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An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

An Error Occurred: Internal Server Error

Hi We can't complete your request now

Please try again later. 
To report this problem, click here.

For availability updates, visit our site status page.

Error 500 (A)
Trace ID: 73c4511ceed0a3ee-SEA

Please fix this error as soon as possible.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Preeti and Dear Members,


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this current site issue may have caused you. Rest assured that our team is working on fixing them as quickly as possible.  Could you please try again later? You can always check this page for the recent status. We would appreciate your patience and cooperation while sorting this out for you. Thank you!

Update: this issue has been resolved and we'll be closing this thread from further replies. 


~ Arjay

View solution in original post

Community Member

I signed up with an email and password etc.

I clicked on the link from my email to verify. The message came up to redirect me afterwards and all I get is this message: we can't complete your request now.


It won't let me register or login.

Community Member


I have the same problem. Your access to Upwork has been restricted  !!

Could someone help me please?

thank you

Community Member

EA6935B3-389D-4460-A19E-B6B8B28FCDC0.pngIt withdrew a proposal I was making when it timed out due to higher than usual volume of traffic. Seven connects gone. So many freelancers the site can't even run.

No problems here; there's no such thing as too much growth. /s

Community Member

My client is facing issue with adding/approving milestone.


He is getting below error. Please help.


"There was an error loading this page: error [73c45582db5f005b-LHR, 73c45582db-LHR]. Contact Upwork Support for more information."


Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Preeti and Dear Members,


We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this current site issue may have caused you. Rest assured that our team is working on fixing them as quickly as possible.  Could you please try again later? You can always check this page for the recent status. We would appreciate your patience and cooperation while sorting this out for you. Thank you!

Update: this issue has been resolved and we'll be closing this thread from further replies. 


~ Arjay
Community Member



I have this error

Community Member

There was an error saving the job: error [73c4bf44bbe12233-SEA, 73c4bf44bbe12233-SEA]. Contact Upwork Support for more information.

I am also encountering this error - will advise if resolved.

Community Member

I am encountering the same problem whenever I access the project dashboard. Please help me in resolving this issue. Just created the account like two days ago.

Community Member

Hello I just received my first payment on my upwork account but when I try to send it to my bank it says this error 73c4b9f328cfa793-SEA, 73c4b9f328cfa793-SEA

Community Member

Hello, I've been facing this issue as well. It states "Your access to Upwork has been restricted"what can I do ?

Community Member

Hi - I am still encountering the same issue a day later after clearing my cache and cookies a second time. Attached is a screenshot. Thanks ArjayProposals 2022-08-17 at 2.41.09 PM.jpg

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Deepak,


We apologize for the inconvenience and we appreciate you confirming the error. We're currently experiencing a site issue. Could you please try again later? You can always check this page for the recent status. We would appreciate your patience and cooperation while sorting this out for you. Thank you!


~ Arjay
Community Member

I am facing the same issue . I've updated my full address in the tax information .

Community Member


i dont whats the reason for this but evreything seems fine in the reso of the site 

Community Member

Why ?

Community Member

I fill out all information, including a cover letter, and then it says it can't submit my proposal due to my full address not being input. Well, there is NOWHERE on the page to input my full address, and my full address IS in my profile. What's the problem? 

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