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Tips for finding that first job

Hi all,


Welcome to the Upwork Community! We know landing that first contract can be challenging, so we built Upwork Academy and threads like this to help you get started. With a lot of resources and so little time, we wanted to put together some recommendations for you to check out first:



Do you have a specific question or maybe a tip to offer? Reply to this post and share your question, advice, or words of inspiration!


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Hello everyone, is anyone experiencing the same? I even someone contacted me but turns out to be a scammer, this is my second encounter using upwork. I really hope they will get lessen ;(


Attached file is one of my photorealistic rendering projects, but this is outside upwork 😞

I feel like even I have a great skills I am having problem of getting new clients in upwork.  

Community Member

please help me get a job please please

Hi Yosef,


On Upwork, your profile is a critical tool to your success. It is a great way to demonstrate your skills and experience. Leveraging it to its full potential may help you differentiate yourself from other freelancers and improve the likelihood of getting hired. Here are some of the items successful freelancers incorporate into their profiles below:
  • Build your profile: This is your chance to showcase your skills and experience to potential clients. Complete your profile, including your work history, education, and a description of your services.
  • Build a strong portfolio: Your portfolio may help impress potential clients with real-life examples of your skills and expertise. Add any projects you’ve completed in the past to help you showcase your skills.
  • Network with clients: Establish good relationships by delivering quality work on time and communicating effectively. This can help you secure repeat business and new opportunities in the future.
  • Bid on projects: When you find a project you're interested in, submit a proposal outlining why you're the best candidate for the job. Make sure to tailor your proposal to the specific project and client.
Still need to figure out where to begin on Upwork? These resources can point you in the right direction:
With these steps, you'll be on your way to success.
Good luck!
~ Joanne
Community Member

Hi! I've been on upwork for more than 4 years now and this is my first time to join a group and trying to utilize it's capabilites to garner more clients and get advices from fellow professionals here.



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hello Andrea, can you kindly look at my profile.


Community Member

I've been trying to find jobs on Upwork that match my skills, but I'm not getting any invites. It's been a few days, and I see many jobs that fit what I can do. However, I'm facing a big challenge: I have very few connects left, and applying to just one or two jobs could use them all up. So now, I've stopped spending my connects and am waiting for invites instead. It's tough seeing jobs with over 50 proposals already; it feels like I'm wasting my time without enough connects to even try.


I'm feeling the same. It's been a few weeks now, I've applied to lots of jobs, spending money to buy connects, but my proposals are not even getting viewed. (I think 2 in 10 were actually viewed, 1 person got in touch and it happened to be a scam) it's all seeming like a waste of time right now. 

I'm also facing the same challenge.I got 1 invite and it happened to be a scam, now I don't trust those jobs posted.

Community Member

Hi! I´m new in Upwork, can someone check my profile and tell me if there´s any adjustment I should make? Thanks!


I think your profile is actually pretty terrific. If I were you, I would look around Upwork and try to find profiles of other virtual assistants and find some with high earnings and solid reviews. Try to see what they are doing and get some ideas from them. 

I review a ton of profiles and your write up is solid enough. It has to be friendly, confident and prove you are an expert. If you're lucky, it also should show that you are different from the rest of the pack. By highlighting your background in psychology, you are clearly different from the average virtual assistant. So, you've pretty much covered everything. 

While you look around, choose a rate that is above the middle. If you put a low rate down, clients will think that's all you are worth. The rate you put down does not dictate what you get on any job. But it does show whether you are confident or not -- and being confident in yourself is key. If you aren't sure of yourself, your clients won't be either.

So make sure your rate isn't low or even in the middle. A little higher than the middle is a good place to start. 

Good luck.

Okz i will see your profile

Community Member

How soon can we start working and earning?

Community Member

hi guys i'm new here and i passed last 3 months searching about a job without ay result any help ?


The No. 1 trick to being a freelancer is to be an expert in your field before you decide to try to do it alone.


Business writer Malcolm Gladwell, to pick one so-called authority on the subject, says it takes 10,000 hours of intense practice to reach the top of your game in any given endeavor, whether it's creatinge websites, playing golf,  or working as an illustrator, a bookkeeper or a life coach -- or anything else.

If you had practiced your craft for 10,000 hours before you jumped into a freelance venture you would have learned enough about the marketplace and  your strengths in it to plunk yourself on Upwork and not have to ask rookie questions. You would know, generally, how long it takes to establish yourself in your field and you would know exactly what the clients want to hear from you to make yourself stand out.


You can't cheat Mother Nature. Either you're an expert in your field and earned your status as a freelancer or you don't know your craft, your clients or the maket well enough. So, the tougn answer is study your craft, your clients and the market  you are in until you know 1) exactly what you are  doing and 2) exactly what your clients want to hear from you. 




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I want to know how to increase the impression of the project. According to your guidelines, I have published a project but no view.

Community Member

Kindly guide me how could i got first job on upwork, i am new to upwork

Welcome Ali,

Here are some steps you can take.

1. Complete Your Profile:
Ensure that your Upwork profile is complete and reflects your skills, experiences, and expertise accurately. Use a professional profile picture and write a compelling and concise overview highlighting your strengths and the value you can offer to clients.

2. Select a Niche:

Identify a specific niche or skill set that you excel in and focus on that. Clients are more likely to hire freelancers who specialize in a particular area rather than those who offer a broad range of services.


3. Build Your Portfolio:

Even if you're new to Upwork, you can showcase your skills through a portfolio. Include samples of your previous work or create new ones to demonstrate your abilities to potential clients.


4. Start with Lower Rates:

As a new freelancer, consider starting with lower rates to attract clients and build your reputation on the platform. Once you have established yourself and received positive reviews, you can gradually increase your rates.


5. Apply to Jobs Strategically:

Browse through job listings on Upwork and apply to those that match your skills and expertise. Personalize your proposals for each job and highlight how you can solve the client's specific needs. Also, don't forget to use the job search filters.


6. Write Compelling Proposals:
Craft well-written proposals that address the client's requirements and demonstrate your understanding of their project. Showcase your relevant experience and explain how you can add value to their project.


7. Be Responsive and Professional:

Respond promptly to messages from clients and demonstrate professionalism in all your interactions. Clear communication and reliability are key factors in building trust with clients.


8. Request Feedback:

After completing a job, politely request feedback from the client. Positive reviews and ratings can significantly improve your chances of landing future projects.


9. Stay Persistent and Patient:

Landing your first job on Upwork may take some time, so don't get discouraged. Stay persistent, continue applying to jobs, and refine your approach based on feedback and experience.


10. Utilize Upwork Resources:

Take advantage of Upwork's resources, such as tutorials, webinars, and community forums, to learn best practices and improve your freelancing skills.


By following these steps and staying proactive, you can increase your chances of securing your first job on Upwork and building a successful freelancing career.

Wishing you all the best

Great insights Saima

Community Member

I need help with the proper use of Connects. With such a limited monthly quantity, I refrain from applying to job proposals that interest me but I don't want to lose Connects for future proposals that might also interest me. How do you handle this?

Community Member

Thank you for the tips. If I manage to get at least one offer I'll be glad.

Community Member

how can i get my first client ?

Upwork is a very competitive place and getting the first client is always a challenge. I started on Upwork 1-month back and I applied to suitable projects regularly clearly defining my capabilities. That worked for me to get the initial clients.

Community Member

Looking for tips on how to get my first client using Upwork. 

Community Member

Have you taken advantage of all the topics and help for new users?


Really, $750/hour?


Your profile is almost non-existent. Do some reading and remake it before even continuing. This may seem harsh, but the profile needs work.

Community Member

Sure about your hourly rate?

Community Member

Is it possible for Upwork to help a freelancer who is struggling to find a job? I don't know if it's possible but I'm left out staring at my profile and log-in every day to my Upwork account hoping for a miracle. I lost all of my connects, again and again applying for jobs. Honestly, availability is the only thing I'm hoping for. That's why I'm online for almost 24 hours 7 days a week. I can't afford to buy any more connects because I have not landed any job so far to pay extra to buy connects. Idk, maybe Upwork could read this and might bless me with a job... 

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Hi! I'm Jocel. I'm learning Video Editing, from Philippines.


Hope to learn and love to hear from others how to attract clients. By the way this is my first time here in upwork. I hope you can advice me on how to be succesful here. Thank you so much. Feel free to contact me.

Community Member

hello am new year looking for work


I am new to upwork because i am in search of job if someone can or customer
support can help me please provide me a instruction to get easy task in
Community Member

Thanks so much Andrea. I am here to get added skills through your trainings. I have good team spirit, good communication skill, strong leadership skills and have good customer management experience and skills

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Hello every one my name is Esrael Getachew from Ethiopia. I can translate English-Amharic,English-Oromic,English-chinese. Please i am beginner what cab you help me to get my first job?

Community Member

Hi everyone,


I'm new to Upwork and still figuring out how to get hired. One thing that bothers me a lot is seeing freelancers saying that they are sending multiple proposals each day to get noticed. How is that even possible if the connects are limited? Or do clients approach them directly? I haven't received any responses since becoming active here. Any clarification on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi I'm Daniel, I'm a Graphics and Web Design Specialist. I figured I could use my skills here in upwork and get new clients to get to work with me in this space. I hope I get my first client soon.

Community Member

Hello everyone ! A few hours ago I created an account on Upwork and I already completed my profile, at least with the basic information.
I would like to know how I can start applying for jobs. The thing is, I have 0 connects for nowand I had understood that I would have 8 per month. Does it take time to load? 


On the other hand, I don't have much verifiable experience, therefore I don't have material to make a portfolio yet, does that boder me in the search?

Community Member

hello freelancers 

does any one of you have any tips how to find jobs here

Send a proposal?

you trying to be funny ?

Jobs are there and proposal are being sent, its, just that the clients are picky to whom they want to reward the contract and they take their own time to do so. We need to be patient. If anything Upwork has taught me, it is patience. 

thank you I will be patient

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