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Client Time Zone

I'm noticing some strange information on some client listings. 

Maybe it's nothing but I'm more curious if anything.

Every now and then I'll see a listing that says it's in the US but the time is actually 12 hours different. 

My initial thought is to ignore this post but I don't want to miss out on a job because I'm uninformed.

I just grabbed these images and I'm pretty sure these are not accurate.


<<<Why is my concern being FLAT OUT IGNORED!>>>

Community Member

How can it be 1:52 AM in Phoenix when it's 1:52 PM in South Florida??!!

Community Member

I'm having the same issues as well, got australian and US client. australia timezone now should be 6:42pm but it appears its 9:42am. Can upwork fix this issue please?

Hi Maria,


Thank you for reaching out. I appreciate your message and understand your concern. It’s important to note that both the United States and Australia span multiple time zones, and the specific timezone can vary based on the client’s exact location. To ensure accurate scheduling, I recommend checking with your client about their precise timezone.


- Pradeep


You missed my point here, please check this one client of mine timezone, it should be 8:00++PM how come its 11am in australia.. likewise with my US client, her timezone shown is incorrect. It's just this morning i've notice the changes of incorrect timezone. 

Thank you for sharing the screenshot, Maria. I was able to trace the client you are referring to and this is what I see at my end. You can also locate the time at your client's location on the right side of your Messages as seen here


- Pradeep


why does it appeared different time on my part? I'm confused. It's contradicting, it should be +2 from my PHT timezone. 

I'm sorry about the confusion, Maria. I see that you've raised a ticket regarding your concern; the Customer Support team will be contacting you via this support ticket to assist you further with this. 

~ Luiggi
Community Member

So the mismatched timezone and location is an Upwork bug and not the client trying to hide where they are really located?

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