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Is 30 days mandatory for rising talent badge even after completing other required criteria

Hello,I am a newbie to upwork joined this month (may 2020); completed my first job successfully and also passed the rising talent test with 5 score.when will the rising talent badge appear for new users .
Have a good day!!
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So my account got suspended due to having 2 accounts I already hot back my account and closed the other one that I'm not using but then after having back my account my rising talent badge is gone I think I have fulfilled the requirements tho, is there anyway I can have it back?

Hi Jeanne, 

Below I am sharing the Upwork criteria to get a Rising Talent badge:


  • Pass the Upwork Readiness Test
  • Complete projects on time and as promised to clients
  • Maintain a 100% complete profile with accurate skills and genuine work
  • Keep your availability status up-to-date
  • Regularly submit proposals to projects that match your skill set
  • Adhere to the Upwork Terms of Service
  • Have been active in the past 90 days or joined in the past 30 days
  • Your account should not have any recent account holds

As you have violated the upwork Terms of service by creating two accounts knowingly or unknowingly and your account has on hold so for the time being you are not eligible for the Rising talent badge.

Shubham Sharma

Why would I not have a rising talent badge if I have met all the following requirements?

  • Pass the Upwork Readiness Test
  • Complete projects on time and as promised to clients
  • Maintain a 100% complete profile with accurate skills and genuine work
  • Keep your availability status up-to-date
  • Regularly submit proposals to projects that match your skill set
  • Adhere to the Upwork Terms of Service
  • Have been active in the past 90 days or joined in the past 30 days

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Hi Doug,


You will be notified that the badge has been added to your profile once you qualify. This process is automatic, and we can't share why a freelancer won't have a Rising Talent badge on their profile. 

~ Joanne

Hi Joanne-


I appreciate your response but it does not really answer my question.  If the process is automatic then there should be a know period of time the process takes to complete. Also, not knowing why a Rising Talent Badge is not issued would seem to lessen confidence in said process.


I am trying to make my profile complete and attractive for potential clients.  In doing so I found the one thing prohibiting me from have the Rising Talent Badge was the fact that I had not completed the UpWork readyness test.  So I took the test and passed.  If the platform knows I did not that the test, it should also know when I did take and pass the test.  


Thanks again for your reponse.  I hope to have the badge sooner rather than later.




Hi Doug,


We look at a variety of factors when determining whether to award Rising Talent status. In addition to client feedback, the overall strength of your profile upon submission, including prior experience and skills and your educational background, we also look at the opportunities available in the market. As such, Rising Talent status will not be available to all users.


I hope this helps.


Hi Youssef, 


The Rising Talent status is assigned automatically when a freelancer meets the requirements listed here. This process is working as designed and we can't specify a reason why a freelancer isn't eligible for receiving the Rising Talent badge.

~ Joanne

Hi Upwork Members!

I have received a Welcome message when I logged in today about The Rising Talent Program.

But didn't get an email about it, then when I checked to my profile, I have seen my Rising Talent Badge.

So much happy with it. Thank you, Upwork.

Now my question s that, When will I receive 30 free connects?

and how much time it will take to apply this badge to my account?

Because when I wanted to submit a job, which requires "Includes Rising Talent" it was showing Red error as same as before.

please help me with this question.


Hi Viral,


Congratulations on receiving the Rising Talent badge! Please note that it can take up to 48 hours for the system to update and award you with 30 bonus Connects. Let us know if you haven't received your Connects after 48 hours and we'll assist you further.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Thank you for your reply.

I will check it within 48 hours.

Thank You Aleksandar D,


I have received an email and also got connects.



Why I haven't earned my RT badge yet , I have all needed requirements ?

Hi Blend,


There are many factors that contribute to a Rising Talent badge. This includes client feedback, the overall strength of your profile, prior experience and skills, your educational background, and the opportunities available in the market. Once qualified you will receive an email notification.


Thank you.

~ Luiggi

I got rising talent badge today but on jobs which require rising talent it says still not eligible

Hi Muhammad,


Congratulations on receiving the Rising Talent badge! Please allow more time for the system to reset and update the section you are referring to.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

I am new to Upwork.I started earnings in May 2018 and i had no idea about rising talent program. Today i just saw on one of freelancer profile that he got this badge. After that i did research and completed all the steps required for this badge. 

Now i have got JSS. can i still get the rising talent badge?

@Muhammad R wrote:


Now i have got JSS. can i still get the rising talent badge?

 No. "Rising Talent" is only for people who do not have a JSS yet. You do.

I had no idead about this feature unfortunately. I really want to get rising talent badge. Smiley Sad

@Muhammad R wrote:

I had no idead about this feature unfortunately. I really want to get rising talent badge. Smiley Sad

 If you had qualified for it, you would have got it automatically.  You can't get it now because you have a JSS.

Now you need to work on improving your poor JSS instead.

Can you give me tips to improve JSS?

and is it true that low jss will make account suspended?

Hello from a newbie,


Could you please tell me what does "JSS" stand for?

Hi Zeynap, 

JSS stands for Job Success Score. You may read more about it here. 

~ Avery

Thank you very much for your time  Avery.

Receiving such a quick answer to my post-haste inqury made my day.

Community Member

Can anyone inform me how I get a rising talent badge or JSS? 

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Community Manager

Hi Daxa, 


The Rising Talent status is assigned automatically when a freelancer meets the requirements listed here. This process is working as designed and we can't specify a reason why a freelancer is, or isn't eligible for receiving the Rising Talent badge. Once you qualify, you should receive a notification letting you know. 

Regarding your question about the Job Success Score, more than 90% of freelancers have a score after 5 projects. Since not all projects and clients are equal, the length of time will vary. Nearly all freelancers have scores after completing eight projects. The projects need to be with at least three different clients and take place within a 24-month period. You may read more about it here.

~ Avery

Hello, Miss.Petra.

Hope you are fine.

I hardly got a first job by using 40 connects and successfully finished it with 5 star.

But now I don't know how to get rising talent badge.

Could you kindly give me an advice for it?


Community Member

hey thesis my profile what should I do to get rising talent

Hi Omar,


The Rising Talent badge is automatically assigned when a freelancer meets the requirements listed here. Once you qualify for the badge, you will receive a notification letting you know and it will also reflect on your profile.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hello Data! I received a notification that I received 30 connects since I am one of the rising talents. But upon checking on my account, I don't have it.

Hi Marie,


Congratulations on receiving the Rising Talent badge! Please note that Connects are awarded up to 48 hours after the badge is received. Feel free to reach out to us if you do not get your connects after that so that we can assist you further.


Thank you,

~ Nikola

Hello Upwork community, This is my first time posting to the forum, and the reason I've reached out is simply I can't wait! I received a notification a month ago saying that I've been eligible for Rising Talent program, and need to take the Readiness Test. So, I did and passed the test, but nothing happened. Nothing happened yet, no badge, nor any extra feature/Connects. I didn't find any option to claim the badge after the test(s). I assume it’s a matter of time as support team said, but need to know if I've missed something (my profile is 100% complete) And 2 jobs completed. Your comments are highly appreciated! Waqas Z.

Don't end contracts yourself, that way you will never get feedback, which you need to get a JSS. It might possibly also make it difficult to get rising talent (but not sure about that).

Hi Waqas,


I'm sorry for the delay in getting a response to you. One of our team members will reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further.

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

how can i get rising talent badge?

i have not received any mail yet?

what is the criteria to get this?


Hi Shalini,


The Rising Talent badge is automatically assigned when a freelancer meets the requirements listed here. Once you qualify for the badge, you will receive a notification letting you know and it will also reflect on your profile. 


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hello to all. I want to ask you all. I am working with upwork for 5 months i complete several jobs and earn 1k plus but i still dont get rising talent badge i also comolete 100% my profile and readiness test with 5 star

Usman A wrote:
Hello to all. I want to ask you all. I am working with upwork for 5 months i complete several jobs and earn 1k plus but i still dont get rising talent badge i also comolete 100% my profile and readiness test with 5 star

If you were eligible for Rising Talent sstatus, you'd have got it already automatically. After another complete contract or two, you'll likely get a Job Success Score.

You need 4+ completed contracts with a minimum of 3 different clients to get a Job Success Score.





One of the requirements for the rising talent badge is the following:

Complete projects on time and as promised to clients


My question: Is it the same time as we mention in our proposals while applying for a job? Because I have had few situations where the client has asked for few additions or changes and we haven't bothered about the initially mentioned deadlines in the proposal.

All the help is appreciated, thanks!

Sorry for messaging again.


Petra, can you answer this:

Does the milestone deadlines, decided when starting a project with a client, affect your ability to receive rising talent badge? Although the client is pretty relaxed about it and doesn't bother.

Also does the same affect your job success score?


Thank you 🙂

Hi Junaid,


Deadlines are a helpful tool for you and your client to organize your contract and manage expectations. However, missing a deadline will not affect your Rising Talent status or JSS. Your JSS reflects your client’s satisfaction as shown by relationships, feedback, and job outcomes over time.



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