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Please, Review My Profile

Hey guys,

this is my first time posting here.
I am on UpWork for a few month now, and it starts to get a little bit momentum.
This week I will breach the 1000 Dollar total earnings. 

However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, how few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.

Could you guys give me a short review of my profile?
What do you like?
What dont you like?
What would you change?

I would appreciate any Feedback!

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


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Hosnee Zaman,


You can't have any links on your profile that lead to contact information. You can add pictures and screenshots of the websites you designed to your portfolio in order to showcase your skills without showing contact information.


Thank you.

~ Valeria

First, congratulations on joining Upwork. I've been on Upwork for 5 years full-time and it's been a blast! Now, to your profile. The first thing that jumps out is that it lacks personality. There's no way to tell who you are as a person from the intro. I don't mean you write your life story, but adding more detail will help. I like to say people hire people they like. Many may doubt it but at a deep subconscious level, we are all rigged to gravitate to likable people. Hiring isn't any different. How do people get to like you? By Knowing you. How do they know you? Of course from what you tell them. So the more you tell them (or the better your story), the more they know you; the more they know you, the better they like you; the better they like you, the greater the chance they will hire you. It's called storytelling. Branding experts will tell you this. Branding is all about telling a story that the reader can connect with. So what's your story Hosnee? Tell it and tell it well. 

Community Member

 I am on upwork hardly for a month.I have set up my profile as I could .Can  I attach my college  project.


My request to Great Authors and Members of this community, please take a look at my profile and give me some advice what are the weaknesses of my profile you think and how can I make it strong .


your help is essential for me


Here is my profile link http://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~01f9c81c859a9f92d5/



Radhika Menon

Community Member

Hi there! 


My problem is I am struggling to get job offers. 


I use my bids all the time, try to write strong cover letters, being very attentive to client's job posts.


But still no response! 

Can someone please go through my profile, maybe I've made some mistakes filling it? 


I'm really tired guessing what my problem is. 

Something you can do is check your portfolio and remove some things, it seems, that are not yours.

Community Member

Hello Upwork community 🙂

I'm a newbie here (almost a week today), was wodndering how people (specifically expert clients here) would view my profile; is it all over the place? Should I restrict my skills to only one that I'm best at? Would you hire me as a graphic designer?

I've included things that I'm very good at in my profile like writing, photography, translation (and took the tests to back my word up) and I've honostly submitted proposals in diffirent areas to get that first job (and did get one - that is far from my main domain, yet I left my client pleased). 

I'd appreciate any advice in this matter.

Best ragards,

Can't tell. Your profile is hidden.

"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless

Fatima, if you want to maximize your chances of getting hired for the first time, you need to focus your entire profile page on only one job skill.

Community Member


Hello Upworkers,


I'm asking for some feedback on my recently updated profile - I have been working a lot on it - have read  many posts, blogs, etc. - pretty much everything I could find about writing profiles 🙂 - and I'm still not sure, especially since I'm not an English native speaker and besides grammar, many times there are some underlying conceptions on words or phrases.

Any help on this regards will be very much appreciated, 


Thanks in advance!



Community Member

Dear friends, 

                       I am new on upwork and need your help. i have been looking for 1st job since last month, applied for many jobs but did not get any reply. Can you please visit my profile and let me know what the issue is so that i could get my 1st job it would be a great help.


Waiting for the reply!

Thanks & Regards

Anoop Kumar

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

What's a problem with my profile, portfolio, or bid of the job offer !? I am a newbe on upwork, but has enough experience of graphic and web design. All my proposals for cooperation are not considered, i do not received no one message from customers. Maybe problem with my price or my english skills !? Help me understand my problem... 

Community Member



I am Sujay Ravula. Hi everyone! Hope everyone's having thier good time. I have a request for felllow lancers and clients regarding profile appealness. I would like to request you to hover over my proilem, and say if my profile is okay for getting jobs and being hired at good rate; as there are many competeive people in this community and i have started to build my good working profile in upwork. 


Hope i would get some suggestions, and am glad at recieving some; which might increase the appeal of my profile. Thanking you.



Sujay Ravula.

I have reviewed your profile Mr, Sujay. Just change your English level ( You are not native speaker)

You can add something more to your overview, Change your rate also,


Anyway, others member will give you more suggestion.


Thank you Mr. Farid for taking time to review my profile. I am gald about that. But, I think there has been a misunderstanding regarding language proficiency. By the statement "you are not a native speaker', means that i am not a american. Then that would be a misunderstanding, I have to say that. Because, Native or bilingual speaker level can be attained by person who are equivalent to native educative speaker. I am confident of that. That is the reason I have displayed as Native and bilingual Speaker. Other than that, I would see into incorporating ideas soon.

Also, I would like you to suggest a rate suitable for my profile level.

Thanking you.

Sujay Ravula.



Your English is nowhere near bilingual/native level. I advise you to remove content writing from your skills set. There is no reason why you should not write, but not professionally.  You are up against thousands of people on this site, who speak and write English better than you do.


Your overview needs to be completely overhauled. You are offering skills in areas where you appear to have no expertise whatsoever. Even your portfolio shows nothing that any client might be interested in. You need to hone some specific skills so that you can bring something to the table.

 Sujay and Nichola,


A couple of your comments have been removed from this thread. Please, make sure you treat other Community members with respect and courtesy even if your opinion differs from theirs, and especially if you directly ask for their opinion.


Thank you.

~ Valeria

@ Sujay --


You are absolutely correct that it is not necessary that one be born to a particular country in order to [eventually] attain native fluency in whatever language is the dominant or the official language of that country. There are many immigrants who live in England, Scotland, the United States, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and other English-speaking countries who have attained native-level fluency in English. There are persons who live in countries such as India who speak English with bilingual fluency.


You say that the reason you have listed your own level of English fluency as "Native" is because (I am quoting you verbatim): "I am confident of that." Well, your "confidence" in the general principle that I have outlined in the paragraph above is all well and good. However, if, by "confident," you actually mean to imply that you are "confident" that the above principle is correctly applied in your specific case, then you are quite mistaken. While you may, someday, achieve native or near-native fluency in English, your writing demonstrates un-mistakably that, as of today, you are not even "Fluent" in English, let alone "Native/Bi-lingual." Your English is at a "Conversational" level. (Actually, the English in your Profile is arguably "Fluent," but the English in your posting above is more at a "Conversational" level. So maybe you are "Fluent" when you have unlimited time for review and corrections. -?-)


There is nothing wrong with speaking English conversationally. I speak French fluently, but I speak German only conversationally. I speak Russian only at the halting level of a two-year-old. It would be ridiculous for me to claim that I can speak German at a native/bilingual level, just because I can muddle my way through Hesse with the aid of a good dictionary, and because I could make my way through a Munich train station or a Berlin bakery even if no else one there spoke English or French.(Or if there were no two-year-old Russians available to translate for me...)


There is nothing wrong with speaking a language at a conversational level. There is something very disingenuous and irritating about someone else's manifestly false claim of native fluency in one's own language. It would be as if someone competent in math only through fractions tried to bluff his way into my algebra class, claiming that he could explain things to my students. Fractions are a lovely and important part of math--but they're not at the level of algebra.

I sincerely appreciate your effort and respect your views. I didnt think of being serious in typing grammatically perfect english language in the posts. I was viewing this platform as conversational platform. I didnt think that we should be grammatical correct and fluent while posting using punctuation's, sentence formation, usage of proper words as if i am attending some English literature exam. Thank you for your feedback. I respect the way you delivered your views compared to some harsh and rude members of this community.

Community Member


Hello Upworkers 


I'm asking for some feedback on my recently updated profile - I have been working a lot on it - have read  many posts, blogs, etc. - pretty much everything I could find about writing profiles 🙂 - and I'm still not sure, especially since I'm not an English native speaker and besides grammar, many times there are some underlying conceptions on words or phrases.

Any help on this regards will be very much appreciated, 


Thanks in advance!



I think your profile looks pretty good. Your English isn't perfect, but you communicate clearly and they're not hiring you as a writer. In that regard, there's one small thing you may want to change: you say "large experience" twice, and that's just not a phrase that we'd use in English. You could substitute "extensive experience" or "significant experience" or "XX years of experience".


I might also suggest that you add or swap out a sample if you have something with a different color scheme. Since al three of your samples are gray-toned, nothing really pops when looking at your portfolio section, and you know how important that pop is.

Hi Tiffany


Thanks so much for taking the time to check my profile and for your input!!!! "large experince"' - I have been using it like..forever!!! silly me 😞




Again - thanks a ton!!






Hello Florecia, I would simply say that i am impressed at your profile and qualifications! Your profile is appealing to any client. I would suggest you that you take more UPWORK SKILLS TESTS. Please be careful with your proposals, as i see you have a potential profile. All the best!



Florencia (please note the spelling) has had excellent advice from a top-rated, higly professional freelancer, whose native language is English, and who knows what she is talking about.

Community Member

Greetings Fellow Upworkers,


Just finish my first meet and greet with the help of Ron, Avery and other Upworkers.  I'm really new here and I already made some improvement on my profile but until now I am still having a challenge in landing my first client.  Can I request you to please check how my profile goes.


What are other things I need to improve on so I can take my first ever client?


Your feedbacks is really highly appreciated.


Kind regards,

Jeffrey Cabierte

Community Member

Hello community!


How are you guys doing today? I have being on this platform since February this year and got my first job in April. It's being amazing working with clients although I have been scammed twice.


Please I will love if someone would checkout my profile and tell me what he/she thinks. I feel like I need an upgrade but I really don't know where to start. I have worked on five jobs although some are low-wage jobs and I haven't done a long-term or high-wage job. I am begining to get worried and I will appreciate your help.






There are some glaring discrepancies in your profile. I am sure you are at university and expect to finish in a couple of years, but I really do not see how you could have been working in your current employment since 2003, when you couldn't have been much older than nine years old - if that! This casts a doubt on whether you really are an undergraduate and on any of your other credentials.


A client is likely to pick up on this and will pass you by, because it would instantly raise a red flag for him or her.


For the rest, your profile seems OK. You have done work that has been appreciated by your clients, and your test scores are good. You have set your rates higher than the ones you have been accepting, so you could try and hold out for the rate in your profile on future jobs.   

Community Member

I am new on upwork i submitted my proposal from last three month but no one hire me. Can someone provide me guidence to make my  profie and porposal letter better.

@Noman A wrote:

I am new on upwork i submitted my proposal from last three month but no one hire me. Can someone provide me guidence to make my  profie and porposal letter better.



The sort of work you are looking for is vastly oversubscribed, and it is unlikely that you will land a job in data entry.


Even though you passed the tests, you need to remove all the "below average" scrores from your profile - and retake the tests until you achieve at least an "above average score".


If you are still studying, I doubt if you could offer a client 30 hours a week. Either your job or your studies will suffer - particularly as you already have a job.


I would suggest that you refine a different set of skills, concentrate on your studies and come back in a couple of years, with a little more experience.


Community Member





1. I have some problem about the completing profile. My profile completed 85% how to get completed 100%.


2. New freelancer I did'nt any job in upwork so please suggest how to add my portfolio im my profile.


3. and more question how to get the job I have a lot of experience in Graphic designing, please help me how to start 

    job in upwork.





Hi Kishankant,


Please, refer to this help article for detailed information about how to complete your profile 100%. You may need to add a few portfolio items, take a few more skill tests and expand your profile overview. Also, make sure you fix grammar errors and capitalize words where appropriate.

~ Valeria



Dear community,


I am here to get any help from you. I am facing profile resubmitting problem about a month. When , I submitted my

profile for the first time after completed my profile 100% then I was requested from upwork to resubmit my profile as there are no available jobs in the upwork marketplace that match with my combination of skills. I tried to improve my skills and profile again and again and getting same message when I resubmit it again. I am sure that still there are some problems regarding my profile but I am not able to find them.


Can you take a look at my profile, please? What correction should I need ? I want to submit the proposals but still I am not able to submit due to this issue.


Here is my profile link:  http://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~012e2a1340aad75692/


Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.



Jharna Khanam

The account holder is not able to communicate with the upwork community and that's why she wanted to help from me to submit this post. Besides, she communicate with support center but did not get any proper help and now support center is not answering her question . Please see jharna khanam profile to fix her problem.


I also added below:


Dear community,


I am here to get any help from you. I am facing profile resubmitting problem about a month. When , I submitted my

profile for the first time after completed my profile 100% then I was requested from upwork to resubmit my profile as there are no available jobs in the upwork marketplace that match with my combination of skills. I tried to improve my skills and profile again and again and getting same message when I resubmit it again. I am sure that still there are some problems regarding my profile but I am not able to find them.


Can you take a look at my profile, please? What correction should I need ? I want to submit the proposals but still I am not able to submit due to this issue.


Here is my profile link:  http://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~012e2a1340aad75692/


Any help from you will be greatly appreciated.



Jharna Khanam

Community Member

I share your frustration.  I have personalized each proposal to match qualities/experience to the client need.  On one proposal, I was so frustrated my cover letter was not getting any responses, I simply said I can do the job and got an interview.  


I use shortened replies now and got my first contract.  So who knows.  Every client is different.  

Not applicable

@Patty N wrote:

I share your frustration.  I have personalized each proposal to match qualities/experience to the client need.  On one proposal, I was so frustrated my cover letter was not getting any responses, I simply said I can do the job and got an interview.  


I use shortened replies now and got my first contract.  So who knows.  Every client is different.  

Change your English language proficiency into "native". At the moment it is only "fluent". 

@Patty N wrote:

I share your frustration.  I have personalized each proposal to match qualities/experience to the client need.  On one proposal, I was so frustrated my cover letter was not getting any responses, I simply said I can do the job and got an interview.  


I use shortened replies now and got my first contract.  So who knows.  Every client is different.  

 Patty, I've thought about doing that.  I often wonder if the clients get put off by a three paragraph proposal.  "I can do it" may suffice.

Community Member



Please, check out my profile and give some suggestions to enhance it. What are the flaws? What are the advantages that should be saved?


I registered on Upwork 2 days ago, made 10 proposals but no one ever has revised my profile (due to Stats).

Hi Mark,


Other colleagues, who are English speakers, they sure tell you something about your presentation.
I only can tell you that your work is very good but there are many people doing the same job. Also that only two days ago that you're here. Be patient because it can cost you a long time to get the first job. Even months.
Keep trying and do not despair. Selects carefully the work you submit proposals. At first, I fear that we all send proposals without measure.
Good luck!

Hi Maria,


thank you for your answer and advices. The one point is not clear for me. You said that English speakers sure told me something about my presentation. What did you mean? Am I right, something is wrong with my English in the video presentation or\and in my profile's description?

No Mark, I didn't want to say that 🙂
What happens is that I am not English speaker and I can not tell you if your presentation is good or not. But do not worry, if there is something wrong, someone will comment on something.

@Maria T wrote:

No Mark, I didn't want to say that 🙂
What happens is that I am not English speaker and I can not tell you if your presentation is good or not. But do not worry, if there is something wrong, someone will comment on something.

Maria, your point is clear for me now. Thank you.

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