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Offer not received

Hello,I have a little problem like I don't receive my client offer. I've been waiting sincen yesterday, almost 24h and still I can't see it. Kindly help me!Thank you!

Community Member

Hello Renata, Just confirm with your client they made offer or not, because upwork not hold any client or freelancer offer process. So better to confirm with them..:)

I've talk to them and they assured me the offer is sent so now I don't know what to do but asking for help in order to solve this

Go to your Proposals Page (click on this link)


Offers are right at the top




Hi Renata,


I see here that you already sent us an email for this concern. Someone from our team will respond to that ticket to assist you further. You can access your ticket here. Thank you!


~ Joanne

Thank you, but I really need to solve this problem right away. Can someone solve this problem cause Im waiting for 24h already and I'm afraid I'll loose my client because of that. 

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