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Tips for finding that first job

Hi all,


Welcome to the Upwork Community! We know landing that first contract can be challenging, so we built Upwork Academy and threads like this to help you get started. With a lot of resources and so little time, we wanted to put together some recommendations for you to check out first:



Do you have a specific question or maybe a tip to offer? Reply to this post and share your question, advice, or words of inspiration!


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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.


Thank you!


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email me.......


Hello everyone, I have been looking for clients non-stop but have not landed a single client. Would someone advise, please? I don't know what I might be doing wrong.

Community Member

Hey all of you how to get first project on upwork tried many times but nothing works out

Read the terms of service and go through the academy courses.

Community Member

Here is shakeel and trying projects from many days but nothing. Secondly connects are decreasing also bought a availible pkg. need tips and suggestions guys

Community Member

How can I get my first job in this marketplace. I have bid may proposal in my first week. but No job avail yet. Please suggest me to get first job on here.

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No one hire me.

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I just sign up.

I haven't experience in upwork.

What I have to do for the first?

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Friends, I am very happy to be here. I hope to experience pleasant working days

Community Member

Hi everyone

I am new here

Anyone please guide me how to find data entry jobs here... I am Data Entry expert but couldn't find work 



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What are some of the tips and tricks that you use to get virtual assistant and writing jobs?

Community Member

I join up work 8 months ago I have skill python Django Backend but still hesited when sending proposal🤣😍

Hi Khuda,

Thanks for reaching out! I've pulled a few resources that may be helpful to you. Check out these articles to help you create a profile that stands out and improve your profile title and overview. For some great tips on writing proposals that win jobs, check out this article.

Don’t hesitate to visit the  Academy and sign up for upcoming events and webinars to learn more about how you can boost your success on Upwork.

Good luck!

~ AJ
Community Member

As a newcomer to Upwork, I am currently facing challenges in securing my first client. I am considering joining Upwork Plus in the hope that it will improve my situation. There are a couple of points that I would like to discuss:

  1. I am not a proponent of hourly rates. Sometimes, I feel that the rates I display on my profile are too low, and this might give the impression that the quality of my work is also low. However, many projects require hourly rates when submitting an offer. How should I proceed?

  2. I am curious about whether my profile is optimized for maximum effectiveness.

Your rates should be comparable to other lawyers hourly rates in Egypt. Your area is a bit challenging as laws differ between countries so i'm not sure if you can sell your services globally. Someone must need a lawyer in egypt and they have to be outside egypt to use your services. That market may not be so big. 

Actually, I don't offer the common services Egyptian lawyers offer. I am specialized in international law. International contracts, international construction contracts. It is a niche. 

Community Member

How do i get my proposal aroved

Community Member

Hello andrea gl , this is aminu, a newly joyed freelancer. I could not get any jobs yet and I think you’re more experienced than I so can you please help.

Community Member

😉Hello everyone))

Please tell  us how did you get your first order, how long did the search last.

Thanks in advance for your reply

Community Member

How can I get my first offer job, I have no experience in any of these

Look at the top of the page for the main article written by Andrea. Click on all the links to learn.

Community Member

hey buddies anyone is here who can guide me where i can find costomers and job work because hereby is nothing from which i can understand where i can find clients etc??????????? 

Community Member

Hi there 

I am new here and using upwork platform to provide tutuoring service to the students living in different part of the world

I have submitted many proposal to the client but unable to get any orders . Actually I want to attach with a client through upwork who provides tutoring services to the student is his country. Can anyone guide me about it. It will be very helpful for me 


The only way to work with clients through Upwork is by submitting proposals. Competition is fierce on Upwork, so receiving invites or getting jobs after proposal submission is a challenge--even for some Top-Rated and Top-Rated Plus freelancers.


You may want to join the Upwork Engineering Group to collaborate with other freelancers, some of which are in mathematics, engineering and electronics fields.

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Hi I'm Angel I'm new on here but I don't understand much I'm not seeing any jobs 


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Yes it Was My first Experience 


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i can do data entry

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i want to find a job and work i have a few debts and i couldn't pay my rent this month! please help mE
Community Member

Hi, my Name is Tsegay Alemayehu,New for upwork community.

I don't have past Experience,how could i get as a fresh freelancer?

Community Member

How can i attract clients

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Hello everyone 

My name is Mohsin i has no job on upwork but i am  struggling 

Community Member

I am new in this marketplace, what can I do, someone tells me but I am an expert on Facebook ads, what can I do to get jobs and orders and what should I avoid please tell me.

Might want to check the Academy courses. On your way there, make sure to read the Terms of Service.

Community Member


1. Be a skilled professional.

2. Have a well-written profile.

3. Write good proposals.

4. Profit.

Community Member


Unfortunately, I didn't earn a single dollar on upwork I guess that is why my profile goes to private. Now how I can change It to the public? Can anyone help me there?

I can not afford any membership right now please give me a free solution. 
Thanks for your consideration and your time.

Community Member

As a new Upwork user, there are several fundamental steps you must take to begin securing job opportunities on the platform. These include composing job proposals to bid on projects, uploading your portfolio and past work, and ensuring your account is fully completed

Community Member

To get hired as freelancer we will need to share tips here firstly be active and apply for jobs contantlly that suits you. 

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