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Please review my profile

Can someone tell me how my profile looks? I have tried my best to make my profile look professional. Can someone tell me what should be improved?

Community Member

This part of your profile is of concern. You offer to provide clients with: "Well Researched Academic Papers."



Thank you for getting back.
Can you please be clearer? I did not quite get what you wanted to say. How is this of concern?
Thank You so much for reviewing my profile.

@ Muhammad S. --  If you write academic papers for students to hand in under their own names, that is academic fraud/outright cheating.

Janean L wrote:

@ Muhammad S. --  If you write academic papers for students to hand in under their own names, that is academic fraud/outright cheating.

To add to Janean's comment - academic fraud is also against TOS and will get you suspended.

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