» Forums » Support » Verification E-mail not received
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Email verification failed!

Hello, i'm not able to verify my email.
The link of the verification mail is not working, landing to a page with a message.
I have tried two/three times with email resend but no luck.


Email verification failed!

Please make sure that you have copied and pasted the entire URL from your email in your browser.
If you are still having trouble verifying your email contact customer support.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Muhammad,


If you need help verifying your email, we’ll need to ask you to confirm some private account details in order to help you. At Upwork, protecting your privacy is our priority. With this in mind, it would be best if you reach out directly to our support team so they can assist you within a private and secure channel of communication. 


How do I reach a human in customer support?


  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the ‘Chat with Upwork' button.
  2. Type a question or topic and select ‘Send’. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.

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469 REPLIES 469

Thanks Nikola and Andrea, verification email came through this time. Best Regards

Community Member

Hi Everyone,


Have registered, but not receiving a verification email. Tried loads of times, including checking spam box, tried after an hour, then another hour, still no luck.


Please could someone at Upwork help verify my acount.


Many thanks

Hi Richard,


Someone from our team will reach out to you via support ticket in order to assist you further. You can access your ticket from the notification sent to your email address and also here.



Community Member

Hello! I am a sports dietitian and I am trying to set up my account but I haven't received the email from Upwork that would allow me to confirm my account and start using it. I've also checked all the folders, including spam.


PS. I want to use my business email, insted of the gmail, but it seems that the confirmation only arrives to the gmail (if I choose the gmail).


Please let me know how to deal with this! 

Hi Foteini,


I checked and the confirmation email was sent to your email successfully. Make sure you’ve entered the email address correctly and lastly use the option to change the email address you provided if you are still having issues. Afterwards, please resend the email one more time, check your inbox and spam folder, check the settings for your email provider and make sure emails from Upwork aren’t being blocked. 


Let us know if you received the confirmation email.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member

I have signed in for the Upwork account, but still I have not received verification e-mail and can not create my profile. Please guide what to do?

Hello Muhammad,


I'll have one of our customer support agents reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further.


Thank you.

Pradeep H.

Community Member

Hi, i have just created anaccount with Upwork and I am stuck at the verification of my email step because I am not recieving any verification mails. I've tried to change to another email as well but there is just no mail at all. I have tried for hours on end but even after requesting multiple resends, there is still no mail.


I've checked the junk folder and the spam folder and contact Gmail support too, and they tell me the mail never reached their servers. 

Community Member

I am unable to vefiry my email address. Kindly help me as I have checked my Junk/spam folders as well

Hi Shahnawaz,


It looks like you were able to verify your email address. Feel free to reach back to us if you need any further assistance.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member

I've made an account with Upwork and I am stuck at the verification of my email step because I am not receiving any verification mails. I've tried for hours on end, but even after requesting multiple re-sends, the mail just won't come.  I've checked the junk folder and the spam folder and contact Google suite support too, and they tell me the mail never reached their servers.  My mail is working as it my professional email and receiving emails daily. Can somebody help me resolve this issue please!
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Jalil,


One of our team members will reach out to you directly via email to assist you with your verification process. 


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member

I was making an account, then I needed to verify my email, but I never received it. I resent it several times, checked literally all my mail folders, double checked the mail, but I never got the mail. Can anyone help?

Hi Jachym,


We checked and the confirmation email was sent to your email successfully. Make sure you’ve entered the email address correctly and lastly use the option to change the email address you provided if you are still having issues. Afterwards, please resend the email one more time, check your inbox and spam folder, check the settings for your email provider and make sure emails from Upwork aren’t being blocked. 


Let us know if you received the confirmation email.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member

I've made an account with Upwork and I am stuck at the verification of my email step because I am not receiving any verification mails. I've tried for hours on end, the mail just won't come. 

I've checked the junk folder and the spam folder and contact Gmail support too, and they tell me the mail never reached their servers. 

Can anyone help me resolve this issue, please!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Ilma,


Could you please resend the email one more time? Let us know if you received the confirmation email.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member

Hi there!

I am having the same issue and have tried everything everyone has listed to no avail. Would someone be able to help me out?




Hi Quinn,


I checked and it looks like your current email address is verified. Could you please confirm if you're trying to update it?


Community Member

verify my email please, email verify failed

Hi Frank,


Your email address is verified and you can post your job once you're ready. If you have any additional questions, feel free to follow up here. Thank you.

~ Goran
Community Member

Hi there,
I just create my upwork account but i am not receiving email to verify my account.
Please help me to do this.
Thank you

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Muhammad,


I checked and it looks like your email has been verified, could you please confirm if you continue to experience any issues?


Community Member

I just started making an Upwork account and am now trying to verify the email address. However, the verification email isn't coming through. I've clicked the button to resend several times, and I'm sure the email address is correct. What should I do?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Brigid,

Someone from our team will reach out to you via support ticket in order to assist you further.

Community Member

Hi there,


I have tried to send / resend / checked the spam and everything. Can't get to receive the verification email. I have even created new accounts.


Please can you advise.



Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Felipe,


I checked and it looks like your email address is verified. If you need any further assistance please let us know!


Community Member

Hello, I'm not getting any verification email and have tried repeatedly for a number of days. I would appreciate any help. Thank you.

Hi Tian,

You can contact support for that isuue.

Hi Tianxiang,


Could you please try again and let me know if you received the email this time?

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

It says I've reached the limit. I'll try again in another hour.

It worked. Thanks for the assistance!

Community Member

I've verified my email and when I do it again, it says my email has already been verified. But I'm still getting the message that I need to verify my email and can't do anything on the site. Please help

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Nancy,


Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to check if you’re still experiencing the same issue?


Let us know if the issue persists.


Thank you.

~ Bojan
Community Member

Hi! I'm currently trying to sign up for upwork as a freelancer but for some odd reason the verification doesn't seem to be working correctly. This the screen I'm taken too when I click the button sent to me in the verification email. The red explaiton point appears when I click to resend resend the verification email so I can't even try to have a new verification email sent. I've also tried opening it up in a incognito window. 


I would really appreicate any assticance with this. Thank you!


- Johan


**Edited for community guidelines**

Hi Johan,


Looks like you were able to verify your email successfully. Feel free to reach back to us if you need any further assistance.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
Community Member



I have been trying to verify my email and have been getting nowhere fast. I click the "verify email" button in my email which brings me to a new page that tells my that my email verification has failed, from there I have tried to resend a new verification to my email (multiple times) and never recieved and understand that each time is a new ticket and each time the others expire, at least thats how my understanding of how things go. There are no physical urls in the email to copy and past ein the email to do it that way so im at a dead end and not sure what to do at this point. Any help helps. Thank you. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Angeliqua,


Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser to check if you’re still experiencing the same issue?


Let us know if the issue persists.


Thank you.

~ Bojan

Thank you for the reply, 


I had done that before I checked the response and did not see a result but decided to give it a few hours and it seemed to do the trick. 


Appreciate your time. 

Community Member

I have been trying to sign up for a few days now, and am not receiving the verification email. It is not in the junk mail folder. After searching in this forum, I see that others have had this issue as well. If someone could please reach out and help me resolve this so I could set up my profile, I would appreciate it. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Gil,


We checked and the confirmation email was sent to your email successfully. Make sure you’ve entered the email address correctly and lastly use the option to change the email address you provided if you are still having issues. Afterwards, Please resend the email one more time, check your inbox and spam folder, check the settings for your email provider and make sure emails from Upwork aren’t being blocked. 


Let us know if you received the confirmation email.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan
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