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Get Profile Feedback from Experienced Freelancers on Upwork

Hi New Upwork Freelancers!


Getting started on Upwork can take a lot of work and focus. To help make this process a little easier, we’ve created this post where you can request feedback on your profile. The Community is full of experienced Upwork freelancers who are passionate about helping others. These users will review your profile and provide feedback based on their experience.


If you’re interested in requesting help, make sure your profile visibility is not set to “Private” and then reply below. 


We’re excited to see how Community members can continue to help each other to grow!

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Thank you

Tonia I wrote:


Thank you for your feedback. However, I do actually have an extensive portfolio and cannot show it due to it being market sensitive. I can send my portfolio on request and adapt it to the job applied for. This is the norm and a MUST in my field of work (you are not from a graphic design background are you?). I have been on the upwork platform for a day, we are asking for advise and not for a complete dressing down or ripping of a new sphincter! Previously I have had my portfolio stolen, which is a compliment in some eyes, but in mine, no! 
My profile is about me because its my profile as in everyone elses is about them. 

Tonia, my advice is on how to use your profile to win clients. Every graphic designer on this site will have a portfolio on their profile here. I'm telling you what you're up against. "Profile" is actually a misnomer for what it is. This is your advertisement to clients. It's where you sell your expertise and services. It's not a bio, and freelancers often make that mistake (read: unsuccessful freelancers). I'm not in graphic design, but I've hired graphic designers on Upwork, and regardless best practices are tried and true across fields on Upwork. 

Thank you for your advise. I will of course take it on board and get that client. Do forgive me for being overly responsive.

Can i start again


Amanda L wrote:

Tonia I wrote:


Thank you for your feedback. However, I do actually have an extensive portfolio and cannot show it due to it being market sensitive. I can send my portfolio on request and adapt it to the job applied for. This is the norm and a MUST in my field of work (you are not from a graphic design background are you?). I have been on the upwork platform for a day, we are asking for advise and not for a complete dressing down or ripping of a new sphincter! Previously I have had my portfolio stolen, which is a compliment in some eyes, but in mine, no! 
My profile is about me because its my profile as in everyone elses is about them. 

Tonia, my advice is on how to use your profile to win clients. Every graphic designer on this site will have a portfolio on their profile here. I'm telling you what you're up against. "Profile" is actually a misnomer for what it is. This is your advertisement to clients. It's where you sell your expertise and services. It's not a bio, and freelancers often make that mistake (read: unsuccessful freelancers). I'm not in graphic design, but I've hired graphic designers on Upwork, and regardless best practices are tried and true across fields on Upwork. 

Tonia I wrote:


Thank you for your feedback. However, I do actually have an extensive portfolio and cannot show it due to it being market sensitive. I can send my portfolio on request and adapt it to the job applied for. This is the norm and a MUST in my field of work (you are not from a graphic design background are you?). I have been on the upwork platform for a day, we are asking for advise and not for a complete dressing down or ripping of a new sphincter! Previously I have had my portfolio stolen, which is a compliment in some eyes, but in mine, no! 
My profile is about me because its my profile as in everyone elses is about them. 

I don't understand why you invited feedback if you didn't want to hear it. Lots of smart, successful, experienced FLs never visit this thread because their generous attempts to assist have been greeted too many times with responses like yours to Amanda. If you think you'll make it in graphic design on this platform without a portfolio in your profile, then by all means, have at it and good luck.



Phyllis G wrote:

Tonia I wrote:


Thank you for your feedback. However, I do actually have an extensive portfolio and cannot show it due to it being market sensitive. I can send my portfolio on request and adapt it to the job applied for. This is the norm and a MUST in my field of work (you are not from a graphic design background are you?). I have been on the upwork platform for a day, we are asking for advise and not for a complete dressing down or ripping of a new sphincter! Previously I have had my portfolio stolen, which is a compliment in some eyes, but in mine, no! 
My profile is about me because its my profile as in everyone elses is about them. 

I don't understand why you invited feedback if you didn't want to hear it. Lots of smart, successful, experienced FLs never visit this thread because their generous attempts to assist have been greeted too many times with responses like yours to Amanda. If you think you'll make it in graphic design on this platform without a portfolio in your profile, then by all means, have at it and good luck.


I have apologised


Tonia I wrote:

Phyllis G wrote:

Tonia I wrote:


Thank you for your feedback. However, I do actually have an extensive portfolio and cannot show it due to it being market sensitive. I can send my portfolio on request and adapt it to the job applied for. This is the norm and a MUST in my field of work (you are not from a graphic design background are you?). I have been on the upwork platform for a day, we are asking for advise and not for a complete dressing down or ripping of a new sphincter! Previously I have had my portfolio stolen, which is a compliment in some eyes, but in mine, no! 
My profile is about me because its my profile as in everyone elses is about them. 

I don't understand why you invited feedback if you didn't want to hear it. Lots of smart, successful, experienced FLs never visit this thread because their generous attempts to assist have been greeted too many times with responses like yours to Amanda. If you think you'll make it in graphic design on this platform without a portfolio in your profile, then by all means, have at it and good luck.


I have apologised


It's all good. I think you've gotten some good ideas too. Hopefully you'll be landing jobs soon. 

Tonia I wrote:


Thank you for your feedback. However, I do actually have an extensive portfolio and cannot show it due to it being market sensitive. I can send my portfolio on request and adapt it to the job applied for. This is the norm and a MUST in my field of work (you are not from a graphic design background are you?). I have been on the upwork platform for a day, we are asking for advise and not for a complete dressing down or ripping of a new sphincter! Previously I have had my portfolio stolen, which is a compliment in some eyes, but in mine, no! 
My profile is about me because its my profile as in everyone elses is about them. 

Someone who asks for an opinion and responds like this does not deserve opinions.
You are lucky that a client (in addition to being a freelancer) has responded with the way she sees it and what she is missing, and do you respond that way?


I agree with Amanda that you need a portfolio. If you can't show the jobs you have, create some item to show.

You are not the only one who has had portfolio images stolen. Here we are dedicated to marking many profiles with stolen images.


Maybe you should delete the link you have in the title. It is a form of contact and is not allowed on Upwork.
You can send links of your portfolio or something else in the proposals, but they cannot be on your profile.

ok, I get your point. leave it there shall we

Tonia I wrote:

ok, I get your point. leave it there shall we

I don't know if you are answering me. If so, ok, I'll leave it at that. 
This just so you can better use the forum. To find out who you are replying to, use "quote".
If not, as the messages accumulate, in the end you don't know who or what you are replying to.



This is all very confusing. The instructions are not clear on application and its day 1 for me, pick a window and I will jump through. My Bad
Not applicable

Tonia I wrote:
This is all very confusing. The instructions are not clear on application and its day 1 for me, pick a window and I will jump through. My Bad

🙂 Sphincter, window 🙂 Tonia, have you ever considered a career in writing? You totally cracked me up!! (It's not that I am insensitive towards your experiences; it reminded me of myself a while ago and I did not have creative expressions as you do!!) 

Maria T wrote:

Tonia I wrote:

ok, I get your point. leave it there shall we

I don't know if you are answering me. If so, ok, I'll leave it at that. 
This just so you can better use the forum. To find out who you are replying to, use "quote".
If not, as the messages accumulate, in the end you don't know who or what you are replying to.

Screenshot.pngI knew that, not. Thank you 



Hi guys! 

I just started this freelancing job on upwork few weeks ago and I've been polishing my profile, portfolio and cover letter. I used to receive some interviews weeks ago but these few weeks are just so weird. I'm buying connects and throwing in a lot of proposals lately, bidding at the reasonable budget, nice cover letter stating my skills and the client's needs, but I just don't get ANY interviews, even some less than 10 proposals submitted jobs! 


Any problem regarding my profile? Or does the client see my proposals?? 


Need some help here please. Thank you. 

Can anyone help me with this??

Hi guys! 

I just started this freelancing job on upwork few weeks ago and I've been polishing my profile, portfolio and cover letter. I used to receive some interviews weeks ago but these few weeks are just so weird. I'm buying connects and throwing in a lot of proposals lately, bidding at the reasonable budget, nice cover letter stating my skills and the client's needs, but I just don't get ANY interviews, even some less than 10 proposals submitted jobs! 


Any problem regarding my profile? Or does the client see my proposals?? 


Need some help here please. Thank you. 

Community Member

yes please 

Community Member

Hi, I'm new here. Can someone view my profile and give me hints. Thanks.
Community Member

Alakere J wrote:
Hi, I'm new here. Can someone view my profile and give me hints. Thanks.

Hi Alakere, here is some feedback:


1. You need a portfolio. It's going to be a must for your field. 


2. Your profile text is currently all about you and not anything about what you can offer clients. Also, review the formatting. It's strangely formatted right now with hard returns between sentences but no space between them like paragraphs. Also, you start off "I am a bachelors..." When I believe you mean "I have a bachelor's..." as you are referring to your degree. 


3. Your work history needs more. If all you have every done is freelancing and just started this year, it looks like you have no work history. What did you do before February 2021? Put it in your profile. 


4. Add approved testimonials to your profile. Send testimonial requests to previous employers and clients to lend credibility to your profile. 


Hi Amanda, would it be possible for you to also review mine? Thanks so much for your time!

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Hey Mike J!

Could you check my profile and provide me with feedback. I will appreciate it!
Thank you!

Community Member

Please review my profile and give me any feedback. Thanks in advance. 

Not applicable

Ron, your profile reads well. I'd suggest describe more details of services you offer in the overview section. Your teaching experience must be indeed very rewarding for you but for a potential client, it is somewhat irrelevant. If you are also offering online teaching/tutoring then ignore my suggestion. Your portfolio is high-quality but adding more items may be beneficial i.e. one sample of each deliverable you provide. Lastly, consider creating catalogs at various price points. It is a good way to get noticed. Often freelancers hesitate to do catalogs as the scope of the work needs to be tailored to client needs. But catalogs can be an excellent marketing tool. (A client may approach you through catalogs but you might end up doing an hourly contract/fixed rate. Who knows...) 


Good luck, hope this helps. I am sure you will get several projects on Upwork.  

Thank you for your feedback. I’ll take your suggestions into consideration and work those into my profile.

- Feedback is a gift.
Community Member



I would highly appreciate some help and feedbacks on how to navigate here.


Binazir L.

Community Member

Hi,am Titus.Would you please review my profile?.Thanks in advance
Community Member


Love to have feedback from experienced freelancer regarding my profile.

Best Regards.

Community Member

Please review my profile. Thank you.

Community Member

kamal k wrote:

Please review my profile. Thank you.

Kamal, please make your profile public so we can give you feedback. Thanks!

Community Member

Would you please check my profile and give me some suggestions?

Nikhil S wrote:
Would you please check my profile and give me some suggestions?

Hi Nikhil,


The good news is that your work history looks good, and you already have a couple of Upwork jobs completed. I would work on three things, if were you:


1. Develop your unique selling point in your profile text. Right now it's just a list of your skills. This is like a sales ad for your clients. What they need to see is that their needs will be met if they hire you. So put yourself in their shoes and think about what you can tell them about what you will do for them that will get them excited to hire you. Think of using the word "you" more than  "I".  


2. Request official testimonials from previous clients outside of Upwork or your employers to give your profile more credibility. 


3. I don't think I saw  a portfolio, but if you are doing web development, I think this is essential. It also helps in other fields, not so much if you actually have a visual portfolio, but if you can create a case study of a client you helped and put that in your portfolio. 


Hope this helps. 

Hi.I just started my journey on upwork few months ago.I researched about how to make attractive cover letters as much as possible and implementing it on proposals.But i don't know why it's not working for me.In my cover letters i used to make it short and had some overviews how i will do this project.So i need help from experts which strategy i should apply and it will be my pleasure is someone check my profile is there anything wrong.


Thanks 🙂

Community Member

I am new on Upwork I don't have any experience n want your help to make my profile impressive.please give me suggestions on how to improve my profile and get jobs on Upwork.Thanks

Hina F wrote:
I am new on Upwork I don't have any experience n want your help to make my profile impressive.please give me suggestions on how to improve my profile and get jobs on Upwork.Thanks

Hi Hina, it's good you want to improve your profile. It's definitely a bit sparse, so you can build it up and hopefully attract some clients. Here are my thoughts:


1. Title: You mispelled your title (content not contant). It's likely any client you submit a proposal to is passing you over because of this major mistake. You'll want to fix that ASAP. 


2. Your profile text describing what you'll do for clients is sparse and not very unique. Remember, in content writing, you are competing with hundreds of thousands of other freelancers.   Your profile text has to stand out as original and engaging, and mostly importantly tell the client how you can help them achieve their goals. 


3. Build a portfolio - as a content writer you should give examples of your work on your profile. 


4. Add some work history - without any work history it looks like you are completely new to the work force and many or even most clients will turn away from that.


5. Request testimonials from previous employers/clients to add credibility to your profile. 


Hope this helps. Keep building up your profile. 

Community Member

I want to get profile feedback from experienced freelancers on Upwork.

Hareem D wrote:

I want to get profile feedback from experienced freelancers on Upwork.

The first thing is that the photo has to be yours, not a model's.
The second thing is that your profile does not say anything.

In the Upwork help you can find out how to get started.
You can also search the forum. To start:

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I would love to have a feedback. Thanks

Hi, I'm a new seller on Upwork. Here is my profile link:

**Edited for Community Guidelines** Please check it. everything all right 

Community Member

Hello and thanks for helping newcomers.
I set my profile to public and I contacted upwork also but my profile is still not visible.
Upwork never responded and my profile views are still at zero!
What could I do when upwork doesn't respond?
They still make money off me because I get paid through upwork.
Thanks again.
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