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Leaving Feedback for a completed contract - Page wont stop "Saving"

On my contracts tab, I have a completed contract I want to leave feedback for.


When I enter in my desired feedback and press "End Contract"



It just gets stuck on saving.


Obviously, a completed contract has already ended. There's probably some type of error going on here, but regardless, they have left me feedback and I want to be able to leave them feedback, too.




Hi All,


I am following up on this thread to let you know that this issue has been resolved and we'll be closing this thread from further replies. 


Thank you for reaching out to us and sharing your reports. We appreciate your patience.

~ Nikola

View solution in original post


Hi David,


Thank you for your message. I am unable to replicate the issue while saving feedback. Could you please try again after clearing Cookies and Cache on your browser? You can also try using a different browser. Feel free to message us if problems persist.


Thank you





This did not work. Cookies and Cache have been cleared, and both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge have been used with the same result. 


The "Get Support" button at the bottom right - I'm assuming is how I would message you - would not take a long message, and could not connect me with a person. I've searched for a way to contact UpWork, but unfortunately have found an utter lack of transparency when it comes to support contact information. Please let me know if you have a more direct way to communicate.


I am receiving this page without the stars to rate and when I press save it's keep loading and doesn't finish and when I tried to track it from the network



Hi Karim and David,


I’ve escalated your account information to our support team. One of our agents will reach out to you directly via support tickets to assist you with this issue.


Thank you! 

~ Bojan



I am having the same problem, I've been trying to leave feedback for a couple of days now but the page is unresponsive, it says "Saving" and never moves from there. I'd very much appreciate your help. 



It just worked with Safari. Sorted. 


I had a client recently close a contract once it was completed, however when I try to "End Contract" and leave Private feedback, clicking the "End Contract" button just sits there loading. I also don't see the "public feedback" box that I normally see.


Community Member

Nathan A wrote:

I had a client recently close a contract once it was completed, however when I try to "End Contract" and leave Private feedback, clicking the "End Contract" button just sits there loading.

If a client closed a contract, you can't also close it. Only one party can close a contract.

Community Member

That's what I thought, but that's the only option I am given. 


The client closed the contract, and when I go to leave feedback I am only seeing a "End contract" and private feedback options. If I click "End contract" it just sits there "Saving" forever

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Nathan, 

I merged your post to this main thread. This is a known bug, and the team is resolving it. We'll make sure to update this thread once the issue is resolved. 

I appreciate your understanding. 

~ Avery
Community Member

Thank you Avery. I'm just wondering if there is an estimate when we can expect this to be fixed? The contract was closed a couple days ago, meaning I probably have around 10 days left to leave my feedback or I will be left without leaving feedback (which I think can be rude)

Community Member


I am facing Same problem please help

David if you goto the "Support" page first, then hit the "Get Support" it should send you into a live chat with a real person 

Community Member

My upwork contract is already ended but I'm not able to give the feedback to client. It's happeining on multiple contracts.


Hi Mohammad,

Could you please try clearing your cache and cookies or logging in with a different browser to see if the issue persists?



Hi Andrea,

I've tried it with different browsers but still the same issue.


Any help would be appreciated.



Thanks for following up, Mohammad. I can see you were able to submit a support ticket with our team regarding this. Please allow some time for our team to review and they will update you directly via ticket as soon as possible.



Thanks for responding, but I don't see any open tickets?

Any help on this matter would be appreciated.

Community Member

Capture.PNGI have two contracts that are completed and ended by the clients. When I click on to give feedback to ended contract, I got this popped up and Upwork again asks me to end the contract (While the contract is already ended). And still, After selecting relevant options I click on the save button below and it shows saving, and even after 1 hour, It still the same. 


I have tried it via changing browsers, clearing cache/cookies, try using incognito, and whatnot. 


But still no success. 


I want to leave the feedback, so I can see client feedback and get feedback to appear on my profile. 




Hi Afzaal,


Could you try to clear your cache and cookies or log in via another browser to leave feedback for your client? If you're still experiencing the same problem after this, let me know. Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran,


As I mentioned, I do have cleared cache and cookies and tried another browser to leave feedback. And still experiencing the same problem

Hi Afzaal,

I'm not sure how I missed that part but thanks for pointing it out. Our team will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and will assist you further. Thank you.

~ Goran
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