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Please, Review My Profile

Hey guys,

this is my first time posting here.
I am on UpWork for a few month now, and it starts to get a little bit momentum.
This week I will breach the 1000 Dollar total earnings. 

However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, how few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.

Could you guys give me a short review of my profile?
What do you like?
What dont you like?
What would you change?

I would appreciate any Feedback!

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Community Member

Thank you. Got it. I need to get to the meat and potatoes a lot quicker.

I say she shall try it for a couple of weeks and see the the results.

Community Member

Dear Community Members,


I am using up-work for almost 3 years, and it starts to get a little bit momentum i just reached 800 Dollar total earnings, However, I am still pretty unsatisfied, because few of my proposals come back with an interview invitation.


Could you guys please review my profile and give me some suggestions?

About my Title?

My Overview?

Or something else which you do as a freelancer?



  1. My proposals are individually tailored.
  2. I provide relevant portfolio samples.

I appreciate all the helpful resources from this community.


Community Member

Hi all! I'm new to the UpWork platform trying to expand my freelance opportunities. I've submitted ~30 proposals in my first few weeks, with no response yet. Also, it seems that no one has discovered my profile. Any advice for my profile to increase my chances of landing that first job? Thanks!

Kim, I tried to PM you this, but you seem to have private messaging switched off, so I hope you see my reply.


Economics isn't my specialty by any means, but I'll just make a few observations.

  • Put one or more writing samples in a portfolio section. You have great credentials, but clients can be jaded or cynical because so many freelancers, especially from Asia, claim advanced degrees.
  • Omit the 3.00 above average score for Economics Fundamentals. No doubt the test was poorly written, but I see nothing to gain by displaying it.
  • Focus on one or two primary skills. Search for both freelancers and job posts, and determine the areas you have expertise in that seem to have the best opportunities, and tailor your profile to target that market segment.

You're a rising talent, and that puts you ahead of the game, so good luck.

"No good deed goes unpunished." -- Clare Boothe Luce

Thanks for your advice! Much appreciated.

Community Member

Hey guys,


I am new to Upwork and would like to get some feedback about my profile (https://www.upwork.com/o/profiles/users/_~0147c139965f892861/)?

What to emphasize, what to remove, what to add, etc.


Thanks in advance!


Vedran Vukusic

Vedran - The client initally only sees the first two lines of your profile and also of your proposal.  Make those count by highlighting your experience and expertise.

Drop the whole basketball thing, which is very cool, but no one is looking for a Bball player on Upwork.  Take some tests.  Create a portfolio, even if you just do some translation project to put on the profile.

Thanks for your help, Mary! Much appreciated Smiley Happy

Community Member


Hello everyone

I have 94 % job success score. When ever i apply for a job i get frustrated because sometime client hire someone with more experienc and sometime with less experience but they donot even view my profile. I apply with reasonable rates and attach good portfolio with application. I donot know reason of that. Can anyone explain what is happening  with me

Community Member

Greetings, fellow freelancers.


Now the reason why im posting in this place for the first time, is that ive been trying to get a job for the past month, i re-started looking after i moved places, now i feel like i get absolute no job at all from the ones i post , and i actually use reasonable prices (even the ones that cant go even lower), but i have a feeling it might be due to my profile or something related to it.


I honestly out of clue as to what to do, i always attach samples for the cover letter to show a bit of how i work and to see if they like it, my only 2 jobs were done without any issue and the last client didnt leave a feedback sadly.


I just want people opinions as to what i can improve, i only do translations from English / Spanish and viceversa.



Ricardo D wrote:

Greetings, fellow freelancers.


Now the reason why im posting in this place for the first time, is that ive been trying to get a job for the past month, i re-started looking after i moved places, now i feel like i get absolute no job at all from the ones i post , and i actually use reasonable prices (even the ones that cant go even lower), but i have a feeling it might be due to my profile or something related to it.


I honestly out of clue as to what to do, i always attach samples for the cover letter to show a bit of how i work and to see if they like it, my only 2 jobs were done without any issue and the last client didnt leave a feedback sadly.


I just want people opinions as to what i can improve, i only do translations from English / Spanish and viceversa.



Your profile is set to private, you need to change the setting for people being able to help. 

Community Member

Hello Upwork Team,


I had recently joined Upwork Team and i had proposed for more than 20 projects , but i can see none of the client has accepted any of the invitations.

As you guys know more about Upwork , can you guys have a check on my profile from Clients perspective and suggest how can i improve.

Please guide me.



Alexsandr K.

Alexsandr K wrote:

Hello Upwork Team,


I had recently joined Upwork Team and i had proposed for more than 20 projects , but i can see none of the client has accepted any of the invitations.

As you guys know more about Upwork , can you guys have a check on my profile from Clients perspective and suggest how can i improve.

Please guide me.



Alexsandr K.

Your profile is set to private, you need to change the setting for people being able to help. 

Community Member

Hi, can someone be so kind to check my profile and give me feed-back on what should be improved? Thank you!

Community Member

the review of my profile is goiing on after 4 days.

The text that shows is (You should hear back within 24 hours. You will be able submit proposals once your profile is approved.)

please sir review my profile.

Shafin K wrote:

the review of my profile is goiing on after 4 days.

The text that shows is (You should hear back within 24 hours. You will be able submit proposals once your profile is approved.)

please sir review my profile.

Your profile is set to private, you need to change the setting for people being able to help. 

Community Member

I am currently working for a client, but now he is not giving me much work. So, I am trying to get work from some other client. I have been submitting proposals here and there. But, I have not received any offers. In past, around 3 months back, I was getting many offers and invites. But i was covered in lots of work at that time, and i had to decline to everyone. Please if possible can anyone with enough knowledge take a look at my profile and suggest me what and where i can improve ?

Community Member

I've been on Upwork for a few months and the only job offers I receive end up being scams.  What do I need to do to get work?  I apply each week to at least 6 jobs that interest me and fit my background.  All I ever get from Upwork is "a job you applied for has been closed" or that I don't have enough Upwork experience.  How can I get experience when I cannot get any jobs?

Michelle Janene J wrote:

I've been on Upwork for a few months and the only job offers I receive end up being scams.  What do I need to do to get work?  I apply each week to at least 6 jobs that interest me and fit my background.  All I ever get from Upwork is "a job you applied for has been closed" or that I don't have enough Upwork experience.  How can I get experience when I cannot get any jobs?

Your profile is set to private, you need to change the setting for people being able to help. 

Community Member

Hi there,


I've been on Upwork for about a month now, sending proposals for jobs I'm capable of doing, haven't heard anything back from anyone yet.


I'm wondering if anyone could give me tips on how to be more apealing to clients?


If you wouldn't mind also, could you check out my profile and let me know where I can improve?


Appreciate it!

Billy P wrote:

Hi there,


I've been on Upwork for about a month now, sending proposals for jobs I'm capable of doing, haven't heard anything back from anyone yet.


I'm wondering if anyone could give me tips on how to be more apealing to clients?


If you wouldn't mind also, could you check out my profile and let me know where I can improve?


Appreciate it!

Your profile is set to private, you need to change the setting for people being able to help. 

Community Member

I would really appreciate if somebody could take a gander at my profile and give me some feedback. I'm brand new to UpWork and having landed any writing/proofreading jobs yet. I know I'm more than capable of doing the work, I just think I'm lacking in the presentation department. Help!

Kirsten A wrote:

I would really appreciate if somebody could take a gander at my profile and give me some feedback. I'm brand new to UpWork and having landed any writing/proofreading jobs yet. I know I'm more than capable of doing the work, I just think I'm lacking in the presentation department. Help!

Your profile is set to private, you need to change the setting for people being able to help. 

Community Member



I am a Top Rated freelancer – graphic designer – with 5 stars reviews, but I am not getting job. My last invitation was two weeks ago. I sent a lot of proposal, but nobody make interview with me. Earlier it was not problem. 


Before that I declined some works, because clients want cheap work. So I didn't work on Upwork for a long time, and Upwork made my profile private. I bought premium, but nothing change. Now I am trying to get one chip work. 


What else can I do?

/I attached my profile, maybe it is help to find the answer./




Community Member

Striving hard to make 90% score got one 4.4 review and  I got no job for a month and then 2 jobs back to back. However when I apply to a job almost get no reply 🙂 What are the tips to grab a job as I have only 88% success score.


Have you ever went through this and then with hardwork you reached 90% score. Do share your tips that can help.

Community Member


I just made a few updates to my Upwork profile. Can someone please give it a quick review and suggest any changes? Thanks



Community Member

Hi all! I know it's a lot topic about this problem, but i can't figure out. 

I have a good start (in my opinion) get my first job few months ago, get my first feedback (5 stars).

But after I submitted around 25-30 jobs and don't get even invitation on interview.

I always write individual cover letter, attached most relevant job from my portfolio (link to my youtube channel) and if I don't have the same projects I create a sample what clients need to attach this with my cover letter. And nothing happens.

I read advice here and start asking some questions in my cover letter about project and this doesnt work too (for this moment).

Maybe you have some advice how I can improve my proposals/profile or something?




Community Member

(Subtitle: Where's the dollars?) Hi folks - been on Upwork a couple of months - lots of proposals - lots of tweaks to my profile - a few nibbles but on the whole I cant get arrested on this site. So take a look - because you have allll the time in the world (;-) and any feedback you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Hey, Larry W, I took a look and in my opinion your profile and portfolio are perfect. In fact, I believe it's top of the tops.


I saw that a month ago you were hesitant about the hourly rate (in that beard thread) so I believe you have taken a decision now. There is a kind of paradox here that I find hard to deal with. On one hand you have tons of experience so you can't be charging few bucks, on the other hand many, if not most, of the clients don't want to hire someone with no experience and no reviews in Upwork, not at a high price. So you are in a very difficult situation. You are a senior designer in the real world but here in Upwork you are a novice, according to the JSS.


Design & Creative is a very crowded area here, but I would say you should focus on those jobs with big budgets only, and under 20 proposals. Be persistent. Once in a while there are clients looking for experts who are willing to pay what an expert means, so keep focus on those and improving your proposals. Sometimes they do give a chance to workers without JSS.

Thanks Sergio:-)


Yeah - vacilating between getting low paying gigs to rack up the hours - but that's not working out so well - but yes - I could be more selective about the higher paying gigs I go for. 

Community Member

Hi Every I'm new to Upwork, or more like I've been new to Upwork for the past 4 months...as I didn't get any answer to my proposals for Bookkeeping projects. I'm not sure whether there is something wrong with my profile....? any help would be highly appreciated!!!  



Muhammad khalid

Dude. You're hijacking my thread.


And you're a bean counter.


This hurts.

Community Member

Hello Upwork,

Can you analyze my profile and see the issue what happen there. I have submitted proposal many clients jobs last month and this month. but not any response about the clients. Can see my profile? what happened my account pls check and let me know.How i can get more job. Pls suggest me.

Naresh K wrote:

Hello Upwork,

Can you analyze my profile and see the issue what happen there. I have submitted proposal many clients jobs last month and this month. but not any response about the clients. Can see my profile? what happened my account pls check and let me know.How i can get more job. Pls suggest me.

I can see your profile. 

You work for varying rates, and your hourly rate is much higher than any you worked for. That does not look good. Set your rate to what you want to charge, and then work for that rate, not more, not less. 

Your feedback is not consistently great, that might work against you. 

Community Member



I am new to upwork, have a solid industry experience to work on big and small projects in Java and Big Data, I have submitted many proposals but not recieving offers, what I am lagging? Is there any way to know why a particular client didn't send me an invite for interview? Feeling demotivated to continue, can someone suggest.




Community Member



I have been active on Upwork for several months but haven't received a reply to any of my proposals. Most of my proposals are human resource related, which I have a strong background, experience, and education in. Has anyone else had this issue? Does anyone know if I can check if my profile is up to par and what could be turning off these clients from replying? Thanks for all of your thoughts and help.

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

Hey folks! how are you doing? 

I just started earning some money from upwork, although took me long amounts of proposals to even get 1 job, but if you view my profile one client who hired me has invited me on additional jobs as well. Problem comes from getting another clients .


I do not even use ready-mate templates for proposals, I used to but then after some research, realized it was getting me nowhere.

so can you give me your opinions that I can work upon (my profile)?

and any additional tips would be helpful.

Ravi K wrote:

Hey folks! how are you doing? 

I just started earning some money from upwork, although took me long amounts of proposals to even get 1 job, but if you view my profile one client who hired me has invited me on additional jobs as well. Problem comes from getting another clients .


I do not even use ready-mate templates for proposals, I used to but then after some research, realized it was getting me nowhere.

so can you give me your opinions that I can work upon (my profile)?

and any additional tips would be helpful.

Your profile looks very good, no complaints. Clearly your proposals are the most important thing to make a potential client click on your profile, but from your overview, I'm sure they are good too. Maybe it's just that competition is huge. 

Ravi K wrote:

Hey folks! how are you doing? 

I just started earning some money from upwork, although took me long amounts of proposals to even get 1 job, but if you view my profile one client who hired me has invited me on additional jobs as well. Problem comes from getting another clients .


I do not even use ready-mate templates for proposals, I used to but then after some research, realized it was getting me nowhere.

so can you give me your opinions that I can work upon (my profile)?

and any additional tips would be helpful.

>Hello! This is Ravi here, a Graphic Designer from Mumbai, India.
Remove this line.  Clients see your name. They see your profession the title. The see your location under your name (which seems to not match with the one in your description)

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