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I don't get a job, which is the right way to get there. I did all that I could.

Community Member

You haven't done all that you can; your profile looks like it took about 10 minutes for you to create. The logo design category is extremely competitive and to be honest, you're not going to get hired unless you take some graphic design courses and create better samples. Your hourly rate is also much too high for a complete beginner. If you know how to write, where are your writing samples? And what experience/training do you have for doing translation work? 


If you have legal training, maybe focus on that instead.


I just want to thank you for your advice, Christine.


Community Member

Merium M wrote:


I don't get a job, which is the right way to get there. I did all that I could.

I second Christine. Your profile is nothing. And less in a field as oversaturated as design and especially the creation of logos.
Your profile should tell the client what you can do for them and your portfolio should support it.
And, unfortunately, you do not meet either of the two requirements.
If you think that's all you can do, I'm sorry to tell you that you should forget about this so you don't have a bad time.
You can look at other profiles of freelancers who do the same as you, just look not copy them, and you will understand what we mean.
And if you have more than one skill, you should focus on the one that works best for you or create several specialized profiles to separate the information.

And once again ask for Upwork. How are profiles like this allowed?

Community Member


I found your advice very useful and I really appreciate it.

Thank you, Maria.


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