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Not getting a Job yet

Hi everyone. I've polished my profile, filled out every necessary details, passed Upwork's readiness test, sent 15 proposals but still I'm out of luck with the job. Can you help me out please? What am I missing? Much Appreciated!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Umar,


Submitting proposals doesn't always guarantee that you will get hired or get a chance to be interviewed, but you shouldn't give up on sending proposals to potential clients. You may check our Resource Corner and find some excellent topics there:


Submitting a Winning Proposal on Upwork

Make Your Freelancer Profile More Visible & Appealing

Enhance Your Freelancer Profile for Greater Success


When you apply for jobs, make sure your proposal is well written and that you're absolutely qualified and certain of your ability to complete the job you're applying for. Also be sure to check out our Events & Webinars for information on how you can build a strong profile, win high-quality jobs, and start getting paid.



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