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finishing a job

can't find any help and this is taking hours.  I can't finish or complete the job as it was just completed May 26.

I can't get my bank to verify payment and now am blocked.  there is NO real person to contact.  Just forums and robots.

Community Member

Rose H wrote:

can't find any help and this is taking hours.  I can't finish or complete the job as it was just completed May 26.

I can't get my bank to verify payment and now am blocked.  there is NO real person to contact.  Just forums and robots.

I'm a real person, but very confused.

What do you mean complete or finish? What upwork procedure are you talking about? Who blocked you? Why do you need to verify your bank when you are the recipient of money, not the one that pays?

Did you by any chance accept a check payment from a client?

Edit: You did accept a check and are waiting for it to clear, right.... and the client blocked you? 

Community Member

My client is saying I need to complete the job in order for them to pay me.  I cannot find how to do this, nor get any fast help.  I am also being blocked on bank verification.  When I put in $2.00 or $8.00 for each payment it says its incorrect so my bank is not verified.  So now my client is waiting.

If it's an hourly contract, the client will be billed automatically and you need to do nothing.  If it's fixed price, use the "submit" button to send the final product to your client.  Done and done.

Rose Hodges [image: Attachments]10:46 AM (0 minutes ago)
How? There is no submit button. see attachments You don't really give
instructions on navigating

instructions on how to navigate. Your site is very complex. see

Rose H wrote:
Rose Hodges [image: Attachments]10:46 AM (0 minutes ago)
How? There is no submit button. see attachments You don't really give
instructions on navigating

instructions on how to navigate. Your site is very complex. see

There's an s-load of instructions how to use the site, they just need to be read.

Have you been hired? Have you clicked accept on an offer? Do you see a job in your my jobs list?

If the answer to any of the above is no, you will not get paid. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Rose,


You can check your Pending tab in order to confirm the status of your payments. Please check the Weekly Billing Cycle article for more information about the schedule to release hourly payments.


One of our team members will reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you with your payment method verification process. 


Thank you!

~ Bojan

Rose, your profile doesn't show any jobs.  Did the client send you a contract through Upwork that you then accepted?  If not, you were never hired.

Rose H wrote:

My client is saying I need to complete the job in order for them to pay me.  I cannot find how to do this, nor get any fast help.  I am also being blocked on bank verification.  When I put in $2.00 or $8.00 for each payment it says its incorrect so my bank is not verified.  So now my client is waiting.

(Yes you need to complete a job to get paid.)

Your client is wrong. I'm assuming it's a fixed price job (if you have been hired), so in order for you to get paid, you would normally click the submit for payment button. But you don't need to do this if your client is eager to pay you, he can simply approve the milestone before you even submit it. 

You are a freelancer, right? You don't need to verify your bank account or payment method, that is something that clients need to do. 

Is it possible that this client is taking advantage of your inexperience and confusion?

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