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People are asking me to use my account



it has happened to me on more than one occasion that people from other freelancing websites ask me to give them my UpWork account. I have never agreed to it as I do realise it could, and probably is, a scam.


I would like to understand why they do this. I'm curious.


Hi Dioneda,
Thank you for reporting this to us. As it is against Upwork TOS to share or "rent" an account, we will forward this to the appropriate team to review and take action. Thank you for helping us keep Upwork a safe and trusted marketplace. For more information about our efforts, please see this Community post.
~ Nikola

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I have been hit with this scam for the second time. I was hit with it about a few weeks ago, and the customer service representative of Upwork informed me of the policy that states that I am not allowed to outsource my Upwork account to some other party. This other person met me on www.fiverr.com. His name is: 

**Edited for Community Guidelines**
 (assuming that's his real name). He tried to do the scam on me without knowing that I had been hit with it before in the past. I hope that by contributing his name to you, you might be able to intercept this man. His link was erased from Fiverr after he switched to communicating with me via GMail. 

Hi Leonard,


I would like to thank you for taking the time to bring this to our attention. If there's any other information that you can share about this person, feel free to send me a PM so I can investigate this further. 


Thank you,

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi Community,

For last several months I and my friends keep getting odd messages on linkedin with proposals to rent my upwork profile. 

I've attached the most recent dialogue with such person with his proposal. It's getting more and more annoying. 

What's happening? 🙂





**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

And as I can't attach .doc file, I'll attach it as a screenshot


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Ayk,


Thanks for reporting this to us! I already sent your report to our team for investigation and appropriate actions will be taken according to our internal processes.


If however, you have more information about your report or other reports, please, feel free to send me a private message with the screenshots so that I follow up on the report.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Was it a Chinese guy?

I had a guy on Linkedin asking me to rent him my profile specilized for Network Egnineering so he can do Graphic Design, as he is a great designer. Makes sense.

Community Member

I created my account for the future and will not be using it at this time. The main reason I made my account was to be able to contact support to report a suspicious individual that worked on your network in the past and is trying to bypass a suspension you put on his account. This man goes by the name **Edited for Community Guidelines** and contacted me on LinkedIn and attempted to drag me into a scheme of his by having me make an account and give it to him to use to do his work for a cut. I am posting this here so that you are aware of this and so that others that may be contacted by this man do not try to accept his offer. Tangentially once I have finished my education I would likely use this platform to help find work in my field. This is a youtube video he sent showing his profile **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Matthew,


Thanks for reporting this to us. I already shared your report with the team for investigations and appropriate actions will be taken according to our internal processes.


In the future, when you decide to start using Upwork, I suggest you start from this thread to help you get started.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

I received such a mail a few days ago as well. He/They offered me money to use my pc via teamviewer and even were going to buy me a new pc in a few months.. I wrote back and suggested him to reset an old pc for him.


In my profile information there isn't find anything he/they could use t steal my identity or something. They could get a higher wage through a European account, is this true?


Let me know if you would like to have the e-mail thread.


Greetz and be safe! 🙂

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Arne,


It's against Upwork TOS to share or "rent" an account. Could you please click on my picture next to this post and send me a private message with more info about the account you're reporting? You should be able to send private messages as soon as you become an Active Member.

Community Member

Hello UpWork community. New member/Freelancer here.


I received the following message on LinkedIn today. I was immediately supicious. So, I wanted to come here and ask if my feelings were correct or if this is common practice.

BTW, regardless of the answer, I have now discoverd UpWork and I joined as a freelancer. So either way, it was a good experience. Thanks for your replies.


"Upwork provides big mobile app projects to US based developers. I am a senior mobile app developer. I want to work on those projects but I can not access because of location. So I am looking for US based partner to work with me. Your role is very easy. Just create Upwork account with your profile and get jobs with me. I will develop them on my end and share earnings with you. I can make over $100K in one year and I will share 30K to you. How do you think?"


No, it's not common practice, it's against Upwork's terms of service as well as being obvious fraud - your account can be permanently banned. Plus if you give someone access to your account, you'll be responsible for whatever they do, and liable for all taxes owed on the earnings. 


As you're an American with a new Upwork account, this isn't the last time that you'll be targetted by scammers. Rule number 1: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Thanks Christine. That's what I figured.

But like I said, the good news is I discovered Upwork and I will now get to work on my profile and marketing! 


Hi Louis,


Please note that it's against Upwork TOS to share or "rent" an account. Could you please click on my name and send me a PM with more information about your report? For more information about what Upwork is doing about this, please see this Community announcement.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member

This has happen to me way to many times to be a coincidence. 


People are randomly reaching out and asking for me to co-share my Upwork account. They will bid and get jobs and pay me a commission for using my account.


The common reasoning is "I can't make multiple accounts." 


Protect your account!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Riza,


Please note that it's against Upwork TOS to share or "rent" the account. Could you please click on my name and send me a PM with more information about your report? For more information about what Upwork is doing about this, please see this Community announcement.


Thank you!

~ Bojan

Same situation here, I just created an account here to report, but the platform is telling me I have not enough privileges to send a message to any of you

Hi Daniele,


You should be able to send private messages now that you're an Active Member.




One guy reached out to me within slack community channel of toronto tech group. he asked to collaborate with me with the same story.

Hi Usman,


Please note that it's against Upwork TOS to share or "rent" an account. Could you please click on my name and send me a PM with more information? If possible please add any relevant screenshots. I will be sure to look into your report and escalate it accordingly.


You may want to check this Community announcement for more information about what Upwork is doing about this.


~ Nikola
Community Member

I was approached by a person from Laos with a Busness Collaboration Proposal this morning.  He claimed he had a unique arrangement with a professional on Upwork.  He offered 2k per month guarantee from 10k he's making from a Freelancer here by the name of **Edited for Community Guidelines**  It violates every policy here on Upwork.  I believe this person with emal address: **Edited for Community Guidelines** has been banned and he's trying to figure out a way to get jobs under the table.  I suggested that if he has a freelancer account just join my Agency.  What is pecurliar about this is he wanted to show me how he can do monthly jobs by using Team Viewer and access my computer to do that.  Be on the look out.

I just attached two screenshot he sent me as proof of jobs he's being doing with this **Edited for Community Guidelines** freelancer.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Rick,


Thank you for reporting this to us. As it is against Upwork TOS to share or "rent" an account, we will forward this to the appropriate team to review and take action. Thank you for helping us keep Upwork a safe and trusted marketplace. For more information about our efforts, please see this Community announcement.




Almost forgot...I coaxed him into sending me a contract that he claims this
other freelancer **Edited for Community Guidelines** and he were using.

This person goes by **Edited for Community Guidelines** as well.

See attached proposed "contract" if you can't see it, let me know how I can
get it to you.

Thanks again



You can send me a private message by clicking on my picture next to this post with any further info you may have and I will include it in the report.




Had the same incidicent happent to me today. I don't use Upwork - and really haven't since it was oDesk and actually had to reactivate my account to post here.


Anyway, just want to add to the list of folks who have already reported.

Hi Juan Carlos,


Thank you for reporting this to us. Could you please click on my picture next to this post and send me a private message with more info so I could forward this to the appropriate team to review and take action?

Community Member

Hello there, this is just to let you know that on Fiverr I've received a spam proposal that was related to UpWork, specifically a person asking me to have access to my account to access jobs with my personal information, so they could fake to be a real person.

The message was already reported as spam on Fiverr and the user was banned, but since it relates to UpWork I'd love for you to know this.

Attached you can find a screenshot of the message I've received.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Veronica,


Thank you for reporting this to us. As it is against Upwork TOS to share or "rent" an account, we will forward this to the appropriate team to review and take action. Thank you for helping us keep Upwork a safe and trusted marketplace.



Hi, I got contacted via Fiverr, people from Japan asking me to give them access to my PC remotely for Up & work freelancing (their words). I see people reported it here before, and they were already blocked on Fiverr, but I'm putting it here anyway, please be aware and don't fall for these obvious scammers.

Hi Mileva,


Could you please send me a private message with more information so that I can check and send it to the team for investigation?

Please check out this post for more tips on how to avoid questionable jobs and use the flag option found on each job post or message anytime you’d like to report a violation.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

re: "I got contacted via Fiverr, people from... asking me to give them access to my PC remotely for Up & work freelancing (their words)..."


Stay off Fiverr.

Problem solved.

Community Member

Hi guys!:

This guy just contacted me by Linkedin: 

**Edited for community guidelines**

Hi Priscila,


Thank you for reporting this to us. As it is against Upwork TOS to share or "rent" an account, we will forward this to the appropriate team to review and take action. Thank you for helping us keep Upwork a safe and trusted marketplace. For more information about our efforts, please see this Community announcement.

~ Bojan

I have a company with a pretty sophisticated email covering fees and taxes. Even offering to buy a computer so they can access the account remotely to circumvent your checks. The company looks pretty legit out of China. Was going to forward this to one of the moderators but when I try to click on the message I get


"You do not have sufficient privileges for this resource or its parent to perform this action.

Click your browser's Back button to continue."


If someone would give me an email address I would be happy to forward the email.

re: "If someone would give me an email address I would be happy to forward the email."


You will not receive an email address.

It is not Upwork's intention that you send email messages to Support personnel.


If you want to create a Customer Support ticket, you may do so.


Once you have been a registered Forum user for a little longer, you will indeed be able to click on a Moderator's name and send them a direct message.


Keep in mind that you are talking about people who are contacting you NOT on Upwork, but through other means. You may wish to simply stay off of those sites where those scammers are contacting you. You may wish to simply block those people. You are not required to report those people to Upwork.

Hi Thomas,


You should be able to click on my name and send me a PM with more information about your report? I’ll check that for you and advise you accordingly.


Thank you.

~ Bojan
Community Member

I want to report this freelancer. **Edited for Community Guidelines**


He has been lending his account to another developer and taking share of the profit.


I have worked with that freelancer before and he yesterday told me that he was using the above account and suddently, the owner took all the money he earned and closed all the relationships.


He was so angry and wanted me to report this freelancer to block him from the platform.


I also think he should be banned so we can keep Upwork safe.


I can provide all the screenshots that the guy gave me.



Siegfried S wrote:

I have worked with that freelancer before and he yesterday told me that he was using the above account and suddently, the owner took all the money he earned and closed all the relationships.

He was so angry and wanted me to report this freelancer to block him from the platform.

He was posting here in the forum about it too and I'm sure Upwork has since removed him. Renting or letting or selling or sharing an Upwork account is not allowed.

Hi Siegfried,


Thanks for taking the time to let us know. I already sent your report to the team for investigation.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Community Member

Today, 2 people have approached me on fiverr.com to register an Upwork account and let them use it through Teamview on my computer as, allegedly, they could only log in for european IP addresses.
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