________" sets the pattern for the rest of your write up. Describe your services and how they can help others. It's as simple as that.

I really appreciate. Thank s

Emmanuel Effiong Etuk
Community Member

"Hello Upwork community, I'm looking for suggestions on improving my Upwork profile.


any help or suggestions will be highly appreciated.


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