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My Balance is 0 and my contractor cant pay

My contractor tried making payment and she's not able to proceed

Under my contracts it says my balance is $0

Can I get support from Upwork?
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Mauricio,


Are you referring to your Hourly Contract? If so, you are paid based on the Weekly Billing Cycle:


Week 1 – You log time using the Upwork desktop app and Work Diary.
Week 2 – Hours within the weekly limit invoice to your clients on Monday. They have until Friday to review the work. Then the review period ends.
Week 3 – Earnings become available on the following Wednesday.


Your client doesn't need to manually verify the work you completed, they can only file a dispute during the review period. If no action is taken on their end, your funds will be released to you as detailed above.


It appears as pending during my transaction details

That's right, Mauricio! Pending funds become available to withdraw after the 5-day Security Period, which means from Friday to Wednesday on Hourly Contract payments.

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