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My JSS at 50%?

I want to ask the same thing that i asked before but got no reply!

I started to work with up-work in January, My 1-st Client on the first day of work after like an hou...  I littreally have sent out 40 proposals but no luck and it makes me feel like crap 🙂 Thank you up-work for being so supportive. 


IMO, It's really strange that you already have JSS, you only have 4 jobs, 3 visible (1 great, 2 not feedback given), and 1 no visible, possible "in progress" with no earning yet or a closed contract without money exchange.


I thought a freelancer gets his/her JSS score after 5 or more contracts with 5 or more different clients, apparently, it may not be the case in this scenario. If I'm wrong, by all means, correct me!

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To be honest I am not sure what you wanted anyone to say? (Seems everyone else felt the same, which is why you had no responses.)


All you can do is complete some contracts successfully with great outcomes.

Yes, that means you have to win them first which is harder with a poor JSS but not impossible.

Sorry, but that's all there is to be said.


''Albert Einstein'' days, people showed who they are and it was easy to tell but these days it's hard to tell becaue people don't show who they are and again not my fault.

Thank you for you'r help and i understand it's a ''Monopoly'':)


Thank you

Albert Einstein, must have been in better Era / among the people who showed, who they were and it was easy to tell for him but these days it's hard to tell becaue people don't show who they are, but thank you for you'r help and i understand it's a ''Monopoly'':)


Thank you

IMO, It's really strange that you already have JSS, you only have 4 jobs, 3 visible (1 great, 2 not feedback given), and 1 no visible, possible "in progress" with no earning yet or a closed contract without money exchange.


I thought a freelancer gets his/her JSS score after 5 or more contracts with 5 or more different clients, apparently, it may not be the case in this scenario. If I'm wrong, by all means, correct me!

I agree with Elba. Has something changed as far as getting a JSS is concerned?  This question is aimed at the mods, who no doubt have the right  answer. 

Hi Elba, 


 Thank you for highlighting some details. Is there something that can be done about it? Someone can look in to details on ''what or how'' and if it can be fixed? Am just asking because i'm hoping for some miracle / tough luck, if not.

Click here: My Stats


What does Clients who would recommend you says?

"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless

The first two clients never left any feed back + one of them just went missing on the 1-st day.

The only client that i worked for left me feed back:

Hassan, "Jay" is a workhorse. He can pound through sales calls day in and day out and schedule appointments like there's no tomorrow. If you need someone to call lots of leads in a limited amount of time, look no further!

(Clients who would recommend you) has -----blank. 

Hello Hassan,


I'm sorry to hear that. I just checked your account and I can see that you have a total of 7 contracts (all closed) with different clients. Some of your contracts have no earnings that's why they are not displayed in your work history and feedback list. There are also contracts without feedback. Please read this article to help you know the factors that can affect your JSS. Thank you!


  • No Feedback – Contracts with no client feedback, including ones you ended or left open and inactive, do not affect your score unless you have excessive contracts with no feedback.

@Hassan A wrote:

Thank you, in that case; how can it be fixed or not? 


There's nothing to be fixed, you already have 7 closed contracts with different clients, see Ryan's response (in your profile this is not visible).  Every contract weight so heavily because you have a few.


@Hassan A wrote:
  • No Feedback – Contracts with no client feedback, including ones you ended or left open and inactive, do not affect your score unless you have excessive contracts with no feedback.

In the future avoid this:


1.- Close the contract yourself, let the client do that (at least you have 2 out of 7)

2.- Contracts with no money exchange (at least you have 4 out of 7)


So your outcome is not good, only 1 contract with good feedback out of 7.

In that case as you mentioned before '' he/she must have 5 contracts'' to start getting JSS score. Why did i not get this JSS when i had 5 contracts already? Why it just appeared after 7? 

@Hassan A wrote:

In that case as you mentioned before '' he/she must have 5 contracts'' to start getting JSS score. Why did i not get this JSS when i had 5 contracts already? Why it just appeared after 7? 

Remember JSS only updates every 2 weeks, the last update was June 11 (at least for me), so I guess that's why, but remember 1 out of 5 is even worse, it could be lower than this.

Last updated Jun 10 for me and before that i was working till May, for straigh 4 months=16 weeks. If that tracker tracked everything till Jun 10 than why rest of weeks are not counted towards: Top Rated Eligible Weeks? I don't get this process but i had fun asking questions. Thank you

It is a ''Monopoly'', buyer wins / seller loses and that's how the rules are to be followed i guess. 🙂 

@Hassan A wrote:
  • No Feedback – Contracts with no client feedback, including ones you ended or left open and inactive, do not affect your score unless you have excessive contracts with no feedback.

 no earnings.png


I think you're not supposed to have that JSS visible yet, you're suppossed to be in between Rising Talent and JSS Score, but somehow JSS is showing,  see below, this profile in search shows "13% JSS" but in profile is not showing anything.Untitled.png


This profile has 5 jobs.

Thank you, in that case; how can it be fixed or not? 

re: "Thank you, in that case; how can it be fixed or not?"



Your JSS can be fixed (or to use a more accurate term, improved) by:


- Studying JSS. Read about it in the Forum and Help section.


- Only applying for and accepting jobs you know you can do. A great job on.


- Using proactive strategies for making sure you do not have zero-pay jobs or contracts without feedback.


Remember: For most of us with high JSS, it is not an accident. It is not because we are smarter or holier or luckier than people with low JSS. The high JSS you see are typically a result of hard work on behalf of clients PLUS an understanding of how JSS works and conscientious efforts to do the things Upwork wants us to do in order to maintain high high levels of customer satisfaction and high JSS.

''Remember: For most of us with high JSS, it is not an accident. It is not because we are smarter or holier or luckier than people with low JSS. The high JSS you see are typically a result of hard work on behalf of clients PLUS an understanding of how JSS works and conscientious efforts to do the things Upwork wants us to do in order to maintain high high levels of customer satisfaction and high JSS.''



This is something else '' I hire you but fire you the next day because i found someone cheaper to do the same job'' Is it my fault? 

''I hire you but changed my mind and need to wait bit more till am more clear about this process'' Is it freelancers fault? 


''I hired you but realized i dont have a way to make payment or don't have enough money in my account and am suppose to be paid in 2 weeks'' Is it freelancers fault?


We as freelancers get scanned for everything but do up-work has any way of screening clients to find out how lagit they are or they can do as they please because they are paying?


you talking about hard work? Mate i live in Pakistan and sell everone in english yet i speak 4 languages. I pick up the phone to talk, not hang up. I make 35 manul dials an hour and not most freelancers like that or can do that. I see alot of these freelancers not working for Digital-marketing companies doing appointment setting / Sales and yet i can work for them with ease. Am going to make a video on how system works and will let people decide, if they think it's true or not.  


you littereally teaching me on how to say ''yes'' instead of ''yo'' or say ''alright'' intead of ''aight''  but Thank you.

Hassan, I am not sure what you mean by "fair."


Everybody here on Upwork lives by the same rules, deals with the same pool of clients, and is subjected to the same JSS calculations.


I have shared my strategies for success with JSS in hundreds of posts in the Forum. So has Petra and dozens of other Forum participants. We have not kept these things a secret.


I am sorry that you are frustrated by your current JSS. But I will not retract my statement that you can raise your score. I think you have what it takes to be a 100% JSS freelancer. But you need to learn how JSS works and use some of the techniques we have shared.

Your the best Mr: Preston, I love your reply. I hope you know why i said that! Thank you so much, i mean it. your are a true ''Community Guru''. I already tried so many times to get a job with that score but nothing yet and am not stopping either. Will make it there one day and will retain it.

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